Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
i don't know what i should do exactly. probably search a volunteer for moderating the pd-announce list...
I think the easy way to deal with it is make it members only, with no moderator. No perfect, but you have better things to do.
i don't see a reason for pd-list, pd-dev, pd-ot, pd-cvs and gem-dev to allow non-members to post. however, i do feel that pd-announce is often fit for postings that originate from non-members (like e.g. the final call for DAfx). then announcements are often time critical (like "deadline today!") - having to go through the subscription process (which itself only takes a couple of minutes, but you have to find the time for it) might slow this down to make announcements outdated before they even appear - otoh, a moderation process (for each non-subscribed mail) will take a lot more time than that and it does not guarantee at all that announcments will be in time...
furthermore, people who _are_ subscribed sometimes post from non-subscribed email addresses: i enforce them to use multiple email addresses on lists that allow discussion (non-announcement lists), because else it would lead to neverending pending moderator requests. however on the pd-announce i feel that this is an overhead. (but hey! moderation is an overhead too...)
so anyhow, there is no real necessity to not-restrict any list to members only; if it is common sense that _all_ lists are members only i am content with it. i just thought it would be "a service"
mfg.asdr. IOhannes