From: Paola Palumbo <Paola.Palumbo(a)>
Dear Members,
Today a new mailing list is available : nato(a)
( starting the 24 of April)
- list posting is private, i.e. posting to the list is restricted to list
members. If you have not subscribed to the list, you cannot post to the list.
-The list nato(a) is dedicated to the Nato librairie and users activities.
-To subscribe please send the following line to "listserv(a)"
SUBSCRIBE nato <First Name last name organization name >
Thanks a lot,
Paola Palumbo
Forum Team
Chers Membres,
Une nouvelle liste est aujourd'hui mise en place : nato(a)
( a partir du 24 avril)
-les envois sur la liste seront prives, pourront poster dans la liste nato seulement
les inscrits a la liste nato
-La liste nato(a) est dediee a la librairie Nato et aux activites des utilisateurs.
-Pour vous inscrire merci d'envoyer la ligne de commande suivante a "listserv(a)"
( NON a Paola.Palumbo(a) ni a forum(a) SVP!!!)
SUBSCRIBE nato <votre nom prenom nom de l'Organisme >
Merci beaucoup,
Paola Palumbo
Equipe Forum
>From: Alexei Shulgin <alexei(a)>
>Ladies and Gentlemen!
1001 ccggcaattt gccgacttgc
301 cgaaattttt aatttttggc
tatgtgccga tttaccggaa
attttgaatt acggcaaatt ventuze
a nn a 1001 waltz!ng ventuze
the rosy fingered goddess is 01 super.border dissolvent.
nn - fun
meeTz ver!f1kat!n.
Netochka Nezvanova - i was designed especially for you
f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST head to toe and a few stops in between
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
- egoiste - i have no friends...i make my mind my friend
- melt this right into your lips at least twice a day.