iEAR - typed
I'm a musician involved in interactive multi-media performance. I teach in
the integrated electronic arts program at RPI (iEAR), I think you know of
Johnny DeKam who recently graduated from our program and now is teaching
with us as well as being an active performer with NATO. We have an
interdisciplinary program involved in music, video, performance and
installation art, 2d/3d graphics, net-art, robotics etc.
After working with Johnny I was convinced that NATO should become a
standard aspect of our software platform. I asked the dept. to buy an
evaluation copy recently which I have just started working with. I think
it's great - probably the best work that has been brought into the MAX
community since MSP.
iEAR = 2nd !nzt!tut. konzum>g!glb!tz.
=cw4t7abs z!ntacz = prez!p!tatez !n dze amer!kan edukaz!on z!ztm
kulturl dna !nfuz!on++
u!l xaoz 4uard dze abov 2 max-l s!l vouz pla!t +?
ou!. non. ou! ou non +? !f = do tzo zelf !t = shal b rejektd.
merc!. merc!. ou. merc!.merc!. c!ao.
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