dear Ladies and Gentlemen
i cleaned up my pd-user desktop and merged all directories together. desk2,
desk3, desk4, newstuff, newstuff2, newstuff3 newstuff4 ist now all into desk1
agian :)
now there are over 500 patches and patch-collections in desk1. i like pd and its
free chaotic structure but i really miss a "central library", a place where
_everybody_ can submit patches/abs with only a few rules.
some of my are in cvs and some are somewhere else (i'm sure i'd find them after a
some examples (very incomplete list)
- s-abstractions (don't know where to find)
- jmmmp, list-abs (cvs)
- pdmtl (don't know where to find)
(what was the mtl again?)
- dsplib ????
- rradical, metastudio, pixeltango and lots of other projects
- then there is the pdforum and the pdlist with lots of single patches
- pd(web)ring with all the awesome sites and patches
how about we start somewhere a new place and agree on some basic rules.
for example
- all abstraction have to go to the same directory abs (lets force and fight
- all patches have to be in a directory patches (no funky directory naming)
- all patches should have [import] for the used extrenals (pd-ext has all the
externals and uses import)
- ?
install the "central lib"
- abs has to be in the searchpath
- ?
it's funny to have all the funky names in cvs but they often are just names and
don't say anything about what they do nor are they a big help for newbies. zexy,
vbap, unauthorized, tb or footils, la-kitchen, nusmuk and so on... where is the
church of consistency? ;-)
what are you're thoughts about that?