"Travel on the horizon line" is a visual and sound experiment made with
recorded sound (Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam), live voice and breath.
I used a digital voice recorder to manipulate sound sequences and a
microphone for my voice. All patches are made in puredata / Gem.
See (video draft):
-r-W-x-R-W-X-R- x
---------------[18608128 - s-ile-nses]
@@@@@@@ ;-)
"Travel on the horizon line" is a visual and sound experiment made with
recorded sound (Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam), live voice and breath.
I used a digital voice recorder to manipulate sound sequences and a
microphone for my voice. All patches are made in puredata / Gem.
See (video draft):
-r-W-x-R-W-X-R- x
---------------[18608128 - s-ile-nses]
@@@@@@@ ;-)
Here's the call for a workshop I am involved in. It's in Madrid at
Medialab Prado. They organize these awesome intensive two week
production workshops. There is some support if your project gets
accepted. Plus if your project gets in, they do a lot of promotion
afterwards. For example, the Interactivos 2005 projects were
exhibited at Ars Electronica and some of the projects from the most
recent Interactivos are now at Sonar.
Registration Deadline: July 1, 2008
Director: Javier Duero
Teachers: Francisco López, Hans-Christoph Steiner and a third teacher
to be confirmed
Coordinator: Daniel González Xavier
Venue: Medialab-Prado, Madrid (Spain)
With the collaboration of EXPERIMENTACLUB 08
and the The Center for the Promotion of Contemporary Music (Centro
para la Difusión de la Música Contemporánea)
Submission Call Guidelines
This is a call to select no more than 10 projects to be produced
collectively at an intensive workshop, to be held from September 17
to October 1, 2008.
Widespread digital technologies have established the conditions for a
set of transformations in languages related to sound and visual
culture. New technological practices related to artistic creation
take place in a reality characterized by the dissolution of
traditional disciplines and the appearance of work processes both
online and off-line that are transversal and collaborative in nature.
These chance formations also characterize the ways that projects are
produced, publicized and distributed, bringing into question the
concepts such as “work”, “property” and “author”.
In this context of deep cultural changes is important to establish a
connection between image, the prevailing traditional concepts, and
sound. Since sound has been generated electronically, its influence
has meant that experimental music and sound creation have taken on a
new prominence as specific modes of creation. Their relationship with
other visual languages such as cinema, television, video games, etc.,
has enabled the appearance of narrative and aesthetic subgenres which
have enriched these new forms of expression.
The AVLAB 1.0 call for projects focuses on work within the framework
of sound as protagonist, in addition to the broad field of
scientific, anthropological and socio-cultural research related to
the sound phenomenon.
AVLAB is one of the ongoing programmes at Medialab-Prado (Madrid),
aimed at the production, research, and dissemination of projects
related to sound and visual creation. Conceived as a horizontal
collaborative structure, AVLAB works in a network of other platforms
and centres related to artistic research.
Objectives of this Call for Projects
· To develop projects related to sound and all practices related with
the intersection of sound and picture.
· To create a collaborative learning and production environment
focused on developing audio/video projects.
· To enhance knowledge of new forms of sound expression, alternative
systems of composition, new forms of interpretation-execution, and
transmission systems.
· To focus attention on the work process, facilitating access to
methodologies, documentation and the code of projects produced to
enable the interchange of knowledge.
· To foster work based on the research, historiography and
anthropology of sound and audiovisual media.
· To support projects focused on social interaction and a
relationship with the surrounding environment.
· To promote and facilitate the use of free software tools for
musical, sound and visual creation.
For Whom
Sound artists, composers, producers, software and hardware
programmers and developers, historians, anthropologists and any other
person interested in the objectives of this call for projects.
Characteristics of the Projects
Projects presented individually or by groups related with the
following fields:
Sound art, live cinema, computer music, circuit bending, audio/video
processing in real time, design of hardware-software applications
specifically for audio/video, documentation and historical projects,
and anthropological and sociological studies.
Characteristics of the Seminar-Workshop
The workshop aims to provide a platform for research, production and
collective learning which offers maximum support to the development
of the projects selected. The proposals will be developed in
multidisciplinary work groups comprising their author(s) and
interested collaborators, with conceptual and technical advice from
the teachers.
Upon the announcement of the final selection of the projects
submitted to this call, in the next stage, a new call will be
announced for those people who want to participate as collaborators
in the production process of the works.
During the workshop, various activities will be scheduled such as
talks, presentations, seminars or specific mini-workshops.
Team work, collaborative methodology, generating discourse through
the creative process and developing critical thought will be emphasized.
Work days will be adapted to the specific needs of the projects in
conciliation with the activities organized for the seminar and
Medialab-Prado norms for all matters related to the hours the centre
is open.
The workshop will be held partly in English and partly in Spanish,
without translation.
Number of Projects
No more than 10 individual or group projects will be selected.
Participation Rules
Proposals may be submitted individually or by groups. Each
participant or team may submit a maximum of two projects.
The projects should be at a stage in their research/development that
is advanced enough to reach the proposed result during the two week
Those projects that are selected must be open to the participation of
other interested collaborators who can contribute to the development
of the pieces during the workshop.
Submission Deadline
The submission deadline is July 1, 2008 at midnight, Madrid time (GMT
Assessment Criteria
Projects' suitability to the objectives of this call for
Originality, educational value and social scope of the proposals.
Ability to create synergies and stimulated working in a
network in other settings and projects.
Use of open code audio-video editing and post-production
software tools.
Stage of development of research.
Clarity in the exposition of the project.
Technical and logistical feasibility.
Selection Process
Projects will be chosen by consensus by a committee composed of the
director and teachers at the seminar-workshop and persons in charge
of Medialab-Prado.
The list of selected projects will be announced on July 15, 2008 on
the Medialab-Prado website and all applicants will also be informed
of the announcement by email.
Presenting Workshop Results
The finished works will be presented to the public by their creators
on the final day of the seminar-workshop.
An exhibit of those projects will remain at Medialab-Prado for a
month (October 2008).
Those projects will be published on the Medialab-Prado website.
· Medialab-Prado collaborates with the EXPERIMENTACLUB 08 Festival,
from October 2 through 5, 2008. EXPERIMENTACLUB 08 will exhibit from
one to three sound and audiovisual art projects chosen based on this
call for projects. The final number of projects selected will depend
on their characteristics and size, given that they must fit into the
space where they will be shown: Space D at La Casa Encendida.
· The Center for the Promotion of Contemporary Music (Centro para la
Difusión de la Música Contemporánea) will collaborate with AVLAB 1.0
offering the option to use its facilities to support the development
of some of the selected projects. This option will depend on the
availability and according to the conditions stablished by the center.
· Radio 3 RNE will carry out a special programme during the workshop
broadcast live from Medialab-Prado.
Promoting the projects
Medialab-Prado will offer support in promoting a wider knowledge of
the projects carried out at AVLAB 1.0, enhancing their visibility and
facilitating connections with resource and production support
centres, festivals and other institutions where the projects may be
exhibited or where their development can continue.
Winners’ obligations
The winning individuals or groups agree to attend the encounter from
September 17 to October 1, 2008. They also agree to finish their
proposed projects, as far as possible.
Projects carried out will be the property of their author(s),
although whenever said projects are shown at festivals or exhibits,
and whenever images of said projects are reproduced in catalogues or
websites, their relation with the AVLAB 1.0 Workshop carried out at
Medialab- Prado should be mentioned. The names of the people who
collaborated in developing the projects should also be shown.
Technical Requirements
The jury will carefully examine the technical viability of the
projects. For this reason, a clear specification of the technical and
spatial requirements of the projects will be positively received.
The projects will be developed and exhibited on the Medialab-Prado
premises. Medialab-Prad will only provide the equipment and means of
production for the selected projects if previously requested by the
project author(s).
Medialab-Prado promotes the use of free software tools. Therefore,
Medialab-Prado encourages participants to work with shared and open
code applications and enviroments.
The access and use of Medialab-Prado's technical material will be
supervised by a coordinator from the center. Any expense not
previously planned or approved in material or equipment rental will
be paid by the project authors.
Projects will be developed and displayed at Medialab-Prado.
The work/exhibition space has a surface of approximately 120 m2 and
will be shared by all the selected projects. Each project will have a
designated space depending on its technical and spatial
characteristics. Only the projects which can adapt to the
characteristics of this shared workspace will be selected.
In case of any doubt regarding the spacial requirements of a project,
the jury will contact the project's author.
Lodging and travel
Pending application and for participants residing outside Madrid,
Medialab-Prado will provide lodging at a youth hostel for the authors
of the selected projects.
Medialab-Prado will also cover travel expenses for one person for
each of the selected projects.
All those interested in taking part in the workshop must fill in and
send the application form published below.
Entries Deadline: July 1, 2008 at 24h Madrid Local Time (GMT+1)
+Info: avlab08(a)medialab-prado.es
Entry constitutes acceptance of all contest rules.
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. -
David Zicarelli
If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an
idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps
it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into
the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess
himself of it. - Thomas Jefferson
I did the sound design on this piece, using Pd of course:
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Claudia Hart <Claudia(a)claudiahart.com>
> Date: June 3, 2008 2:28:34 PM GMT+02:00
> Hi friends,
> In case you are at the 01SJ Festival in San Jose, I've just
> jointed the "Future Films," section with my Noh timeGarden. It
> opens on Wed, June 4 and runs until June 8.
> Here's a link to that section in the festival:
> http://01sj.org/?p=307
> And here's one to info about the film:
> http://claudiahart.com/portfolio/noh.html
> I sang for this animation and Hans Steiner did the sound design!
> If you're out in Cali, please check it out.
> Have a great summer,
> Claudia
> _______________________________________________
> hartartmailing mailing list
> hartartmailing(a)claudiahart.com
> http://claudiahart.com/mailman/listinfo/hartartmailing_claudiahart.com
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and
during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man
for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General
Smedley Butler
I am running a digital art festival in Limerick (Ireland) from the
23rd to the 27th of September.
It will comprise of an exhibition, workshops and live electronic
I was wondering if anyone from the pd community would be interested in
getting involved?
I have more information online at: www.tweak.ie