Hi guys,
I was just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a decent 8-band (or greater) Eq patch? I don't need anything too fancy-I tried to make one myself, but I'm still figuring out how the lop~ and hip~ objects work and I'm in kind of a hurry.
Thanks-enjoying all your emails very much.
Looking for a place to manage all your online stuff? Explore the new Windows Live .
I will be attending a club event on Mar.1 manipulating sound, video and
taking part in a dialog reading trio.
All sounds and power circuits will be controlled using Pd.
Here is a preview video of the atmosphere the act will carry.
Openning: 17:00
Admission: 3,000JPY
- Club Sunsui -
Shikishima Bldg. B1F
Osaka, Japan
Phone: +81 6 6243 3641
David Shimamoto
Hey all,
We are trying to gather more information on the social dynamics and
issues of sharing wifi connections. So we have an 8 question survey
to start with. Please take a moment to till it out:
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Steve Lambert <steve(a)visitsteve.com>
> Date: February 18, 2009 4:32:06 PM EST
> To: openculture(a)eyebeam.org, Everyone <everyone(a)eyebeam.org>
> Subject: Wireless Survey is up!
> Reply-To: openculture(a)eyebeam.org
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.753.1)
> Existing Knowledge and Attitudes about Free WiFi
> Initiated by the Eyebeam Open Culture Research Group, this survey is
> intended to help us in a future workshop on free wireless. Before
> we develop the workshop, we'd like to know about the existing
> knowledge and attitudes surrounding free wireless.
> Please take our survey and pass it on to friends. We really do want
> to know what you think!
> http://survey.shareyourwifi.org/index.php?sid=59682
> Steve
> --
> Steve Lambert - http://visitsteve.com
> The Special Edition - http://nytimes-se.com
> Eyebeam Senior Fellow - http://eyebeam.org
The arc of history bends towards justice. - Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
Spend the summer in NYC working on ways of using Pd to create the
libraries of the future!
> On Jan 15, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Stephanie Hunt wrote:
> I'm organizing a digital art residency this summer up at Teachers
> College, Columbia University. I would love it if some of you could
> apply! Feel free to contact me directly with any questions, or if
> you're interested in stopping by to check out the atelier.
> Cheers,
> Stephanie
> 2009 EdLab Digital Art Residency
> The EdLab Digital Art Residency (EDAR), hosted at the Gottesman
> Libraries (Teachers College, Columbia University), aims to explore
> and build upon the ways people access and understand information
> across a broad range of technologies. The goal of the residency is
> to engage in research and development of creative projects that
> challenge our community to reflect on the impact of digital culture.
> With this in mind, successful EDAR applicants will be fluent in
> innovative applications of media and technology. EdLab encourages
> applications from creative professionals in fields such as
> engineering, computer science, and media arts.
> EDAR awards selected artists $4,000 to conduct innovative research
> leading to possible public outcomes including seminars, public
> discussion and exhibition. Additional funding may be available to
> support equipment, travel, and housing expenses. Invited residents
> are expected to work on-site at Teachers College, Columbia
> University during the residency period (June 15 - August 14, 2009).
> Applications from practitioners exploring one or more of the
> following topics are especially encouraged:
> * Graphical visualizations of data relevant to library systems,
> including how people use the physical building and the flow of
> library resources (digital and physical)
> * Site-specific interactive displays
> * New ways to derive meaning from Teachers College's historical
> collections and information databases
> * Educational projects exploring the intersection of art and
> technology
> For more information, visit: http://edlab.tc.columbia.edu/edar/
> Contact information: Stephanie Hunt, edlab(a)tc.columbia.edu
kill your television
Sorry of any inconvenience, it is just that I really would like people
everywhere to join us on the effort of spreading the open call to every
corner of interest around the world... help us make this a great event with
people from all over the world.
Thanks a bunch
Please Check the info below, and the attached PDF... spread it out!
PdCon09 is the "Third International Puredata Convention", to happen in São
Paulo-Brazil/July 2009
EMAIL: <<pdcon09(a)estudiolivre.org>>
NEWS (feb 15th):
- Online Submission procedure is opening on monday 16th!!!
- New Templates and Forms will be posted when the submission is opened!
Puredata, or just Pd <http://puredata.info/>, is an open source tool for
multimedia programming. Because of its open source nature, much of its
development result from a community effort of developers worldwide. Some
centers do have more people engaged, like the places that held the two
previous conventions.
the first convention took place in Graz, Austria, in 2004
http://puredata.info/community/projects/convention04/. The second happened
in Montreal, Canada, in 2007 http://pure-data.ca/en/. It is a great
satisfaction that we continue this event by bringing it to yet another
continent, with the intent to promote the formation of an important group of
developers locally. In fact, in may of 2008, we had a national convention in
Brazil http://www.estudiolivre.org/tiki-index.php?page=Encontro%20PD, which
followed the same format of the previous international conventions, and
worked as a first gathering to organize this international event. The format
includes the show of artistic works, academic works, discussion regarding
the interests of the community, and diverse courses.
We invite artists, producers, developers and further enthusiasts of the open
source tool Puredata to send works and projects alike in the following
A) Art Festival: (Art Installations, Concerts, Performances & Audiovisual
B) Mini-Courses & Workshops.
C) Paper Sessions/Posters.
D) Round Tables & Discussions.
Applicants are invited to submit in multiple categories, especially if
related (example: paper + artwork) - not that this will favor in the
selection process.
Please note we are looking for a diverse collection of works, hence there
might be a selection among several similar proposals (and more unique and
original ones might have some advantage).
Let us know if you have an institution support that may cover travel
expenses, we are looking for partnerships to help with funds.
The event will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from July 19th to july 26th,
Possible (yet to be properly officialized) Locations & Partnerships:
- MIS, Sao Paulo's Museum of Image & Sound.
- PUC, School of Multimedia & Design.
- SESC-SP, Sao Paulo.
Promotional Support:
- CCSL (FOSS Competence Center) http://ccsl.ime.usp.br/
Acceptance notice: APRIL 10th, 2009!
Here is the address to send works & questions to: pdcon09(a)estudiolivre.org
Addresses of the Official webpage for news updates & more info:
Proposals for the Art Festival:
Performances, Concerts, Audiovisual Presentations & Art Installations (audio
And/Or Visual):
As it is the general concept of the event, we long for the discussion
regarding the aesthetics and politics of Free / Open Source Software Culture
& technology. In such context, we welcome all forms of works related to
audio and/or visual, including real-time interactive works, improvisations,
Live electronics/instrumental/electroacoustic mixes, Sound installations,
Performances, Network art, Robotics, Software Art and Interdisciplinary
Demonstrations and General Info about Artistic works can be submitted online
in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. Please, specify the necessary materials
so we can do our best to provide them.
If language is a part of the artwork, the festival is open to any idiom,
although subtitles in English should be provided when applicable.
We look for art installations that adopted Puredata in its development.
Nevertheless, at the last extent, we are open for works realized under the
context of Puredata (using puredata in some part of the process) as well as
open source tools.
We are looking for partners to help us with tickets. Any suggestion is
Note for ART-INSTALLATIONS (Audio And/Or Visual):
In order to avoid dependence on travel funds from the event, it would be
nice to have some works installed without the need for the artist(s) to be
on-site. This also implies that such works should be technically simple.
Call for Posters/Papers:
Abstracts and papers may be submitted in English. The works will be
organized in categories depending on what we receive. At first, we
contemplate a greater distinction into 3 categories: Technical, Artistic and
The topics are generally open to the usage of Puredata in interactive art
production/research, the philosophy and social aspect of Free Open Source
Culture, and scientific research. Some possible themes could include:
- Programming Puredata externals
- Puredata versus Max/MSP
- Puredata versus SuperCollider, CSound, Processing and alike
- Hacking Puredata
- Future Projections for Puredata
- Hacktivist culture
- OpenContent and Creative Commons versus Intellectual Property forms
- Finding an Art Historical context for Open-Source Software Art
- Sampling and Plunderphonics as artistic strategies
- Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
- Networking
- Live Coding
- Philosophy, Culture and Sociology of Open Source Software and Open Works
- Aesthetics of New Media/New Technology Art
- Using Puredata in Science/Research & Artistic Works: (Digital Signal
Processing, Generative Works, Artificial Intelligence/Life & Computer-Aided
Work in General, User Interfaces - Human computer interaction/Virtual
reality interaction -, Realtime Performance, Auditory/Visual perception and
cognition, Acoustics/Psychoacoustics Modeling, Sound Synthesis, Timbre &
Sound Models, Biological and medical uses of Puredata.
And so on...
Check Submission of Works for Poster & Paper guidelines
If you wish to send a Poster, the limit is 4 pages, other works are limited
to 6 pages.
Round Table and Discussions should be proposed on the puredata list:
http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list, to be discussed and decided
upon previously by the community and participants in general.
The rest needs to be sent through our online system, with the provided Paper
Template And Forms
The online submission is due to open on monday, Feb 16th of 2009, check
http://convention.puredata.info for news and links. Questions about it must
be sent to <figocris(a)gmail.com>.
Poster Guidelines: 120cm height x 90cm wide
Papers are limited to 6 pages and must be submitted as PDFs.
If you wish to send a Poster, please send a short Paper limited to 4 pages.
We are studying the possibility of publishing the works online (both papers
& Posters) in digital/hypertextual format s well as in a printed version
with DVD-ROM.
> Subject: [NIME community] Sound and Music Computing Conference 2009
> - Call
> [please distribute]
> Sound and Music Computing Conference 2009: Call for Music.
> The 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC) is glad to
> announce an open call for works. This year’s SMC will happen in
> Porto at Casa da Música, Porto’s most recent architectural landmark
> located in the new center of the city.
> There will be five concerts at the conference that include a network
> performance. Three of the concerts will be at Casa da Música and the
> other two at a venue to be announced.
> We particularly encourage submissions of works of electronic music
> that have a performance aspect to it, such as works for
> instrument(s) and electronic music, laptop performances, live
> electronic music, live coding, circuit bending, interactive
> installations, audio-visual performance, and interactive dance.
> The conference concert programme will be selected by curators (Evan
> Parker, Nicolas Collins, Pauline Oliveros and Robert Rowe) in
> coordination with the Music Chairs (Carlos Guedes and Pedro Rebelo).
> The conference will provide a professional ensemble with soloists in
> the following instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophones, Double Bass,
> Piano and Percussion.
> All submissions must be made through an online system at http://smc2009.smcnetwork.org/
> . Please note there is a limit of 100MB per submission (please used
> compressed formats, e.g. mp3, ogg, mp4). If you wish to send larger
> files you should mail us a CD/DVDs to the following address:
> SMC 09 C/O Carlos Guedes
> INESC-Porto
> Rua Dr. Roberto Frias 378
> 4200-465 Porto
> Portugal
> Call for Student works
> The 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference is also glad to
> announce a call for student works. Undergraduate and Postgraduate
> students from all European Schools are encouraged to submit works,
> following the guidelines proposed in the main call for music. When
> submitting the works for the student call, you have to submit a
> proof of enrollment at a European School or University.
> Important Dates for both submissions:
> Submission deadline: April 17
> Notification of acceptance: May 15
> All questions should be addressed to Carlos Guedes
> cguedes[at]inescporto[dot]pt or to Pedro Rebelo
> p[dot]rebelo[at]qub[dot]ac[dot]uk.
Anyone near NYC and want to help port an Adobe Creative Studio
textbook to free software?
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Michael Mandiberg <mandiberg(a)gmail.com>
> Date: January 28, 2009 5:11:08 PM EST
> To: Everyone <everyone(a)eyebeam.org>, openculture(a)eyebeam.org, alumni(a)eyebeam.org
> Subject: FLOSSify 1: Digital Foundations
> Reply-To: openculture(a)eyebeam.org
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.929.2)
> Hello all
> We are FLOSSing Digital Foundations next weekend. We need help, and
> we want to do it *together.* We need people of all levels, from the
> GIMP guru, to the Ubuntu n00b to test it all.
> Digital Foundations uses formal exercises of the Bauhaus to teach
> design software. It was written for the Adobe Creative Suite, but
> on Feb 6, 7, 8 we are going to translate it to FLOSS apps with
> FLOSSmanuals. For more on the book, and why this translation is so
> important, see the description below.
> We are trying ot get people to register via FB:
> http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=56609462816
> And to sign up on the wiki with their potential role
> http://wiki.digital-foundations.net/index.php?title=February_FLOSS_Registra…
> I hope to see you there. And I hope you can spread the word. By
> the end of the weekend, we'll have the first decent primer in FLOSS
> software!
> please forward widely
> m
> FLOSSIFY 1 : Digital Foundations
> For a long time educational courses have been cheap marketing
> for proprietary software companies. Can a student really afford all
> those expensive softwares required by the courses? No. Ever hear of a
> software company kicking up a fuss because students are using
> 'unofficial' versions? Well, it does happen but not often. And why
> not?
> Because proprietary software companies know, as the universities know,
> that once the students leave their training they will be indoctrinated
> with those tools and simply slipstream into being paid up proprietary
> software citizens. Simply put, unlicensed software used in education
> is
> tolerated because it is cheap marketing.
> This is how tools become 'industry standards'.
> FLOSS Manuals is fighting this flow by converting textbooks that
> use proprietary software to using free software in their examples.
> We call this process "FLOSSify". We convert the book from
> closed software to Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) hence we
> 'FLOSSify' the book.
> Our first text book is the wonderful Digital Foundations book
> produced by Michael Mandiberg and xtine
> burrough (http://digital-foundations.net/). Its a text book designed
> to
> teach software by teaching design. The current toolset it uses is the
> Adobe Creative Suite and we will convert these examples entirely to
> using free software.
> Not only have the authors given the kind permission to go ahead with
> this, they originated the idea and approached FLOSS Manuals to be
> involved. We are very happy to get behind this initiative and work
> with
> the authors to create a fantastic text book promoting the use of Free
> and Open Source Software within design courses.
> FLOSSIFY 1 : Digital Foundations will focus on a fun 3 day event at
> Eyebeam, NYC. Anyone is welcome to attend and some food and beer
> will be
> provided. Come and meet some of your old geek friends, make some new,
> and help make a step towards unshackling education from proprietary
> software.
> FLOSSIFY 1 : Digital Foundations
> Eyebeam, NYC
> RSVP here http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=56609462816
> Feb 6-8
> starts 10ish
> finishes when we are done
> fast connection, a table, some chairs, and beer and food provided
> http://eyebeam.org/
> 540 W. 21st Street, (between 10th and 11th Avenues)
> New York, NY 10011
> Tel. 212.937.6580 Fax: 212.937.6582
kill your television
<International Project Development Workshop>
Call for collaborators
From January 28 through February 14 2009
Deadline for collaborators: January 25, 2009
Workshop led by Critical Art Ensemble, Julian Bleecker, and Natalie
Jeremijenko. Collaborators will participate in the development of
selected proposals, that combine open software, hardware and biology.
kill your television
Call for projects:
Call deadline: February 15, 2009
Call for collaborators: March 6, 2009
Selection of projects for the collective development of software
pieces and interactive installations that propose a rethinking of the
usual scenario in magic tricks. The workshop will take place from
April 13 through 28, 2009 in Lima (Peru). Organizer: Cultural Center
of Spain in Lima – AECID and Medialab-Prado. [+info]
Computer science is no more related to the computer than astronomy is
related to the telescope. -Edsger Dykstra
Call for Projects:
Collaboratory (LPCI): Laboratory of Multidisciplinary and
Collaborative Projects
Deadline: January 20, 2009 Extended until February 1, 2009
The University of Salamanca USAL, in collaboration with Medialab-
Prado, issues a call for the selection of collaborative projects. With
the participation of Juan Freire, Daniel García Andújar, Roberto
Therón, Gabriel Perezzán, and Marcos García. Venue: Fine Arts Faculty
of the University of Salamanca (USAL). [+info]