I'm keeping this on list for the benefit of everyone interested.
I mean there are 3 new synth instruments introduced with Live 7: a
string simulator, an electric piano emulator, and an analog synth
emulator. It would be great if the framework were open so that Pd
users could integrate their own versions of these sorts of instruments
into the Live environment.
On 10/5/07, Patrice Colet <pat(a)mamalala.org> wrote:
> Kyle Klipowicz a écrit :
> > What do you think of it?
> >
> > http://www.ableton.com
> >
> > It would be great if that framework was open to Pd designers. As I
> > fear it, it will most likely be through Max/&c.
> >
> > ~Kyle
> >
> Hi Kyle~,
> What do you mean by a framework open to pd designers?
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On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 12:58:53PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Martin Peach wrote:
> >marius schebella wrote:
> >>btw, who/what is khanawake?
> >It's part of Canada's version of the apartheid system:
> >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahnawake,_Quebec
> While you are on Wikipedia could you please look up Apartheid and tell me
> wtf it has to do with anywhere in contemporary Canada.
Interesting sidenote: The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
People was was adopted on the 13th of September (21 days ago). An
overwhelming 144 countries voted for it, with 11 countries abstaining.
The four countries which voted against it were the United States, Canada,
Australia and New Zealand.
For an excellent insight into the movement of human peoples over the
last 13,000 years I can't recommend "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared
Diamond highly enough. It's a wonderfully informative book.
Dear all,
[sorry for cross-posting]
Strasheela is a highly expressive constraint-based music composition
system. Users declaratively state a music theory and the computer
generates music which complies with this theory. A theory is
formulated as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) by a set of
rules (constraints) applied to a music representation in which some
aspects are expressed by variables (unknowns). Music constraint
programming is style-independent and is well-suited for highly complex
theories (e.g. a fully-fledged theory of harmony). Results can be
output into various formats including MIDI, Lilypond, and Csound.
Strasheela 0.9 brings realtime capabilities to Strasheela: it provides
constraint solvers supporting a timeout and an OpenSound Control
interface. An example demonstrates how Strasheela can interoperate
with other applications such as Supercollider or Pure Data in
realtime. Further additions and bugfixes have been made to the system
as well.
For more information on Strasheela, please visit
Changes are described at
A realtime example is documented at
This release can be downloaded from:
Torsten Anders
Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research
University of Plymouth
Office: +44-1752-233667
Private: +44-1752-663492
this video was posted at the LAC list.
it somehow reminded me on a discussion we had at the pd~con07 about
chlorinated tap water in the US and canada.
Hey all,
I just found this paper, and I wonder if anyone has implemented a
sine-wave speech synth in Pd.
Basically, you can make intelligable speech using just three sine
waves. It would be a fun synth to have. You can hear it here:
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Dafydd Hughes hat gesagt: // Dafydd Hughes wrote:
> I first read about it here:
> http://www.boingboing.net/2007/09/04/quechup-is-rotten-do.html
> Joining is an innocent act - as far as I can tell it's just a crooked
> organization.
Interesting. But it seems to target Gmail users only:
Morale of story: Gmail is evil. Gmail is the new Outlook. Very easy to
exploit by spammers. Maybe I'll make a filter to not accept mail from
@gmail addresses in the future. And @yahoo as well.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 03:05:15AM +0200, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> do rather blame the cellular phones manufacturers, which use this kind
> of formats, not the users of such cellphones.
(I don't have anything to do with them; I just think their product looks