I am interested in running Pd on the Beagleboard under Angstrom linux.
For this reason, I have recompiled Pd vanilla on the Beagleboard with
support for Alsa and jack audio. The sound drivers on the Beagleboard
are not very good. In particular, it is reported on the Beagleboard
lists that the audio input drivers may not currently work at all.
So I am currently trying to get Pd to work for audio output only on
the Beagleboard. I do not see why this is a problem because I can use
mplayer with Alsa to play a wave file out of the sound interface. With
mplayer the sound quality is fine and CPU usage is only about 3% or
4%. Furthermore, I can start up a jack audio server as long as I
disable the audio inputs using -P
# /usr/bin/jackd -d alsa -d hw:0 -r 44100 -P -p 64
However, for the life of me I cannot seem to get Pd to produce sound
output. For instance, if I try to start Pd using jack
# pd -jack -noadc test.pd &
it resets the number of channels to zero, and the CPU usage according
to top skyrockets to about 95%. To try to start audio, I have to
choose Media|jack, manually put a check in the box "output device 1",
and set the channels to 2. Then Pd starts to report, "audio I/O
stuck... closing audio".
Or, if I try to start Pd using Alsa directly using
# pd -alsa -blocksize 64 -inchannels 0 test.pd &
I get "watchdog: signaling pd..." repeatedly, top says Pd uses 95% of
the CPU, and there are DIO errors
Or if I try
# pd -alsa -blocksize 64 -noadc test.pd &
or all sorts of other permutations, the result is essentially the
same. It doesn't matter whether I am using "omap3beagle (hardware)" or
"omap3beagle (plug-in)".
Does anyone have any other ideas for ways in which I might be able to
get Pd to produce sound out like mplayer does? I have tried all the
startup switch combos that immediately came to mind. Could there be
some inherent reason why Pd will not work if zero audio input channels
are available?