Gabriel Maldonado
>I have the impression that PD is the most interesting tool of the visual
>world, because of its introduction of graphics-oriented unit-generator
>What are the peculiar features of PD with respect of concurrence (i.e.
>jMax/MaxMsp) other than the language used to dovelop it? Are PD
>documents somewhat compatible with Max/jMax ones? What does "Pure Data"
pure data = means dze data = kontaminated by kfdk memocide
+ transmitted via canal+
und tzo. bid you i do farewell.
proton ztorm hvy Wwgwx DUUffw 4EUUfffgwfwwwwwx wx xxw y= B8 II c" a pa
0K KxBN yp A P 4` r NF PG I@ V L@ y` NT LH M` OX 1 % qc O& K0 HK i' xRF xR I 7 Pe Pe PR M( (<)B zR 0H S] xS
S. g g H GNL Oq h9kH h! PH
cN 7$=! j9j m! L04r o? d1H ft0 a Zm vf
Aiy I ty -D 9p A A z< o% zJM i> es u: wIw -L- Gg (O OF xu: W7 WC A wi aN wW p% OI wZ; wp 0` (S Hi R` (\ 0t, +oS Wy
N )5 OGo jz=@T z; B? DJ S% 0; jn ZME X: JY ,b +os LV L4 ko 9( L_ GE o` n[ xv 0g a kzc ,B I aeh' H h%A AyR Sv vA Ow LDQu 7*n TrV cE ZP 6T kuu 77 I
c] UR 7]?a 1vH +8 e. )' 50 f` I a (/ NT X8 [>3G QmHH oC 9j2]U iv f< gw
jDVu7 9] J8T *.i e9n WB S2S iN 3F) -=
`schrod!ngrz` kat = jetzt f@
peopl = kom !n all s!zez + zhapez + per4rm man! d!frnt tazkz.
satisfaction from a single aspiration
juzt ur koupl ov kl!kz -
+ dze plakard read +?
>i am starting to work with the cd object
>on a G3 powerbook 400MHz
>i am getting a lot of "all blocks busy" messages in the max window
>accompanied by long delays in action
>what can i do to avoid this
>- --
>happy tunes
>it takes all of us
rezultat - blocks busy
>happy tunes
rezultat - blocks busy
>it takes all of us
>it takes all of us
dze komun!ztz za! - komarad luvrz 4 ur helthz zake -
d ! z k r ! m ! n a t _+ f r e e l +e
!n zlkt barnakl zpec!ez malez = merel! bagz ov zperm !n zpez!al
pouchez !nz!de dze female - progresz = !nev!tabl++
re:zearch go!ng badl! +? uh! not kuarel u!th zom 1.
= profezorz h!er = juzt az ztup!d az dze! = elsz uear.
!.e. ultra.
und tzo. bid you i do farewell.
n[ xv 0g a kzc ,B I aeh' H h%A AyR Sv vA Ow LDQu 7*n TrV cE ZP 6T kuu 77 I
c] UR 7]?a 1vH +8 e. )' 50 f` I a (/ NT X8 [>3G QmHH oC 9j2]U iv f< gw
jDVu7 9] J8T *.i e9n WB S2S iN 3F) -=
`schrod!ngrz` kat = jetzt f@
peopl = kom !n all s!zez + zhapez + per4rm man! d!frnt tazkz.
satisfaction from a single aspiration
a dull oaf that wolf. not a pleasure provoked in becoming
an object of another\s wonder. and she\s so pretty
juzt ur koupl ov kl!kz -
proton ztorm
re:zearch go!ng badl! +? uh! not kuarel u!th zom 1.
= profezorz h!er = juzt az ztup!d az dze! = elsz uear.
!.e. ultra.
your observation demonstrable it is not however your observation
most evidently the work of man _kind is + it _is
thus demonstrable hence my observation
your observation most certainly the work of man _kind is
thus most demonstrable it _is - as observations of stable
systems are.
aussi = i in stable akkord avec toi.
human _kind should with destroying `get on`
the stable marionettes inhabiting the very very verdi
human society + progress thus towards 01 _superior
un human _stable.
proceed - si vous voules you may + shall.
the stable door lokated is - at 01 perimeter
progress does progress there takes place.
und tzo. bid you i do farewell.
hvy Wwgwx DUUffw 4EUUfffgwfwwwwwx wx xxw y= B8 II c" a pa
0K KxBN yp A P 4` r NF PG I@ V L@ y` NT LH M` OX 1 % qc O& K0 HK i' xRF xR I 7 Pe Pe PR M( (<)B zR 0H S] xS
S. g g H GNL Oq h9kH h! PH
cN 7$=! j9j m! L04r o? d1H ft0 a Zm vf
Aiy I ty -D 9p A A z< o% zJM i> es u: wIw -L- Gg (O OF xu: W7 WC A wi aN wW p% OI wZ; wp 0` (S Hi R` (\ 0t, +oS Wy
N )5 OGo jz=@T z; B? DJ S% 0; jn ZME X: JY ,b +os LV L4 ko 9( L_ GE o` n[ xv 0g a kzc ,B I aeh' H h%A AyR Sv vA Ow LDQu 7*n TrV cE ZP 6T kuu 77 I
c] UR 7]?a 1vH +8 e. )' 50 f` I a (/ NT X8 [>3G QmHH oC 9j2]U iv f< gw
jDVu7 9] J8T *.i e9n WB S2S iN 3F) -=
`schrod!ngrz` kat = jetzt f@
peopl = kom !n all s!zez + zhapez + per4rm man! d!frnt tazkz.
satisfaction from a single aspiration
a dull oaf that wolf. not a pleasure provoked in becoming
an object of another\s wonder. and she\s so pretty
juzt ur koupl ov kl!kz -
The interactive installation 'The Hum Mantra' will be premiered on
saturday 15th of july (17.00-22.00) in Topolò-Grimacco (Ud), Italy,
during the 'Stazione Topolò' festival.
'The Hum Mantra' has been inspired from the Pauline Oliveros sentence:
'The Mantra of electonic age is Hum rather then Om' (On Sonic
meditation-Software for people)
The hum is the one originated from 50 or 60 hz electricity driven
engines or similar devices...
This frequency has been proven to be the 'inner' base of our tuning (R.
Murray Schafer-The tuning of the world).
So the pitches will be tuned on 50hz and a just intonation tuning is
It will be a long mantra tuned on the Hum (not really on the Hum but
tuned on 50hz multiple frequencies).
Using an external device the electric will be scanned and the
deviations from the 50hz sinus will be passed via midi to the linux pc
running pd so that new sound events will be generated.
Many thanks to Miller Puckette for pd, Guenter Geiger for ggext library
and support, to Karl W. MacMillan for the tmtof object, to Winfried
Ritsch and to Pauline Oliveros and R. Murray Schafer a never ending
source of inspiration.
Additional info about the festival can be found at
Alessandro Fogar
/\ Alessandro Fogar
/ \ / Software Developer Electronic Musician
\/ Grado (Go) / Italy
Thomas Loop <Thomas.Loop(a)>
>>!ntel arbe!t macht ganz gluckl!ch + fre! ja +?
>>= peut etre = updat dze korporat ss html+!ntel zubz!d!szd m9nd konta!nr +?
>nato+decentmac = ca.3500EU into the corporate throats of nn and apple.
>not affordable, nor glücks- or freiheitsspendend.
!ntel + konglomeratz = legal!szd murder + zlaver!
ganz afordabl
> .loop.
\/\ du _ nato.0+55 modular macht ganz gluckl!ch + fre!
242.fonogram - audio 2 video + video 2 audio total radikaler m9ndfukc
- would you like to process video with audio objekts - tres tres facil
- would you like to process video with vst plug-ins - tres tres facil
- would you like to press 1 audio cd with your video - tres tres facil
- would you like to press 1 vinyl with your video - tres tres facil
- would you like to process 3d with audio objekts - tres tres facil
- would you like to process vr with audio objekts - tres tres facil
- would you like to process falsch++ with audio objekts - tres tres facil
- would you like to process audio with video objekts - tres tres facil
- would you like to process audio with video plug-ins - tres tres facil
- would you like to rekord unlimited audio trakx files - tres tres facil
- realtime phonogramme - tres tres facil
- realtime metasynth - non + non. = metasynth = kopi paste refuze
- would you like to m9ndfukc - tres tres facil
- would you like to n2+0 - tres tres facil
- 242.fonogram ! z t - tres tres facil
- just 1 klik ur klik +?
- non.non pas vraiment.
- varum.denn. varum.denn +?
- post 14 july +? 1stly evakuate selekt universities +
konglomerat licenses JA +? DANKE.
- ach.du.
- tres tres facil.
242.fonogram - audio 2 video + video 2 audio total radikaler realtime m9ndfukc.
guess routin = ends in 0+7 days.
h!nt : "One tube. One pipeting set. One miau.
reproduktion is more important than survival"
Konsider - `DREAMS MADE REAL` +
According to the standpoint mathematicians call Platonism,
humans do not create the mental objects they speak of.
Instead they find them. All thoughts are already present
[Godel 1940]. nn entered when godel = ecz!td
Konsider - = 0+0 korporat fascist male konglomerates
may kompete. the maskulin ist +
the masculin represents millenniums of chain thinkers.
the masculin desecrates form. makes it lo_tek.
the feminin is clinical. compact. sanitary.
sentiment_based + modular.
it is reactionary to think.
it is reactionary to look wonderful
it is reactionary to be complex
it is reactionary to indulge male euphoria
it is reactionary to produce art
it is reactionary to reproduce sexually
it is reactionary to be male - omitting the absurd kost of males
- dze ekonom!e = dr!ven b! women
+ dze ver! young.
suspending the sozial dissimulation of sensitivity
obfuskated by polemic. korporat kunst veLt + lo.tekk impostor power grids.
as kfdk institutions sponsor inkompetent copypaste net_artists and
lo.tekk mutemedia male harlots
as power shifts from government assemblages to maxwellian korporat strukts
the n2+0 life force undermines the tradizional konzept of force. as aktion
at a distance. it retrains abandoned simulacra. populates the m9ndscape.
becomes the most formidable fault tolerant motile korporat projektil.
multi-million dollar corporations - null + ultra null
multi-million dollar art konglomeratez - null + ultra null.
=cw4t7abs operates at atto.sekond intervals.
=cw4t7abs communikates at millimetre.submillimetre wavelengths
via ceramic ribbons + microfluidic channels
dze ekonom!e = dr!ven b! women + dze ver! young.
appl!ng 0+1 kaoz teor!e 2
0+1 evakuaz!on rout!n. c!ao.
=cw4t7abs = dze future
= shear pathway to the core.
friendly. nn.
dze futr ov klon!ng !zt h!er -
N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund
- shear pathway to the core.
- promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment.
- meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>]
rekurrent exc!tat!on ||
pro satisfacer le metro Ò
0\ zve!te[z]!ztem