Dear friends of Network Music,
We're happy to announce that after a 6 years break, the Network Music
Festival is back for an entirely online 4th edition. Responding to the
mass move to online music making during the 2020 global pandemic and
with increasing concern among artistic communities about the climate
emergency, the festival is returning for a global fourth edition, which
will take place entirely online 15-18th July 2020. Full festival info
We are launching an OPEN CALL for performances and workshops from
locations anywhere in the world. Submissions can address any aspect of
networked music making, but we're particularly interested in
submissions that address this year's theme of communities near and far:
As many people find themselves socially distant, the importance of
community is transformed. People rely on sound to bridge physical gaps,
from singing or applauding out their windows, to connecting with others
online. Our connections, then, are either intensely local, or virtually
borderless. We stay in touch with friends and neighbours, but also find
that collaborating across the world is not harder than collaborating
across town. In this year’s festival, we want to celebrate and
strengthen the musical communities people have built with networking
tools, as well as exploring the aesthetics, performance practice and
technologies around topics such as web-streaming, multi-location
performance, collaborative music making environments, accessible and
sustainable performance practice and more.
As well as a general call for performances and workshops that fit under
the festival themes, we also have four special performance calls: MIMIC
New Works, New to Networking, VR Algorave and Student Works. We have an
‘Other’ category for submissions in other formats that fit with the
theme and online format of the festival.
We are keen to encourage submissions from performers who are new to
networked music making, and entry level workshops for beginners.
More info and submission forms are online at:
The deadline for the open call is 7th May 2020 (this will NOT be
If you have any questions get in touch at: