Pd-ot December 2003

  • 22 participants
  • 15 discussions
Re: [PD-ot] Art: To GPL or not to GPL?
by IOhannes zmoelnig 22 Dec '03

22 Dec '03
Re: [PD-ot] Art: To GPL or not to GPL?
by Hans-Christoph Steiner 22 Dec '03

22 Dec '03
7 23
0 0

20 Dec '03
Microsoft Office XP Professional OEM! 241184
by 241184@delphi.com 19 Dec '03

19 Dec '03
Adobe Illustrator 10 OEM 241184
by 241184@bigfoot.com 19 Dec '03

19 Dec '03
Art: To GPL or not to GPL?
by Hans-Christoph Steiner 19 Dec '03

19 Dec '03
Why don't some people ever age? gqtdnrn
by Shirley Shields 15 Dec '03

15 Dec '03
New Software 241077
by 241077@mail.com 13 Dec '03

13 Dec '03
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