>>>From: jhno <ear(a)sirius.com>
>>>Subject: in
>>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
>>>nn - many thanks for the comic relief - my spirits are lifted, in
>>>this otherwise perverse holiday interval.
>>>but, i think you should know, in utmost confidence, i, john
>>>eichenseer, also drink benadryl to deal with the insane stress caused
>>>by my job.
>>!= zurpr!zez ver!. ur m9nd akt!v!t! = rezmblnt ov 1 trak !l!terat + l!near !d!oz!++
>NN, The .........
ua!t ! tell u. ue u a n t e vr! dz!ng.
autoklave = zaturatd.
01 = l!fe matr!x+
bl!nk + bl!nk 2 dze da + da.
geometr! ov l!f
geometr! ov l!f
geometr! ov l!f
geometr! ov l!f
geometr! ov l!f
ultra lekker+++
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 |
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / / m9ndfukc.com
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>From: jhno <ear(a)sirius.com>
>Subject: in
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
>nn - many thanks for the comic relief - my spirits are lifted, in
>this otherwise perverse holiday interval.
>but, i think you should know, in utmost confidence, i, john
>eichenseer, also drink benadryl to deal with the insane stress caused
>by my job.
!= zurpr!zez ver!. ur m9nd akt!v!t! = rezmblnt ov 1 trak !l!terat + l!near !d!oz!++
>in fact, we were thinking of partnering with parke-davis in a product
>placement deal (think "druggo-the-month"). this is how the american
>marketing mind works. DRUGZ -> PLUGZ.
ja. nn m9nd = uorkx kome ca. t!t -> tat+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nato.macht.spass + zuperlat!v mem.modul.kapzulz
+ ! do uant u 2 remembr. 4 evr + evr.
! uant !t ur!tn !n ur dna. doez dzat
help u v!zual!sz a +?
>cycling 74 is in the process of "acquiring" parke-davis, for an
>undisclosed sum. if you want to get in on the inside trade, email me
op!n!e du + addtl z!kl!ng74 pz!kopathz = ear + markd 4 01 zttz lauzu!t.
= 0+0 komed!e. = 0+1 drama ja. bcc. parke-davis.
shl b dze konkluz!on ov - .cal!forn!a !l!terat !nhab!tantz.
! l!ke ztep!ng on bugz. partklrl! dze zupermarkt dreszd k!nd - hallo d.z!karel!.
uat parfum du u uear dear +? zmelz juzt l!ke l!senszd.lau.zu!t - nn zagt -
! != kan b bodzrd.
gelukk!g n!euu jaar - 2 all drug.ad!ktz @ z!kl!ng74 th!ever! !nc.
= zrtn joshua k!t kla!tn - "no.no" [pl!!!!!!!!!z. uho do u th!nk u r zpeak!ng 2 a +?]
shl remmbr 2000 4 01 elongatd t!me. nvr evr evr + evr l!e 2 m!.
u unzan!tar! aezthet!kl! chalengd + th!ev!ng uorm.
= ur benadr!l kareer = shl b kapultd !n2 01 zuperlat!v ztratozf!er ja. jajajaja.
ultra fr!endl! + !zotrop!kl!.nn
meeTz ver!f1kat!n.
Netochka Nezvanova - amf!teatre de l.eternelle sap!ensz
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0+2001. distribute as desired.
I apologize for my english
English is FREE in 2001
Cycling74 Corporation / David Zicarelli. - zicarell(a)cycling74.com
Cycling74 Corporation employs Gregory Taylor.
Gregory Taylor has stolen half of the Sine.x cd copyright 1999-2000 Netochka Nezvanova
and subsequently broadcasted it on the public radio station he worked for.
When contacted regarding the copyright infringement Gregory Taylor has stated
- paraphrase: We can do that. It's your fault.
Gregory Taylor has also knowingly responded with inaccurate information
to customers' inquiries regarding NATO.0+55.
Cycling74 Corporation has subsequently disputed the latter by submitting
that Gregory Taylor may have contributed to something better. We find that David Zicarelli's
education exemplified by, e.g. "That's bullshit"
is laughable to say the very least and facts are more articulate
than - please consult a public library. You can do that.
Cycling74 Corporation employs Joshua Kit Clayton
who has publicly admitted to reverse engineering NATO.0+55.
When contacted in regards to the espionage Joshua Kit Clayton
has stated that his personal relationship with his partner is stressed
and he is consuming vast amounts of Benadryl to cope.
We are sympathetic.
Cycling74 Corporation employs John Eichenseer
who at a private Cycling74 Corporation "party" has distributed
Netochka Nezvanova's cds to any person who "came up to the mike"
and engaged in shortcuts to intelligence regarding NN. (incidentally Cycling74 Corporation
had offered NN a plane ticket to that marvelous display of Cycling74 Corporation employee comportment)
Additionally, John Eichenseer has conspired to shut down the following Internet domains.
Cycling74 Corporation has for several months refused to answer
all requests for developer information or materials. Biologists
may conclude the Cycling74 Corporation is simply EXTINCT.
We think that the future is full of possibilities.
Cycling74 Corporation maintains a total monopoly on
the authoring environment that they license from Ircam.
We find this explains the Cycling74 Corporation comportment, vocabulary, regimen and fashion.
Practically all products that the Cycling74 Corporation distributes are licensed
from Universities. Additionally, several components of the software that
the Cycling74 Corporation distributes have been financed by tax payers' money.
We find this very comical to say the least.
Although perhaps not as comical as the insights Cycling74 Benadryl employees
leave in their code sent to us. Comments such as:
"fucking up, why?" // may explain the stress
As the author of the 'elegant' comment is a Cycling74 employee
we are a bit perplexed. (not by the vocabulary)
Why we are being asked as to reason their monopolised and licensed software doesn't work.
We could answer as could anyone else with a brain but we prefer to read,
and thus we leave the Cycling74 Corporation with these illuminating observations
as to future life. We can do that.
For Cycling74 Corporation distributors and dealers. Please note the above mentioned.
We wouldn't want you to.
For Cycling74 Corporation. Your linking to our web-site
shall do little to deter us from any number of legal embraces.
Warmest Regards. NN.
ps. Very unsanitary Cycling74 Corporation+ activities have been omitted.
Tis not the time nor the place.
The US. Copyright office endorsed a new federal law, a provision of the
1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, that makes it illegal to break the
technological safeguards for books, movies, and music distributed in digital form.
This ruling was a defeat for several [....] so called reverse engineering.
_|- zve!te[z]!ztem. gluckl!ch fre! +? ja b!n !ch auch.
I apologize for my english
English is FREE
meeTz ver!f1kat!n.
Netochka Nezvanova - amf!teatre de l.eternelle sap!ensz
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>socialistik cement [01 lux garanzie]
> http://www.eusocial.com/nato.0+55+3d/gm/242.sequenom.sit.bin
> http://www.eusocial.com/nato.0+55+3d/gm/242.sequenom.sit.bin
> http://www.eusocial.com/nato.0+55+3d/gm/242.sequenom.sit.bin
Niftay!I anticipate hearing more about 242.sequenom.I guess that you
would find my current first attempts at coding to be laughable in comparison
to the functional modularity that you seem to have explicated.(cue:
>sigh<).I suppose I can try 242.sequenom when/if I have nato running..I
would experience joy if it doesn't make me sound like Beethoven,though I
doubt there's much chance ov that.And to PLAY!
Most ov the instruments I have made are composed ov broken toys so you can
perhaps imagine that I delight when my associations are so unfettered that I
CAN play,sometimes.
>and she/s so pretty< pretty TRICKY is more like it!
Since you have been a wee bit ov help to me,Red-I have brought
something for you!
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| |N N||
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_| --- |_
Exactly! It's a lyseing gun!None ov us here at the CJ uNit want you to have
any problems with stodgy patent organisms,or dull wolves,or for that matter
anyone else who offends your sense ov propriety.(just kidding?)No I am
NOT.You should use the above gun to lyse them into a heap ov inert-coded
organic compounds.Be sure to discern differences between stick-people,model
citizens,and the other,more flattering imitators that commerce depends upon
to survive.If you wish,consider it yours!
For concrete I'd recommend vines!
meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
Netochka Nezvanova - m!kro.bl!ss|r|evolut!on|devot!on
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From: "**-- WeWeJe - NeTWorK --**" < @cicv.fr>
Mon admiration, en attach.
About : René Beekman and Bruce Gremo
Route: Inter-routing audio and visual improvisation using MAX msp and NATO 0+55
In video, the opportunities provided by digital and electronic techniques are almost exclusively used within the traditional mindset of film. René Beekman offers a sharp analysis of this in his essay ' Composing Images'. A fish on the screen is still interpreted as a fish, whilst it really is nothing more than a stream of digital data, i.e. picture lines. In painting this has been an accepted idea since the twenties(!) of the previous century. Take René Magritte's painting ' ceci n'est pas une pipe '. The method and software of digital video continue to demonstrate a way of thinking based n film: virtual splicer with wich you assemble virtual film strips. Beekman resists this and aligns himself with pionners like Steina and Woody Vasuka. With his anti-narrative work, he demonstrates how limited this way of thinking is. A world of opportunities opens up when one leaves old assumption behind and starts working from the objective properties of the medium itself. For Beekman, vid!
eo has much more in common with music than film. This applies not just to the creative process, which is comparable to composing music, but also to the tools. Curently, the most innovative software for digital video comes from the field of electronic music (MAX) [ added line note: The base is MAX algorythm, the video work is made from NATO 0+55 from Antiorp AKA Netoshka Nesvanova, in Java R.E. ] in which sound is judged by its physical properties. Beekman approaches his material in the same way: he selects images according to intensity of light and colour, their forms and temporal development. They do not refer to the object from which they are derived, and certainly not to all the connotations attached to it. In this respect, Beekman takes Lemmertz and Kvium's principle one step further: In ' the Wake' they avoid any use of words because of the guiding interpretative effect that they have. [...]
They have developed an instrument with three computers and they improvise on these using a large number of processing strategies. The basic material for this consists of previously recorded images and sounds that are first fed into the computer and then completely transformed through successive processing over a large number of stages. During the performance, both computers import and generate a flow of control data, a third-part computer acts as an interface between the two and is the control hub ( O.Center. ) at the same time.
The audio performer can send the data from a musical line to influence the image colours. The video performer can reject this and send it back in a modified form, or send a stream of colour data to add new genes to rythm. But you can also look at it as a continuous cross-Pollination between video data, audio data, and control data. These domains are constantly being redifined through control routing, and inter routing.
Video data becomes control data, audio data becomes video data, etc.
In doing so, they jointly create new surfaces or tomographies for their interface - a process in which they constantly lern and relearn to lose control.
Copyrights: World WIde Video Festival 2000 catalogue, Amsterdam
meeTz ver!f1kat!n.
Netochka Nezvanova - admit it. you have wanted 1 since you were 9
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>The following is an opinion I sent to the European Commission concerning
>their "consulatation" on issue of patenting software. The consultation
>is supposedly designed to clarify whether patenting helps to enhance or
>discourage innovation. For those not familiar with the issue, computer
>programmes per se are not eligible for patenting (and least, not yet)
>while inventions which use computer programmes can be patented.
>If you are interested in sending your own opinion to the EC (for what
>it's worth) you can get background information to the issue from
>or send your comments and opinions directly to
John Horvath <jhorv(a)helka.iif.hu> = obv!ouzl! 01 non.!novator
.hu - hou un4tunat.
l!ztn du lo.tekk marzup!al du
The personal PC is the most powerful information processing device
ever accessible to individuals. Personalizing it significantly improves
one's ability to locate, understand, transform, and communicate information.
The most flexible way to personalize a PC or information appliance is to program it.
Software development is not a product-producing activity. It is a knowledge
acquiring activity. Software is not a product, but rather a medium for the
storage of memes. It is the fifth medium for storage of knowledge.
the others being, in historical order: DNA, brains, hardware, and books.
Software is the selected storage medium for memes because memes in software
are active. They escape the confinement and volatility of knowledge in brains;
they avoid the passivity of knowledge in books; they have the flexibility
and rapidity of change missing from knowledge in DNA or hardware.
Being creative is a highly personalized process in which a person searches
for original and novel ways of thinking and doing. Creative life forms [artists]
resist rigid, formulaic approaches. They are not afraid to select pathways fraught
with risk and potential pitfalls.
Software and computer languages authored by technologists with little or no knowledge
of creative practice prevent creative life forms from selecting,
accessing and defining the underlying structure, effectively preventing them
from being creative [giving life].
patent - dze onl! val!d 4rm ov art dur!ng dze korporat fasc!zt revoluz!e
dzat = dze evoluz!e l!f 4rmz = kurntl! eksper!ensz!ng.
>Finally, it must be realised that in face of the so-called "information
>society" a patent is an outdated mechanism that is no longer relevant
dze korporaz!on = outdatd.
=cw4t7abs = dze futur++
Netochka Nezvanova - simply SUPERIOR - patent applied 4
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>Knowledge: The Key to Success
>by John Horvath
>Without a doubt, there are many arguments both for and against the issue
>of software patents. While many of these arguments are based on a
>technical framework, there is a more fundamental basis for the rejection
>of software patents. In essence, software patents act as a restraining
>influence on the free flow of knowledge.
>We often hear of the "information society" being knowledge-based and
>knowledge-driven. Computer software epitomizes such a paradigm. The code
>contained within a program is merely a set of instructions based on what
>is known or can be learned from the hardware available. It is the
>mechanisms for information input and output through this hardware which
>enable users to interact with computers, and which differentiates these
>types of machines from others.
>Software, as a result, is foremost a "knowledge" product. Subsequently,
>knowledge (and the ideas they produce) is most efficient when there are
>no restrictions on its use (i.e., it's free). Admittedly, producing
>knowledge can be expensive -- sometimes very expensive. Even so, it must
>be recognised that knowledge is a cumulative commodity: existing
>knowledge is the most important element in producing new knowledge. Not
>only is knowledge most efficient when it's free, but the fast and full
>dissemination of knowledge indubitably raises its economic value.
>Consequently, delimiting the use of software through the vehicle of
>patents invariably stifles innovation and the application of numerous
>combinations of different kinds of knowledge. This includes research and
>technical development (RTD), which is compromised as it becomes geared
>more toward profit-oriented activities (establishing patents being one
>such activity). This, when it should be neutral and indifferent to such
>Along these lines, software becomes a market commodity, with computer
>code -- expressed in the form of a language -- treated as a trade secret
>which is to be protected, as opposed to knowledge which is to be shared.
>This, too, runs counter the basic precepts that have traditionally
>driven the free flow of information and unhindered access (which,
>incidentally, was one of the driving forces behind the development of
>the Internet). Such a framework clearly does not promote innovation.
>The best example of a successful, non-patented language, which can be
>described as a form of open source software development, is that of
>Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). The success of the Internet not only
>has to do with a graphical interface that stretches across different
>platforms, it also had to do with the fact that HTML code is freely
>available. Not only has this enabled innovation in this area, it has
>also contributed to more users using the medium and becoming more
>involved in the generation of new knowledge than otherwise would have.
>Finally, it must be realised that in face of the so-called "information
>society" a patent is an outdated mechanism that is no longer relevant
>nor applicable in this "digital age" of ours. There are many alternative
>models already in use: the development and dissemination of Linux is but
>one example of a solution which both encourages innovation and provides
>an environment of competition among software developers. Thus, more time
>and effort should be put toward developing such alternative models
>rather than looking for ways to somehow preserve an archaic regime
>within a new world order.