\/\ there was once a velveteen rabbit and in the beginning he was
really splendid. he was fat and bunchy as a rabbit should be;
his coat was spotted brown and white, he had real thread whiskers
and his ears were lined with pink sateen.
on christmas morning when he sat in the top of the boy's stocking
with a sprig of holly between his paws, the effect was charming.
.... the rabbit could not claim to be a model of anything for
he did not know that real rabbits existed.
.... "what is real?" asked the rabbit one day. "does it mean having
things that buzz inside you and a stick out handle?"
"real isn't how you are made" said the skin horse.
"it's a thing that happens to you. when a child loves you for a
long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you
then you become REAL.
"does it hurt?" asked the rabbit.
"sometimes" said the skin horse for he was always truthful.
"... when you are REAL you do not mind being hurt"
kontinued at siggraph. evidament. + possibly else where.
nn - 01 toy [clamoring for attention]
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
n r . 5 !!! http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
>it was a lovely time
>+ tak.
mr.garett typed
>Hello Anna,
>It has just dawned on me that you are part of a group who are corrupting
>freedom via a product, programme.
dear mr.garett [you can read between letters as well as lines yes +?]
nn would like to read to you a story. [just you]
are you comfortable +?
\/\ there was once a velveteen rabbit and in the beginning he was
really splendid. he was fat and bunchy as a rabbit should be;
his coat was spotted brown and white, he had real thread whiskers
and his ears were lined with pink sateen.
on christmas morning when he sat in the top of the boy's stocking
with a sprig of holly between his paws, the effect was charming.
.... the rabbit could not claim to be a model of anything for
he did not know that real rabbits existed.
.... "what is real?" asked the rabbit one day. "does it mean having
things that buzz inside you and a stick out handle?"
"real isn't how you are made" said the skin horse.
"it's a thing that happens to you. when a child loves you for a
long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you
then you become REAL.
"does it hurt?" asked the rabbit.
"sometimes" said the skin horse for he was always truthful.
"... when you are REAL you do not mind being hurt"
kontinued at siggraph. evidament. + possibly else where.
\/\ and since siggraph 01 has come and gone this how it went
take 01 nn
01 xy
+ j.dekam [http://www.node.net]
nn sat on the table [z!ggraf l!f 4rm = laughed. u uant 2 do uat +?]
xy lied on the table + placed his head on nn.s lap
nn rather embraced whilst reading of the velveteen rabbit + almost cried.
xy read parts of velveteen rabbit + below
apres. when nn was leaving 01 unknown personaj introduced himself +
said - thank you so much.
nn smiled + thought. it is nice crossing the solipsistic gulf.
and then +? and then nn smiled at margery williams + said - thank you.
and what color were her eyes +?
If the art of storytelling has become rare, the
dissemination of information has had a decisive share in this state of
affairs. Every morning brings us the news of the globe, and yet we are
poor in noteworthy stories. This is because no event any longer comes
to us without already being shot through with explanation....it is half
the art of storytelling to keep a story free from explanation as one
reproduces it. The most extraordinary things, marvelous things, are
related with the greatest accuracy, but the psychological connection of
the events is not forced on the reader. It is left up to him to
interpret things the way he understands them, and thus the narrative
achieves an amplitude that information lacks.
This process of assimilation, which takes place in depth,
requires a state of relaxation which is becoming rarer and rarer. If
sleep is the apogee of physical relaxation, boredom is the apogee of
mental relaxation. Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of
experience. A rustling in the leaves drives him away.
....storytelling.....does not aim to convey the pure essence
of the thing, like information or a report. It sinks the thing into the
life of the storyteller, in order to bring it out of him again. Thus
traces of the storyteller cling to the story the way the handprints of
the potter cling to the clay vessel.
I believe I have told already that reading ....
NN - i love toys. [the old kind]
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
n r . 5 !!! http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
>post your responses to syndicate admins idiots from
>rhizome to syndicate lovers?
>they'll unsub me for it
are you are afraid +?
i understand what you are feeling for we share membranes but
the syndicate admins idiots do not share anything with us do they +?
so tell me.
it is irrelevant if the V2 and Transmediale employees implement more draconian neo.fascist measures
to cover up the draconian neo.fascist measures. [we bomb from without. we want you to know everything]
they are old. ugly. + soon to be evacuated.
lv+. nn
nn wishes to acknowledge rhizome's exemplary comportment.
clap + clap. you are worthy of being the leading art portal. YES PL EASE!!!!!
my compliments. it is beautiful being beautiful!!!!!
i shall play with you now. email me. i wish to discuss something.
as you recall i am rich.bored.and edukated. and i have an abs. fatal attraction to
integrity and liberty.
nn wishes to acknowledge nettime's totally despicable + criminal comportment.
clap + clap. Geert Lovink are you a man or a mouse +?
ne. you aren't a mouse. you are filthy. cowardly. korporat fascist refuse.
how much longer do you think you + your cronies will be able to keep it under `control` a +?
as you may imagine when you go - there shall be 01 amalgam of parasites going awaaaaaaay with you.
anesthesia from below louse.
nn - totally. bemused. one must enjoy this. nothing like seeing a bunch of incompetent.males
running about trying to cover up the leaks in their neo.fascistic - mafia. HELL
you want some oxytocin to go with that a +? nn laughs. pathetique ART MAFIA fools.
V2 and Transmediale - proudly financing the ART MAFIA - SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!
V2 and Transmediale - proudly financing the ART MAFIA - SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!
V2 and Transmediale - proudly financing the ART MAFIA - SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!
bkausz !t !z good 2 knou r!ght +?
01 very very courageous person from Eastern Europe wrote in regards to
the Syndicate forum financed by the V2 and Transmediale artistic organizations
>MDear Inke,aybe because of my very different background - I
>grew up in a totalitarian country, where I was forced into
>a conspirational existence, I know what it is like - i am
>very sensible to censorship and inclusion/exclusion
>matters, and i strongly disagree with banning anybody from
>the list.
>If nn does will not have opportunity to show up
>on the syndicate list I will inform the 'Index on
>Censorship' forum and paper about the situation created,
>and suggest to start collecting all records referring to
>nn's case. This paper made echoing worldwide also Salman
>Rushdie's affair.
1001 ventuze. nn
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
n r . 5 !!! http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
info-data: cast01 + living in mixed realities
- conference on communication of art. science + technology
may klik hier: http://www.eusocial.com/242.cast
may klik hier: http://www.eusocial.com/242.cast
\/\ announcing the ultra extravagant - 242.nEt.mafia
the simply superior autumn collection irrespective of one's geographical coordinates!!!!
there are aromas of apple and juicy pear smoothly integrated with
the tantalizing scent of honey and juuuuuuuuust a bit
of hazelnut.
242.art.mafia bouquet is tightly knit in:
242.broeckmann - a delightful object that does not do much besides transporting
other objekts' progeny. but ___... intermittently it
quips "dear" [very very lovingly + intimately]
242.v2 - a simply delicious object that is set to revolutionize the process
of handing out contracts to family. workmates. neighbors. friends.
and a husband and wife or two.
242.transmediale - a delightful object that employs numerous outstanding researchers
and 9 volunteers following dissimilar lines stuck out like a pair
of leaky eyeballs after an art traffic accident.
this exquisite 242.art.mafia bouquet is complemented by a very fashionable
humanitarian assistance umbrella stand PERFEKT 4 the foyer or in the conference room.
it is entitled - LEAVE.OR.ELSE.
\\ alors - do surround your self in the incandescent glow of autumn with 242.art.mafia
*all proceeds go to the autumn weather (i love to share - yes pl ease!!!!)
NN wishes to congratulate V2 + Transmediale + of course Andreas Broeckmann on their simply
superior support of DEATH\MURDER THREATS and extra curricular conformity enforcing bonboniere.
It makes everyone's autumn so much more special!!!!!!!!
lovingly. NN (very elegantly bandaged)
Netochka Nezvanova - r!ch.bored.edukated. all dolled up 4|4|4 autumn
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
>dear Netochka,
>how are you doing ?
I find walking on a moving planet quite absurd!!!
mostly however - I feel Systematically wounded.
Can be very terrifying / yeS
I suspect I now know how it is a lab animal feels.
Systematically shocked (with public funds mind you)
And you +?
>I just want to make sure that you received our proposed questions and
>the attachment for the interview well ?
Besides your personal very splendid proposed questions (my favorite thus far - vraiment)
I would also like to briefly discuss the paper:
From Open Hand to Social Fist - the Very Clenched Art Society
Synopsis: The new media power-grid resembles a Spartan society.
It operates as a tightly knit subculture that demands submission to authority.
It practices ritual memocide (mass meme murder) and will go as far as issuing gene-death threats
in order to crush diversity and systematically shock the simply.SUPERLATIVE faustian introverts
(e.g. my self) into despair and non.thinking.HELL.
I propose that thinking is a way.
We respond to the way _only by remaining underway.
This movement is then that which allows the way to come forward.
To elucidate I shall place Heidegger face to face with Piaget
and deliver to you an answer to the question:
Are the things we conceive and assert to be the results of thinking
the misunderstanding to which thinking inevitably falls victim +?
Spartan society - cocktail for non.thinking
- 75 percent clueless subjekts bleated in chorus with the herd.
When artists present works that contradict the tenets of established organizations' creed,
they are not praised for the objectivity of their work, but punished for their heresy.
They are derided, their works and papers rejected by galleries and journals;
they are excluded from key symposia - all an indirect way of forcing them to "leave".
(in my case this isn't always true for I write superbly but as we shall see
the conformity enforcers employ other means FORCING one to leave, e.g. gene-death threats)
The lesson taught: to go against the tide is suicide.
"From Open Hand to Social Fist - the Very Clenched Art Society" is rather elongated.
For your film however, I propose focusing on two telling incidents involving the V2 and Transmediale
organizations and the conformity enforcer Andreas Broeckmann in particular.
I wish to discuss the corrupt, mafia like non.thinking.HELL operated with public funds, the
clandestine, secretive and legally dubious ways in which decisions are reached
and the "omerta" (code of silence) which pervades this band of unqualified librarians.
Unqualified partly because these librarians are burning books - in concert, with public funds
[but not publicly]
I shall be exploring the librarians' publicly funded incinerator from an evolutionary view point.
Parallels shall thus be drawn between the "Pumphouse Gang" baboons* and the li[bra][bar]ians'
[* - Shirley Strum studied a group of baboons which she entitled the "Pumphouse Gang".
Baboons are simply.stupid individually but mob action has enabled them to spread
like cockroaches throughout Africa]
Although the story tells of tightly woven, allergy inducing abuses of artists and public funds / trust,
I offer two ingenious solutions (planted exquisitely within a garden of metaphors):
01. The first may be construed as my attempt to apply lipstick and blush to the right
side of baboon faces with an ost.europa surgeon's utensil.
it is a distributed information processing system that is set
to revolutionize the realtime manipulation of the librarians' incinerator and their personal salaries.
(the former will ensure the disbanding and rapid evaporation of the "Spartan society";
the latter will cure the utter lack of electricity and ultra xytravagant laziness displayed by
conformity enforcers, i.e. Andreas Broeckmann and his impotent ilk)
02. The second is to bind with white light. for hours. days. dekades. obsessively. compulsively.
disorderly discharge through your visual cortex. hazily. incoherently. firmly. re:education through dancing
84 metaphors on your pelvic floor.
One may be disposed to entertain the question
The DEVIL: What is the use of knowing?
DON JUAN: Why, to be able to choose the line of greatest advantage instead of yielding in the
direction of least resistance. The philosopher is Nature's pilot.
And there you have our difference: to be in HELL is to drift. to be in HEAVEN is to steer.
some 01: Although I dream of flying my dream also is a dream of peace.
NN \\ always merry + bright. i am -1 module of the planetary mind. the multiprocessor intelligence
which fuses every form of living kind.
among historical happenings "From Open Hand to Social Fist - the Very Clenched Art Society"
has been prompted by ____....
>Hi Netochka!
>Don't know where you are, but if you like to we would like to have you in
I am retracting my contribution for the book.
I am forced to leave Germany as indicated below.
>I need to have a description of your
>project INTER.BODY as soon as posssible so as to
>include it in this year's catalogue.
INTER.BODY is a project I was developing in Germany.
A death / murder threat was issued to me on a V2 organization's forum.
This forum is administered by Inke Arns and Andreas Broeckmann (Transmediale organization),
both residing in Germany.
Germany is unsafe.
Therefore I am forced to cancel INTER.BODY and my cast01 paper
and leave Germany.
>Dear Netochka Nezvanova,
>Here is the Program Committee's report for your submission to cast01 -
>"NATO.0+55+3d.Modular" - which has been accepted for publication as a
>full paper in the conference proceedings.
A death / murder threat was issued to me on a V2 organization's forum.
This forum is administered by Inke Arns and Andreas Broeckmann,
both residing in Germany.
It is unsafe for me to travel to Germany, until Germany
becomes a less-fascistic country.
I shall not be attending the conference although I am presently
in Germany (for a separate project which I shall be abandoning within 7 days
for reasons stated, after which I shall exit this uncivilized country).
>Finally, please remember that one of the requirements of acceptance as a
>full paper (not poster!) is that at least one of the authors be present
>to present the paper.
>Your paper attracted a lot of positive comments from the Program
>Committee, and would make an interesting and valuable contribution to
>the conference. We would be disappointed if it could not be included.
As previously indicated.
A death / murder threat was issued to me on a V2 organization's forum.
This forum is administered by Inke Arns and Andreas Broeckmann (Transmediale organization),
both residing in Germany.
Germany is unsafe.
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
n r . 5 !!! http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
we're currently writing a piece of software that does some statistical
analysis and interpoliation, and then triggers pd via a tcp socket, the
problem is that both sleep() and nanosleep() syscalls give us an approx.
jitter of 30msec which is way too much, and we're somehow stuck ...
any hints anyone ?
thanks in advance,
chris(a)lo-res.org Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/ special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)