Wednesday, July 1st
397 Bridge St. 5th Floor
Downtown Brooklyn
NYC Resistor has regular 'study groups' where people come to work on
the same topic, next Wednesday the topic is Arduino. Its an open
environment to come work on Arduino projects with others who are doing
the same time.
(basically its the same idea as the Arduino Hacklabs I've been
organizing, but perhaps a bit less formal).
This Study Group is part of a regular series of such events at NYC
Resistor, other topics have been Android, Blender, and Python. Check
the website for the upcoming schedule, or subscribe to the calendar:
kill your television
Ok, maybe this is OT, but since we are going to Brazil for PdCon, I
figured it was kind of on-topic. Anyone figured out the Brazil Visa
situation? It looks like US Citizens need tourist visas, but most EU do
not. I have Austrian citizenship, so perhaps I should travel as an
Austrian for the first time ;)
Hans-Christoph Steiner