Food Structure & Functionality Symposium 2002
May 5 to 8, 2002, Palais des Congres de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
held in conjunction with the 93nd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo (
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Food Structure and Functionality Forum Bulletin Board:
Tentative Technical Program Schedule (as of November 2nd, 2001)
Sunday, May 5th
Short Course - Understanding structure-function relationships in food systems through specific
localisation methods and microscopy. Contact: Marcel Paques (Paques(a)
Monday, May 6th-Morning
Opening of symposium - Opening remarks
Plenary Speaker and presentation of Division Achievement Award
Dairy Applications Session. Chairs: Mark Auty, Dairy Products Research Centre, TEAGASC, Ireland (mauty(a) ) and Harjinder Singh, Massey University, NZ (H.Singh(a)
Some Observations of a Microscopist, Author, and Reviewer on Structural Studies of Milk Products. M. Kalab, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada
Effect of Emulsifiers and Processing Conditions on Microstructure of Milk Fat/Sunflower Oil Blends. S. Martini1, M. Cerdeira1, C. Puppo1, R.W. Hartel2, and M.L. Herrera1,3, 1CIDCA, UNLP, CONICET, Argentina; 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; 3University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Texturization of Dairy-Based Spreads. Y. Shi, B. Liang, and R.W. Hartel, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Localization of Whey and Casein in Cheeses Using Microscopy and Immunochemistry Techniques. Y. Wang and D. Pechak, Kraft Foods, U.S.A
Manufacturing Yoghurt Structures with a Predicted Consumer Preference. M Langton and A. Astrom, SIK, Sweden
Dynamic Confocal Imaging of Tension and Fracture in Composite Food Materials. D.P Ferdinando1, K.P Plucknett2, and V. Normand3, 1Unilever Research, UK; 2DERA, UK; 3Firmenich SA, Switzerland
TBA - Topic: Dairy powders/caramels. C. Attapattu, University of Wisconsin, USA
Monday, May 6th - Afternoon
Colloidal and Interfacial Sciences Session.
Chairs: Marcel Paques (Paques(a) ) and David Pechak (Dpechak(a)
Protein Polysaccharide Interactions. C.G. De Kruif, NIZO Food Research, Netherlands (keynote speaker)
To Be Announced. B. Campbell, Kraft Foods, USA
Structure in Heat Treated Low_Fat Emulsions. R. Ofstad and V. Hoest, MATFORSK, Norway
Fatty Acid Salts-Induced Gels of Food Proteins: Their Rheological Properties and Structural Changes of the Proteins During Gelation. N. Yuno-Ohta, Nihon University, Japan
Wheat Gluten Proteins. A.S. Tatham, IACR Long Ashton research Station, United Kingdom
Interfacial Composition and Stability of Oil in Water Emulsion formed with Mixtures of Milk Proteins and Polysaccharides. H. Singh and Y. Hemar, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, NZ
Dedicated Poster Session
Division Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 7th - Morning
Agricultural Applications of Microscopy and Imaging Session/ joint with Feed Microscopy Division. Topic: Food Contamination
contacts: Mark Auty, Dairy Products Research Centre, TEAGASC (mauty(a) ) and Marge McCutcheon, West Virginia Department of Agriculture, USA (Feed Microscopy Division)
Forensic tampering. F. Platek, FDA (keynote speaker)
Contaminants in Food Processing. D. Kittleson, Pillsbury
How to approach contaminant identification. M. Auty, Dairy Products Research Centre
Growth promoters. P. Klink, South Africa
Identification of plant material. D.F. Wood, USDA
To Be Announced. J. Makowski
Quanitation of Total Fat and Fat Quality in Cheese and Dairy Products Using Membrane Separation Technology. V.C. Gordon, Safety Associates, Inc., USA
Additonal speakers to be announced.
Division Luncheon and round table (expert) discussion. Topic to be announced
Tuesday, May 7th - Afternoon
Microbiology and Food Session Chairpersons: Judy Arnold and Ida Yates, USDA, ARS, Russell Research Center, USA
Prevention of Bacterial Fouling on Food Equipment Surfaces. J.W. Arnold, USDA, ARS, Russell Research Center, USA
Probiotics and Their Use in Food Animal Production. R. Droleskey, USDA, ARS, SPARC, USA
The Effect of High Pressure Steriliztion on Listeria Inoculated Seafood. K.R.S. Schneider and M.V.W. Wood, University of Florida, USA
Food Microstructure Investigations by Atomic Force Microscopy. J. Thornton, Digital Instruments/Veeco Metrology Group, USA
Controlling Growth of the Toxigenic Fungus, Fusarium Verticillioides. I. Yates and J. Arnold, Russell Research Center, ARS, USDA, USA
Division Members Meeting (immediately following the afternoon session)
Wednesday, May 8th- Morning
Ingredients and Food Processing Session- Chairpersons: Diana Kittleson, Pillsbury Co, TPC Labs, USA; and Bernhard Tauscher, Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Germany
Non-Invasive Quality Determination of Fruit and Vegetables: Application of a Multi-Wavelength NIR-Diode Laser Array. B. Tauscher, Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Germany
Characterisation of the Application of Novel Oil Structurants. E. Floeter, F. Gandolfo, and W. Hogervorst, Unilever Research Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
High Pressure Processing. E. Ting and E. Raghubeer, Flow International, USA
Microstructure of Rice Starch Isolates. D.F. Wood1, A.M. Ibanez_Carranza2, and C.F. Shoemaker2, 1USDA, ARS, WRRC, USA; 2University of California, USA
To Be Announced. F. Escher, B. Conde-Petit, ETH, Switzerland
To Be Announced. M. Michel, Nestec Ltd., Nestle Research Center, Switzerland
To Be Announced. M. Salmenkallio-Marttila , VTT Biotechnology, Finland
Wednesday, May 8th - Afternoon
New Methods and Techniques for Food Structure and Functionality Analysis Session
Chairpersons: Kathy Groves, Leatherhead Food Research Association, England; and Maud Langton, SIK, Sweden
Quantifying Microstructures through Image Analysis. G.M.P. van Kempen1, M. van Ginkel2, C.L. Luengo Hendriks2, L.J. van Vliet2, and S. Singleton3, 1Unilever Research
Vlaardingen, Netherlands; 2Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; 3Unilever Research Colworth House, Great Britain
Cryo-TEM of Biopolymers in Comparision with Other TEM-techniques. M. Langton, A. Altskar, and A.-M Hermansson, SIK, Sweden
Freeze-substitution and low temperature embedding of dairy products for electron microscopy.
A.K. Smith and H.D. Goff, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Canada
Recent Advances in our Understanding of the Relationship Between Crystallization Behavior, Microstructure and Rheological Properties of Fat Crystal Networks. A. Marangoni, University of Guelph, Canada
Spectroscopic Prediction of Rheological Properties in Grains. F. Meadows and F. Barton USDA, ARS, QARU, USA
Staining Techniques for Detection of Components in Fish Muscle. K. Hanneson Eggen and G. Enersen, Matforsk, Norway
Closure of Symposium
Relationships between Microstructure and Rheological Properties of Model Lipid Systems. B. Liang, Y. Shi, and R.W., Hartel Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Minor Biomolecules from the Olive Drupe to Olive Oil: The Technology and the Well-being Effects. N. Uccella, CIRASAIA-Mediterranean Agrifood Research Centre, Calabria University, Italy
Formation and Physical Properties of ?-Fat Gel. I: Macroscopic and Microscopic Observations. K. Higaki1, Y. Sasakura1, I. Hachiya1, and K. Sato2, 1Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Japan; 2Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, Japan
Formation and Physical Properties of ?-Fat Gel. Ii: In situ Observation of Gel-Formation Processes. K. Higaki1, Y. Sasakura1, I. Hachiya1, S. Ueno2, and K. Sato2, 1Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Japan; 2Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, Japan
Formation and Physical Properties of ?-Fat Gel. III: Rheological Properties. K. Higaki1, T. Koyano1, I. Hachiya1, and K. Sato2, 1Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Japan; 2Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, Japan
Formation and Physical Properties of ?-Fat Gel. IV: Why and How? K. Sato1, K. Higaki2, T. Koyano2, and I. Hachiya2, 1Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University, Japan; 2Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Japan