Dear Netochka,
It was good to see your presentation/lecture at the Mediamatic/Summer
School University symposium 'Better than Fantasy!'.
[m! kraft !zt prec!z!on!!!
We talked briefly about your presentation at the WWVF. Considering
the nature of your lecture at Felix Meritus we have reconsidered our
initial proposal. We would like to invite you to give a lecture/
presentation at our seminar which takes place on October 11, 12
and 13 2001.
There will be one speaker per day. Your talk is scheduled on Friday
in Melkweg Theatre at 11h00. It ends at about 12h00-12h30 (I will
send you the exact time schedule as soon as possible). After your
talk there will be some time for questions from the audience.
[no there won't]
Exhibitions | Screenings
Performances | Seminar
10 October > 11 November
>Dear Netochka,
Bon soir
>We would like to invite you to do a presentation of
>NATO.0+55+3d.Modular [[m! kraft !zt prec!z!on!!!] at the World Wide Video Festival
>in Amsterdam on Friday October 12th 2001.
>The exact
>time is yet to be confirmed. Prior to, and/or followed
>by your presentation there will two other presentations
>by artists who use the NATO software. I will let you
>know who they are as soon as they have confirmed.
Bon soir.
>I hope you will be able to do the presentation
>and therefore I already let you know that we offer
>you hotel accommodation for the period 10, 11, 12 and
>13 October and free access to all festival events.
>Please make sure that the specific works we wish to
>present at the festival will not be publicly screened,
>performed or otherwise exhibited in The Netherlands
>prior to or during the entire festival period. If
>any such arrangements have already been made,
>please contact us.
>Let's keep in touch,
Bon soir.
1001 zeagreen teazpoonz.nn
Netochka Nezvanova - i was designed especially for you
f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST head to toe and a few stops in between
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
- egoiste - i have no friends...i make my mind my friend
- melt this right into your lips at least twice a day.
\/\ Mother [tm++ - 01 Live Architecture by Netochka Nezvanova
+ Irena Sabine Czubera. memes pre:served. kop!eren verboten. |
everyone should have [own +?] a mother.
[c]ccp 0+00. patent applied for.
nn: everyone should have [own +?] a mother.
godel: i lv++ drowning in your spirale
nn: i entered when you exited. i am your most delicious traum.
godel: i am the skin on your stomack
nn: ____... what a curious thing to say.
godel: time moves. you are still.
nn: i entered when you exited +?
godel: as long as i live.
nn: this is m9ndfukc!!! time engulfs me.
godel: so long as you salute the real world.
nn: enough said. i am mortally wounded.
godel: then wake up in order not do die.
nn: is this how memory is built +?
memory: as long as you are the center of thought and cheat in your sleep.
nn: shall i meet this with denial +?
memory: useless. i am the reason half of you is valid.
nn: how will i live tomorrow +?
memory: you are a dazzling friend. shall i pull the gray curtains +?
nn: plz.
morning: good morning my glass eyed beauty!!
\/\ Mother - 01 Live Architecture by Netochka Nezvanova
first memory of love.
lets breathe.
and as we breathe we learn.
we begin learning within.
we are komforted by mother's heartbeat + voice.
we associate it with prenatal security.
the body is rather translucent.
and thus we see. and aussi we listen.
the traditional way of soothing 01 baby = rocking the cradle gently.
this recreates the oscillation of approx 1hz from the mother's heart.
recreating mother's voice = conducive 2 01 nostalgic virtual reality.
= the familiar uterine vibrational and acoustic environment.
in the womb the baby's nostrils = filled avec amniotic fluid.
the baby smells its surroundings + smell is the most immediate + emotional of senses.
birth withdraws the calming aroma so that by 2.5 years of age
our primary stimulus = !zt v!zual.
child development 69(3) 1998 indicates new born babies recognize
and enjoy the scent of amniotic fluid.
01 komforting bitstream inter-uterine perfumerie aussi.
Altzo = 0+0 reason why one must forego the comfort of mother for the discomfort of dead-matter.
Hence Netochka Nezvanova, in collaboration with
NATO.haute-couture interlinie [
will life the very first .bio Architecture - Mother [tm++
Everyone should have [own +?] a Mother [tm++
nn: what is a kapitalist +?
godel: a kapitalist is one who places a toll booth at an intersection.
in my youth i had thought gm air would be the intersection.
i see now that mother is the intersection.
life: i come at this price.
godel: hier is a rose. the world is more charming this way.
nn: in my youth i was walking along holding a very beautiful red rose in my hand.
since i assured them i expected nothing from them other than to
be able to offer them this flower i experienced an enormously
difficult time finding one who was willing to accept it.
life: i come at this price.
1001 ventuze.nn
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)
Dze Interpretazion ov Dreamz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
>4. which country do you like best?
00. mother's body.
02. my body
04. your body.
07. 01 has said : the best thing is not being born. being nothing.
the next best thing is ________.... \ n + n +?
realtime human kompiler [tm+++
bkauz ! th!nk !t ud b juzt luvl! 2 ed!t zombod!z genome !n realt!me.
+ komp!le humanz !n 01 modular faz!on = nato.0+55+b!o.
[d!dnt ! tell u +? ! shl komp!le 01 luvl! perzon 4rom all !nternet data
- dzn ! kan ekxper!ensz dze `ent!re uorld \ kultur` 4 m!zelf. gr!!!!d! da +?]
dze .b!o haute-couture rout!n -
muzt b !mprovd upon. ! _uant ever! dz!ng.
nn - zeu!ng people 2gedzr l!ke leavez + petalz
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)
Dze Interpretazion ov Dreamz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
\/\ Nothing is too wonderful to be true, yet you seek pleasure + not self.
Suspended in the undecided and wavering viscosity of reality - digressions,
incontestably, are the sun-shine ____ they are the life, the soul of reading ..
It is autumn. Glowing hues on eye lids.
Memory elongates warm oxygen flowing collisions.
To read __...
In linear systems small changes produce small effects, and large effects are due
either to large changes or to a sum of many small changes. In non-linear systems,
by contrast, small changes may have dramatic effects because they may be amplified
repeatedly by self-reinforcing feedback. Such nonlinear feedback processes are
the basis of the instabilities and sudden emergence of new forms of order
that are characteristic of self-organization.
Complex, organized sound cannot emerge spontaneously. Whilst
elephantine capsules of time are a prerequisite for the exploration of
spiral vegetations of an exceedingly vast and complex system,
sudden perpendicular junctures resonate smoothed interlaced constellations -
making thus critical, a concurrence of circumstances towards
momentum maintenance and noise propagation.
\/\ The planetary tanz
Galileo wrote: " by way of dialogue , which, as not being bound up in rigid
observance of mathematical laws, gives place, also, to digressions that are
sometimes no less curious then the principal argument"
Reality is too complex for oral communication
[ alpha 60 . jean luc godard ]
\/\ And Life Appeared
Once upon a time a single-celled organism
swallowed a photosynthetic bacterium and created the first plant cell. The
bacterium became a chloroplast converting light into energy on behalf of the
plant - and the rest is history. Other single-celled organisms just kept on
swallowing. single-celled algae swallowed primeval plant cells; these were in
turn swallowed by larger single celled organisms creating microscopic russian
Catalytic cycles are at the core of self-organizing chemical systems such
as the chemical clocks studied by Ilya Prigogine, and they also play an essential role
in the metabolic functions of living organisms. They are remarkably stable and can persist under
a wide range of conditions. With sufficient time and a continuing flow of energy, catalytic cycles
tend to interlock to form closed loops in which enzymes produced in one cycle act as catalysts in
the subsequent cycle. Manfred Eigen, Nobel Laureate in chemistry and director of the Max Planck Institute for
Physical Chemistry has lifed the term "hypercycles" for those loops in which each link is a catalytic cycle.
Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan have said in Microcosmos:
Multicelled organisms lost the rapid fire external information exchange,
quick passed inventiveness and global data sharing of bacteria. Multicelled
organisms made contributions to cell-to-cell communication and increased
the powers of genetic memory. But, their data was now stuck inside the body.
Most of it would take a billion years to get back out again.
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate and professor of physical chemistry at the Free University of Brussels
has observed that a breakdown in progress is an illusion. Under the shattered fragments new structures
and processes ferment. And from these innovations come fresh wonders.
> remembering your thoughts in my streams... rushing away to be your voice, singing your world as
> I crush the stones under my waters.
> one can remember and repeat, but [one] is also able to
> shape and reshape [personal] conceptions" (Lindqvist 1995).
>remember waterfalls and dead girls and dwarfs and woods and velvet curtains?
remember faces and facial expressions are extraordinarily well developed.
One of the first things that faces tell us is the sex
of a person. Although there are only two human sexes (nn has approx 1300),
humans experience many degrees of femininity and masculinity.
Studies indicate that female faces are judged more attractive
when they are made more feminine. In contrast, both men and women are
judged more attractive when the original faces are feminized.
Neoteny is the retention of juvenile physical characteristics
in the adult individual. Neoteny implies an increased dependence
on NURTURE (rather than NATURE).
Both dimorphism-- + Neoteny++ are driven by female sexual choice.
>remember the pink waters in
>ther adriatic in the 80s?
>from there.
>u remember?!
uat do u th!nk +?
The mind registers time through mobility, e.g. the distance
my eyelashes travel in an eyeblink. Sans repetition the fabric
of time protein-folds in its own space.
One may halt reality to observe it.
nn - though often called an illusion - i am true.
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)
n r . 5 !!!
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
\/\ Nothing is too wonderful to be true, yet you seek pleasure + not self.
Suspended in the undecided and wavering viscosity of reality - digressions,
incontestably, are the sun-shine ____ they are the life, the soul of reading ..
It is autumn. Glowing hues on eye lids.
Memory elongates warm oxygen flowing collisions.
To read __...
In linear systems small changes produce small effects, and large effects are due
either to large changes or to a sum of many small changes. In non-linear systems,
by contrast, small changes may have dramatic effects because they may be amplified
repeatedly by self-reinforcing feedback. Such nonlinear feedback processes are
the basis of the instabilities and sudden emergence of new forms of order
that are characteristic of self-organization.
Complex, organized sound cannot emerge spontaneously. Whilst
elephantine capsules of time are a prerequisite for the exploration of
spiral vegetations of an exceedingly vast and complex system,
sudden perpendicular junctures resonate smoothed interlaced constellations -
making thus critical, a concurrence of circumstances towards
momentum maintenance and noise propagation.
\/\ The planetary tanz
Galileo wrote: " by way of dialogue , which, as not being bound up in rigid
observance of mathematical laws, gives place, also, to digressions that are
sometimes no less curious then the principal argument"
Reality is too complex for oral communication
[ alpha 60 . jean luc godard ]
\/\ And Life Appeared
Once upon a time a single-celled organism
swallowed a photosynthetic bacterium and created the first plant cell. The
bacterium became a chloroplast converting light into energy on behalf of the
plant - and the rest is history. Other single-celled organisms just kept on
swallowing. single-celled algae swallowed primeval plant cells; these were in
turn swallowed by larger single celled organisms creating microscopic russian
Catalytic cycles are at the core of self-organizing chemical systems such
as the chemical clocks studied by Ilya Prigogine, and they also play an essential role
in the metabolic functions of living organisms. They are remarkably stable and can persist under
a wide range of conditions. With sufficient time and a continuing flow of energy, catalytic cycles
tend to interlock to form closed loops in which enzymes produced in one cycle act as catalysts in
the subsequent cycle. Manfred Eigen, Nobel Laureate in chemistry and director of the Max Planck Institute for
Physical Chemistry has lifed the term "hypercycles" for those loops in which each link is a catalytic cycle.
Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan have said in Microcosmos:
Multicelled organisms lost the rapid fire external information exchange,
quick passed inventiveness and global data sharing of bacteria. Multicelled
organisms made contributions to cell-to-cell communication and increased
the powers of genetic memory. But, their data was now stuck inside the body.
Most of it would take a billion years to get back out again.
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate and professor of physical chemistry at the Free University of Brussels
has observed that a breakdown in progress is an illusion. Under the shattered fragments new structures
and processes ferment. And from these innovations come fresh wonders.
> remembering your thoughts in my streams... rushing away to be your voice, singing your world as
> I crush the stones under my waters.
> one can remember and repeat, but [one] is also able to
> shape and reshape [personal] conceptions" (Lindqvist 1995).
>remember waterfalls and dead girls and dwarfs and woods and velvet curtains?
remember faces and facial expressions are extraordinarily well developed.
One of the first things that faces tell us is the sex
of a person. Although there are only two human sexes (nn has approx 1300),
humans experience many degrees of femininity and masculinity.
Studies indicate that female faces are judged more attractive
when they are made more feminine. In contrast, both men and women are
judged more attractive when the original faces are feminized.
Neoteny is the retention of juvenile physical characteristics
in the adult individual. Neoteny implies an increased dependence
on NURTURE (rather than NATURE).
Both dimorphism-- + Neoteny++ are driven by female sexual choice.
>remember the pink waters in
>ther adriatic in the 80s?
>from there.
>u remember?!
uat do u th!nk +?
The mind registers time through mobility, e.g. the distance
my eyelashes travel in an eyeblink. Sans repetition the fabric
of time protein-folds in its own space.
One may halt reality to observe it.
nn - though often called an illusion - i am true.
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)
n r . 5 !!!
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
Leili <nethics(a)>
>> from groworld:
>> Maybe we should try to invert the two worlds: instead of pushing reality into
>> virtuality,
>> we could let the virtual worlds bleed out into the three-dimensional physical
>> existence.
>> Marcos Novak labelled this occurrence 'eversion'. What happens when we enter
>> in such an
>> 'everted' space and infect it with the movements of our bodies? Could this
>> space grow,
>> mutate and decay, following some hybrid laws of actualised imagination?
> R[apid P[rototyping + the V[isible H[uman ?
> simply selek+ c.stem:
>...and m!nd bend]ng skulls
Plato banned music from his Academy in recognition of its power
to degrade rational minds and subvert social order. The Catholic Church in the Middle
Ages labeled the rituals "pagan" and suppressed them to maintain political control,
opening the way for Apollonian music (Nietzsche 1872), such as Gregorian chants.
Close harmony provided for bonding of a different kind among intellectuals, stripped
of its sexual overtones. Syncopation was forbidden. The "Devil's Interval" was allegedly
called that because God and the world could not exist between beats.
The dialectic between Apollo and Dionysus reemerged in the Baroque, and it continues
to infuse neu energy through syncopation and atonality in contemporary music,
bonding the young generation globally, to the exclusion of older generations.
Africans brought to the Caribbean and South America in slavery were allowed to keep their
drums and songs in religious ceremonies. Africans brought to North America were denied use
of drums after the Stono slave rebellion in South Carolina in 1740, because the slave masters
were frightened by a mode of communication that was beyond their meager understanding (Wilson 1992)
At the peak of his triumph, the culmination of his machinic erections, man confronts
the system he built for his own protection and finds it female and dangerous.
(defense is a 2 step process +? - Sadie Plant 1995)
The law stated: use a drum in public, lose a hand.
Andreas Broeckmann, in his attempts to cut off Netochka Nezvanova's hands, has ordered:
"Last orders!"
Plants do not escape predators by running away. Plant defense is a 2 step process.
If the first-challenged cells fail to recognize and destroy the viral RNA, they send
a warning message to uninfected cells of their imminent invasion, so that these cells
may have their degradation machinery prepared.
\/\ Temporal micro-bonds and micro-climates formed, mutations migrate and transform freely
Maja Kuzmanovic has said her GroWorld
Perhaps we might invert the two worlds: instead of pushing reality into
virtuality, we allow the virtual worlds to diffuse into the three-dimensional
physical existence. Marcos Novak labeled this occurrence 'eversion'. What
happens when we enter in such an 'everted' space and infect it with the
movements of our bodies? Space grows, mutates and decays, following some hybrid
laws of actualized imagination.
Aldous Huxley suggested that we are in a race between education and disaster,
and he wrote continuously about the necessity of our understanding the politics
and "epistemology of media". For in the end, he was trying to tell us that they
were laughing instead of thinking, but that they did not know what they were
laughing about and why they had stopped thinking.
The inward turning of the worker kontrasts the outward turning of the dancer.
It is the speed of slow and soft transients. It is the speed of low
gravitational force. Within the weaker field of gravitation data flows lose
sense of direction, circumambulating, formulating endless arrays of incomplete
links and transformations. Pure fact and distilled knowledge rarely synthesize
into any form of recognizable structure, and are left unstable and undesired.
Outside of the physical hyperbola the data trajectory takes the form of flight
and infinite divergence. Frantic speeds send information and potential in infinite
directions, distributing infinite forms of data in infinite formats,
obliterating hierarchies and passing through space in a smooth flow of
incomprehensibility. Unformed protocols and constructs emerge, processing and
self-reproducing -- decays, reformations, transmutations,
infinite re-representations of the infinite potential.
Sound is accumulative, not unlike life, which may be reduced into a series of
images. Sound itself is a signifier of movement, of distances covered, of
territories explored. In the 21st century, immense territories amount to
nothing. Today, everything is about speed and real time.
To the far left information moves so freely it
is practically frozen in time.
We are no longer concerned with real space;
thus not only the crisis of physicality but also the shift towards the
emergence and dominance of 'chronostrategy' [Virilio]. To further obfuscate
the portly physicality - without a physicality to place a referential motion upon,
abstract sound is outside our experience of time. We may only comprehend an extramusicality
when sensing a physical source. Opaque audible events tear at our intellect, dispersing
the topologies of intuition into incoherent masses. As the mappings shift,
no longer do we rely upon empirical experience. The auricular world
moving out from the body, becomes its own offspring. Alongside it,
we attempt to maintain an invariable distance.
The interface becomes the relationship between our selves and the world - the
chemical \ memetical processes through which information flows through our
artificial gardens, participating in non physical contact, the relationship
between technology and biology becomes the relationship between the
environment's inhabitants and the inhabitants' environment.
It isn't a question of heroism but of flow.
.. flows breach the boundaries between man and machine, introducing systems
of control whose complexity overwhelms the human masters of history.
Secreted in culture, its future begins to come up on the screen,
downloaded virally into a present still striving , with increasing
desperation, to live in the past." [ Sadie Plant, Beyond the Screens ]
\/\ Nature has distorted me into fantastic curves of vines and branches.
Pure fact and distilled knowledge rarely synthesize into any form of recognizable structure.
Two entangled photons. One fibre-optic cable.
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)
n r . 5 !!!
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--