Hi All,
Just to say that my moonlighting as an Electro
composer has paid off! The Spoke Duster EP is out now
The Mighty Ape Website of invented instruments and PD
is coming soon!
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 08:22:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: Artengine Artlist <artlist(a)artengine.ca>
To: artlist(a)artengine.ca
Subject: The Canadian Anonymous Art Awards, 2005
The Canadian Anonymous Art Awards, 2005
presented by
Miklos Legrady and Those Who Remain Anonymous
The Canadian anonymous art awards 2005 will celebrate and honor those artists
who have shown excellence this year but wish to remain anonymous.
The Canadian art community, while an endearing crowd,
like all groups will enforce their own sense of social conformity.
Some artists on the other hand are shy, socially inept, or badly confused.
Anonymous art could be more interesting than art history; it's a known fact.
This is an opportunity to let your imagination soar
to what those anonymous works could be if we knew about them.
Awards will be given in all categories of work.
Unfortunately, since the work could lead to indentifying the artists,
no work may be entered in the competition or shown to the public.
Since the winners will wish to remain anonymous, there'll be no need for prizes,
no walking up to the podium under the glare of spotlights. In fact, since the winners won't show up at all, there's no point in expensive award presentations,
which have been very successfully cancelled.
Thank you all for participating.
artlist mailing list
Post your announcement: artlist(a)artengine.ca
Hi Graz,
there seems to be a problem with the Radio Interface page at
Error is: "broken pipe"
I hope, it isn't because of rain again, also because I'll be visiting
Graz next week. ;)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
I cc'd pd-ot, as this is going OT. Are you a pd-ot-subscriber, too?
m.n. hat gesagt: // m.n. wrote:
> > More important for the choice of laptop is what
> > operating system you
> > intend to run. So: which one?
> no operating system shall be spared my scrutiny.
Except OS-X, I suppose? ;)
Well, then that includes Linux and you may want to explore
http://www.tuxmobil.org/ to see what models are supported. Pd is not
too picky about hardware, it will just run on anything, that the OS
supports. However some manufacturers are known to hide specifications
from Open Source developers (NVidia being one of the most notorious),
so unless they provide their own drivers, there can be no support by a
Free Software OS as Linux. So choose your hardware wisely.
Personally I'd prefer an Intel Laptop, as they tend to include mostly
hardware made by Intel as well (peripheral chipset, WLAN, gfx etc.)
which is generally supported very well due to Intel being very open
with specifications. AMD laptops tend to use NVidia or ATI chips which
aren't supported as good, so you'll have to do more work yourself like
downloading vendor specific drivers, non-free stuff, beta stuff etc.
And mobile AMD CPUs tend to suck more power then a comparable Intel
Pentium M.
I just bought a MSI S260, "Sonoma"-based, where everything is
supported out of the box. It is very fast, even the 3D stuff is very
good, although not on par with NVidia's gfx chips. However 3D is "fast
enough for me" and I prefer to buy products of companies which support
to Free Software ... though YMMV.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__