blogging is like ever thinking you're the center of the world ....
spam all blogs with your worst carp, that's gooooodddd
saludos, sevy
Kyle Klipowicz wrote:
You are correct, I didn't take time to even look at the site, but thought it was similar to some other mailing list aggregators I've seen. It has no benefit whatsoever.
Sorry for not examining more closely before responding!
On 1/24/07, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I don't mean to be annoying or anything, but I don't understand the problem here. What harm is done if a public list like this is archived in other formats? Anyone can subscribe, the archives are freely searchable and downloadable on the site. I am having a hard time seeing any violation of privacy if someone mirrors the public archive.
I think, posting pd-list mails to a blog site is something different from the official (iem) and semi-official (, gmane) archives.
Did you take a look at the respective blogger site? Did you read the comments? It's pure blogspam, which is riding piggyback on content generated by the pd community. This definitely is not a context I would want my texts to appear, so I'm glad IOhannes brough this up again and finally suspended what I consider exploitation of the pd-list.
Plus: is not even taking the small anti-spam measurements gmane uses: You can find verbatim email addresses in the blog entries, whereas gmane at least semi-hides it with <at>.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
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