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(sorry for crossposting, feel free to forward to interested parties)
[.en synopsis --8<-- .fr synopsis --8<-- time/space details]
Claude Heiland-Allen - http://mathr.co.uk
making art inspired by maths and science
## artist talk (in English) ~60mins
It is part of my human condition to need to understand the universe
and express myself within it. The first is called science, for which
mathematics provides the necessary tools, and the second is called
art. This talk attempts to explain my personal artistic vision built
upon mathematics and science, covering topics of curved space,
symmetry groups, and aesthetic designs; order, chaos and noise.
## 'clive' performance ~30mins
'C' is one of the original programming languages used to develop the
UNIX family of operating systems, and is still in common use today.
'JACK' is a library for connecting sound making programs together.
'Live-coding' is writing and changing program code while it is
running, to adjust the rules of the game while the game is being
played. 'clive' is an environment for live-coding JACK DSP loops in
C, expect micro clicks evolving into textured drones and chaotic noise.
## bio
Claude Heiland-Allen is a London artist starting his 32nd orbit around
our Sun working in all media available to him at the moments that time
allows. Early work in proprietary software environmments left him
unfulfilled and in the mid-2000s he joined the loose Openlab
collective and the close GOTO10 family to engage with Free Software.
Using existing solutions still wasn't enough, and he started writing
his own homebrew custom software to fully express his artistic vision
of mathematics and science based art. Since the passing of GOTO10 in
2012 and a brief stay in psychiatric hospital, he's realized that
there's a whole lot more to life and living than tinkering with
technology, and the "old ways" of paper and pencil still have a lot of
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Présentation du travail de Claude Heiland-Allen (en anglais)
Il fait partie de notre condition humaine de comprendre l'univers et
de s'exprimer à l'intérieur de celui-ci. La science, pour laquelle les
mathématiques fournissent les outils nécessaires, permet de comprendre
cette 'infinie' étendue et l'art permet de s'y exprimer.
La présentation de Claude Heiland-Allen s'attachera à expliquer son
travail artistique construit autour des mathématiques et des sciences,
en abordant les sujets d'espace courbe, de groupe de symétrie, et de
conception esthétique; l'ordre, le chaos et le bruit.
Performance clive
Le 'langage C' figure parmi les premiers langages de programmation,
ayant permis de construire la famille de systèmes d'exploitation UNIX,
et est toujours largement utilisé aujourd'hui.
'JACK' est une bibliothèque logicielle permettant de connecter entre
eux différents logiciels audio-numériques.
Le 'Live-coding' est une pratique d'écriture et de modification du
code informatique pendant son exécution, permettant d'ajuster les
règles du jeu alors même que le jeu est en train de s'exécuter.
'clive' est un environnement de Live-coding de boucle JACK DSP
(Digital Signal Processing - Traitement de signal numérique), dont les
micro-clics se transforment en drone de textures et en bruit chaotique.
Claude Heiland-Allen est un artiste londonien débutant sa 32e orbite
autour du soleil et travaillant avec tous les médias s'offrant à lui
selon son environnement.
Ses premiers travaux avec les environnements logiciels propriétaires
le laissant insatisfait, il décide de se joindre au milieu des années
2000 au collectif OpenLab et plus activement à la famille GOTO10
engagée dans le logiciel Libre. Comme l'utilisation de solutions
toutes faites n'était pas suffisante, il a commencé à développer ses
propres logiciels lui permettant d'exprimer pleinement sa vision
artistique des mathématiques et de l'art basé sur la science. Depuis
la fin de GOTO10 en 2012 et un bref passage en hôpital psychiatrique,
il a réalisé combien il existe bien plus dans la vie que le bricolage
avec la technologie, et que les "vieilles méthodes" du papier-stylo
possèdent encore un grand potentiel.
Pour une biographie plus complète sur Claude Heiland-Allen et pour
voir ses différents travaux sonores et visuels, suivre le lien :
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/dev/art/#12 invite Claude Heiland-Allen (mathr.co.uk)
Rencontres, discussions et échanges entre artistes et développeurs
utilisant les nouvelles technologies de programmation (arts
numériques, hacking, performances, etc.).
Le Mardi 2 Octobre / 17h-22h
à la Gaîté Lyrique
3 bis rue papin / 75003 Paris - Métro Réaumur Sébastopol
__ Centre de ressources _________________________________________
17h : petit pot de bienvenue
17h15 / 19h : Rencontres /dev/art/. Venez avec vos idées, vos projets
artistiques et techniques pour en discuter et trouver des solutions
19h30 / 20h30 : Présentation du travail de Claude Heiland-Allen, entre
Sciences, Mathématiques et Arts.
20h30 / 21h : Performance livecoding avec clive par Claude Heiland-Allen.
21h/22h : Discussion/Questions/Echanges entre l'artiste et les
Entrée libre. La Gaîté Lyrique accueille les recontres /dev/art/ dans
le cadre de la résidence « Laboratoire Ouverts »
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See http://rybn.org/dev/art/ for archives of previous events.
Thanks, I hope some of you can make it on Tuesday,
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Ah yes, it should have read http://www.netvibes.com/mablogs
You can also access them from the wikispaces page!
Pre-requisites are different for young or mature students. Students coming straight from a degree must have good English and a Bachelors degree in a relevant subject. Mature students may apply on the basis of their portfolio of work or previous experience.
I guess the reason to do this is to have a masters degree from a well known London university, but there is always an interesting online community from a diverse variety of places.
Applications are always considered on their own merit, so it is worth contacting Jonathan ( jonathan(a)pool31.org ) if you are interested and I am sure he can give you a better idea. I am a sessional teacher on this course, but I do help to run it. There is a research element and a practical element, streamed sessions from the face-to-face version of the course and visiting lecturers, chatroom based seminars and skype tutorials for the online version of the course.
Best wishes,
Hi Ed,
On 11.9.2012, at 11:49 , Ed Kelly wrote:
> We run an online MA in Fine Art (Digital Art) at Camberwell College of Art, and are still looking for applicants for the 2012-2014 course. Students from anywhere in the world can apply, and it is especially suited to those for whom other commitments or geographical location make it hard to do the one-year, face-to-face variant of the course.
> You can read about the course and view the blogs of finishing and current students at:
> http://madigitalarts.wikispaces.com
> and
> http://www.netvibes.com/mablog
th is link gives me a "Sorry, the universe you are trying to access does not exist." response.
> If you are interested in the course and want to know more, or wish to apply, then you can either write to me on this email or contact the course leader, Jonathan Kearney at jonathan(a)pool31.org
what are the prerequisites for that course?
cheers, Michael.
keep your ears open: http://blauwurf.athttp://soundcloud.com/noiseconformist
Hi again,
We run an online MA in Fine Art (Digital Art) at Camberwell College of Art, and are still looking for applicants for the 2012-2014 course. Students from anywhere in the world can apply, and it is especially suited to those for whom other commitments or geographical location make it hard to do the one-year, face-to-face variant of the course.
You can read about the course and view the blogs of finishing and current students at:
If you are interested in the course and want to know more, or wish to apply, then you can either write to me on this email or contact the course leader, Jonathan Kearney at jonathan(a)pool31.org
Best wishes,
Dr Ed Kelly
Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!
Hi list,
I've been offered a post at Surrey University in Guildford, but I can't do it because I have tiny children that day. If anyone thinks they can do it/are interested/wants to take it on then get back to me and I can forward your details to Matthew Sansom at Surrey. Here is the email I was sent:
Hi Ed
Any more thoughts about Applied Music? Looking for someone with a mix of composition (writing for film, TV, adverts) and theoretical skills
(advertising/marketing/product theories & semiotics)?
It runs Friday's 1200-1400 (HE2 Applied 1) and 1500-1700 (HE3 Applied 2), in case you're interested/free. There's plenty of materials and
curriculum available for delivery.
Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!