Greetings off-topic people
Does anyone have any experience of turning a laptop LCD screen into a normal screen?
So, I bought a mini-ITX PC in the summer, to cure my laptop overheating woes (and give me a whole lot more juice).
The laptop in question has undergone a thoroughly new level of destruction through teaching, and now there are holes everywhere.
I wonder, do any of you guys have any experience in ripping a laptop screen out and using it as a SVGA monitor, or any other interface type for graphics? My new PC has various sockets and a full graphics card (it's not as small as Miller's, but still small enough to gig, unlike my screens)
Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!
Apologies for -x- posting...
Dear all
This might interest some (most) of you.
The call for the Noise/in/Music conference at Huddersfield is open and
public here:
Deadline for proposals is the 21st of Jan.
Dear all
Thanks to Rodrigo Constanzo we have the first video tutorial of how to use
and abuse the fruit of the HIRT (the HISS Impulse Response Toolbox). This
time round, it is the basic use of capturing an impulse response with some
of the tools for MaxMSP - sorry to post it here, but some PD users are Max
users ... and some PD people have started to port the code so it should be
here soon too!
Feel free to watch it here:
The paper and all the externals are still available here:
Let us know what you think!