Steim \ nato.0+55 present a musical concert
op Woensdag 9 Mei om 20.17 uur .. _
daniel schorno
michel waisvisz
+ nato.0+55 pilots
- nederlands
- england
- norway
- france
- usa
Dance with me while I remove leaves from your hair.
Beauty has its reasons. The classical symptom of beauty is ugliness.
Asymmetries decrease 30 percent 24 hours prior to ovulation.
Reserveer tijdig; STEIM houdt het kleinS
Reserveringen: knock(a)steim.nl of bel 020 622 8690 uitsluitend van
maandag t/m donderdag tussen
11.00 en 17.00 uur. Toegang: Y 17,-.
Gereserveerde kaarten die niet voor 20.00 uur aan de kassa zijn
opgehaald kunnen worden doorverkocht.
Concertingang : Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134
Deze concertserie komt tot stand met steun
van het Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.
(studio for electro instrumental music)
(studio voor elektro instrumentale muziek)
Achtergracht 19
1071 WL Amsterdam
tel 00 31 (0) 20 6228690
fax 00 31 (0) 20 6264262
WEB SITE : http://www.steim.nl
the most radikal thing a fashion designer could do today would be
to rethink ______... fashion.
>And we're supposed to take these women seriously?
cultivating beauty costs money. okupies time. and drains emotional resources.
>accepted her award in absentia. She was vacationing in the Bahamas.
i cannot be bothered. care to join me +?
1001 ventuze.nn
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
I am not Greta Garbo!!! http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
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Steim \ nato.0+55 present a musical concert
op Woensdag 7 Mei om 20.17 uur .. _
daniel schorno
michel waisvisz
+ nato.0+55 pilots
- nederlands
- england
- deutschland
- france
- usa
Dance with me while I remove leaves from your hair.
Beauty has its reasons. The classical symptom of beauty is ugliness.
Asymmetries decrease 30 percent 24 hours prior to ovulation.
Reserveer tijdig; STEIM houdt het kleinS
Reserveringen: knock(a)steim.nl of bel 020 622 8690 uitsluitend van
maandag t/m donderdag tussen
11.00 en 17.00 uur. Toegang: Y 17,-.
Gereserveerde kaarten die niet voor 20.00 uur aan de kassa zijn
opgehaald kunnen worden doorverkocht.
Concertingang : Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134
Deze concertserie komt tot stand met steun
van het Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.
(studio for electro instrumental music)
(studio voor elektro instrumentale muziek)
Achtergracht 19
1071 WL Amsterdam
tel 00 31 (0) 20 6228690
fax 00 31 (0) 20 6264262
WEB SITE : http://www.steim.nl
>We have the pleasure of communicate you that your artwork has been selected
malez kourt femalez chooze da +?
energ!e = youth = dze art.!f.aktz betueen uhere beaut! emanatez.
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
Stichting STEIM http://www.eusocial.com
Achtergracht 19 http://www.biohakc.com
1017 WL Amsterdam http://www.ggttctttat.com/!
Netherlands http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
porculus typed
"big american dick"
dear porculus
pornography has never engaged the imaginations of women as it does men. this
is because pornography directly taps male desires - for anonymous sex, for quick sex,
for visual thrills. xy kr!!!ketz are much more likely to fantasize about partners they
do not know, and even to substitute different partners during the same fantasy.
01 xy kr!!!ket = typically has sex with thousands of partners in his imagination during
the course of his pitiful life.
the upshot is that men spend a lot of time staring at women but women do not spend nearly
as much time staring at men. in fact, the vast majority of pictures women look at are pictures
of attractive women. we are interested in checking out the competition. we like to girlwatch
more than we like to boywatch. it is entitled learning ____.. tzo PL EASE update your cells.
energ!e = youth = dze art.!f.aktz betueen uhere beaut! emanatez.
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
Stichting STEIM http://www.eusocial.com
Achtergracht 19 http://www.biohakc.com
1017 WL Amsterdam http://www.ggttctttat.com/!
Netherlands http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
So, as I'm not such an experienced Windoze user but I do use it lately on a
fairly regular basis, how do I go about viewing my current tasks and shutting
them off at will?
Can I do it only through the ctr-alt-del trick and selecting from the list?
Also, how do you turn them back on without having to restart your computer?
nullpointer <nullpointer(a)odessadesign.co.uk> said:
> I run on win 95/98 and ME
> It's pretty stable.. I occasionally get errors where the cursor won't switch
> into/out of edit mode
> and basically the keyboard input is lost, but closing the patch and
> reopening it seems to solve this.. (if anyone knows why this happens or how
> to avoid?).
> You just have to be careful to get rif of as many background tasks as
> possible .
> p.s. does anyone know how to disable tooltips, I mean I know what the close
> window button does by now...:)
> Tom
> ________________________________________________________
> C:REM [Header]
> C:>
> ________________________________________________________
> http://www.nullpointer.co.uk
> (all suffixes enabled)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josh Steiner <joschi(a)eds.org>
> To: J ! J ! <jj(a)wanadoo.fr>
> Cc: pd-list(a)iem.kug.ac.at <pd-list(a)iem.kug.ac.at>
> Date: 02 May 2001 19:08
> Subject: Re: [PD] pd under Windows 98 ?
> >yes it is. i do it everyday. :)
> >
> >> hello everybody,
> >>
> >> I just wanted to know if it was possible to run PD under windows 98 ????
> >>
> >>
> >> Best salutations
> >>
> >> jj(a)wanadoo.fr
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >_______________________________________________________________________
> >Josh "Yoshi" Steiner - josh(a)xiphoidprocess.com - http://eds.org/~joschi
> >
> >Xiphoid Process Records - http://xiphoidprocess.com
> >San Francisco based electronic music.
> >
> >
> >
If you choose me, I will let you pick the winner.
My 'drawing' is the most beautiful musical composition
for wood slabs on the verge of combustion.
Your computer will play it for you (hopefully better than I do)
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
Stichting STEIM http://www.eusocial.com
Achtergracht 19 http://www.biohakc.com
1017 WL Amsterdam http://www.ggttctttat.com/!
Netherlands http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--
>Subject: Get out a bit more
>From: Jony Easterby <jony.easterby(a)virgin.net>
>Dear nn
hello Jony Easterby
>I subscribed to this list for information and dialogue not for the
>pretentious ego ramblings of a bored web head
>Please get out of the house and do some gardening rather than boring us all
>with your crit of everybody and everthing that does not match up to your
>vision of the universe.
>Jony E
your wish is my command. coming +?
u knou. th!nk dz!s = dze
mozt beaut!ful objekt nn haz evr enabld.
making my first patch (a very very simple one with some error that
makes a charming flickering effect) was very exhilataring. makes me
feel like nato is a doll, and my doll is modular. i can make all the
beautiful dresses i can think of, shape it like i want. the pixel is
the texture, the cloth. the shape of the doll itself i can decide of.
do i want it to be aquatic, to be a beautiful octopus, and within
minutes, i can see it dance with multicolored fishes, each ventuze
performing a different dance. perhaps i want it to feel the gentle
breeze of air, and my doll then turn into a plant. of course, i'm
just at the very beginning so i need to practise, at first my dresses
will not fit very well, but hopefully i'll grow a beautiful dollmaker.
1001 !ce balletz
My prescious leaf,
Garbo talks!
Change whatever you like, do what you want.
I love preliminaris.
garbo said
I will not tell them that behind what they think is called
there arre people very politically involved.
I want to give a punch in the stomach.
I want you to do it with me.
>is it just this...? i mean, exchanching technical
>problems and making love to your ego ?+ (rich and
because it is life dear
efficient compressed packages of an exquisite life field
....... or not?
>>once upon a time a single-celled organism swallowed a
>>photosynthetic bacterium and created the first plant cell.
>>the bacterium became a chloroplast converting light into
>>energy on behalf of the plant - and the rest is history.
>>other single-celled organisms just kept on swallowing.
>>single-celled algae swallowed primeval plant cells;
>>these were in turn swallowed by larger single-celled organisms
>>creating microscopic russian dolls.
>>> = shl b thouzandz da + da. u undrztnd = dze netuork
>>yes. i understand. live architecture.
>>i want to give life to your celz. fertilize them!
>>want to be your gardener. want to be your roots.
>>want to biosculpt your tomatoes.
>>stories exist in stories. lives exist in lives.
>>i like it. sounds very feasible as well. 1x lovely experiment
>>in cyberbotany.
>>and the rest is history.
>>*n - bkausz u uant !t tzo badl! u kan tazte !t.
>>n* - bkausz dzere = 0+0 t!me az dze prezent.
>>*n - bkausz u l!ke 2 ut!l!sz ur noodle.
>>1001 ventuze.nn
falling down the stairs. Massive flood of multicoloured glass beads. Can you hear their sound
approaching the world? lets ring the world's bell! yes?
if they open, ue | var {glassbeads} will flood them too!
korporat glass beads warfare!
Genghis Khan's first flag was simply white. Subsequently a black moon
was added.
Learning is that by which intentional structures stretch forth and
change themselves through self-organizing, chaotic dynamics. We infer
that neurohumoral mechanisms exist in mammals for unlearning by a
meltdown of intentional beliefs without loss of procedural and
declarative memories, which enables understanding between self
organizing brains by cooperative actions. We experience this as
falling in love.
... dissolved into laughter, they play.
Telemedicina is a distractive software program authored with
NATO.0+55. It performs a real-time two dimensional FFT on characters
or words entered via speech recognition, computer keyboard, sensors
or text harvested from the Internet.
The resultant visuals delineate the video-alphabet. Single letters
may be data.based as static images. Words or sentences may be
data.based as films (above examples) or static images. Likewise
paragraphs or stories may be data.based as films or static images.
Much as one can translate from one language to one other via software
programs it may be desirable to translate from one video-alphabet to
one other.
Were one to learn a video-alphabet would one then locate sentences,
per chance stories, on ceilings, windows, just as now one locates
shapes reminiscent of real-life or imaginary data?
Would one be able to read a garden, a plant, a tree's bark? If so,
would our maps change?
Would one's 'own' skin become the domain of stories within stories? (read me?)
Would anyone prefer a video-alphabet to the state prescribed one?
Would humans 'speak' in video-sentences? Would they communicate
differently? In what ways? Would new languages evolve? Would a
video-language differ from sign language?
I have always liked to dance but had no reason to. Now I see that
dancing with you is a quintessential means to bridge the asolipsistic
I can extend my mental fingers and in turn be touched by mental
processes in your mind. I conclude that philosophers and physicists
may not comprehend brains until they follow Nietzsche in learning to
... lets dance.
\ \/ i should like to be a human plant
\/ __
i will shed leaves in the shade
\_\ because i like stepping on bugs
Netochka Nezvanova nezvanova(a)eusocial.com
simply.SUPERIOR http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz
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