Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Both above scripts work for me, I think the problem lies elsewhere.
which shell are you using? bash? tcsh? something else?? have you tested on linux or osX?
quotes mean literal, so no expansion of variables is done. Quotes inside of quotes are just characters, only the outer most count (AFAIK).
echo '$VAR' prints: $VAR echo "$VAR" prints: test echo '"$VAR"' prints: "$VAR" echo "'$VAR'" prints: 'test'
If that helps at all. You might want to try sticking with only " and escaping the ones inside:
echo ""$VAR"" prints: "test"
unfortunately (since it doesn't help me here), i know all this. the problem -as i see it- is, that my quotes somehow destroy the atomic structure of the enquoted stuff.
e.g. i do: <snip> pd -send "pd quit" </snip> pd now gets 2 args '-send' and 'pd quit'. the '-send' tells pd that the next arg will be a message to shout. the message 'pd quit' is then sent (and received by 'pd')
however, when i do <snip> OPTIONS="-send "pd quit"" pd ${OPTIONS} </snip>
here it seems that pd gets 3(!) args '-send', '"pd' and 'quit"'. pd therefore shouts and empty message to the receiver '"pd' and then tries to open (since it is a non-flagged argument) the patch 'quit"'. of course there is no receiver '"pd' and no patch 'quit"'.
i'm still stupified...
mfg.asdr. IOhannes