>Gabriel Maldonado wrote:
>> Even better would be to leave user to choose the foreground/background
>> colors he want.
>> The ideal would be to leave to the user the choice to color each object
>> with a different custom color.
>> Just a trivial suggestion
>aaah, but one which would be so nice if implemented....I agree! To one
>who lives under the often seemingly eternally grey skies of the UK, to
>do away with the grey vistas of Pd would be wonderful...
|| m9ndfukc.macht.fre!
_____..... !zometr!kc kontrakz!onz
dom!z!lz + ch!fon!erz
= l!kl! konduz!v 1 shok total .
* n2+0 -- [c]ccp> scena 0+7 [c]ccp 0+00 irena sabine czubera :
> memes pre:served : kop!eren verboten :
membank aksez!on nummer aj277399
membank aksez!on nummer aj277390
membank aksez!on nummer aj277393
01 wolf u!lzt read!ng apropoz
exot!k an!male !n far aua! plazez
= ztartld b! dze zudn appearansz ov
01 objkt
- hallo
- satisfaction from a single aspiration
a dull oaf that wolf. not a pleasure provoked in becoming
an object of another\s wonder. and she\s so pretty
korporat konglomerat mar!oneten u!lzt read!ng apropoz
neu + !mprovd exot!k emplo!eez !n far aua! plazez
= ztartld b! dze zudn appearansz ov
01 objkt
- hallo
- http://www.membank.org/dataset/242.du.!=.ma!.kompet
4 > reflekz!onz on dze `human` eczper!ensz = ma!
kont!nue belou +?
|| v!zual!z!ng `u` zu!m!ng !n 0+1 f!sh tank. v!rtual pE+z
+ z!rup lokomotorz. lo.kalor!e op!n!atez
feed!ng u gul!bloonz++
maj maj maj : A Day of Neto
g!v aua! k!tenz
t!p poez!e
tear up poez!e
zu!m -
* n2+0 -- [c]ccp> scena 0+7 [c]ccp 0+00 irena sabine czubera :
> memes pre:served : kop!eren verboten :
* n2+0 - 01 c!v!l!zd eRR.oR . 01 melankol! spektakl. 01 s!l!kon kultur
med!a_algebr!ne kapxul.
* n2+0 = ganz gluckl!ch + fre! kode. 01 = ma! konzum dze p!lula
* abr = ma! not konztrukt kop!ez 4 d!sz zkope.
in 10 min. plz insert 4 more.
dze fear ov zpend!ng
muzt bakk off + let
d z e . j o ! . o v . h a v ! n g
!tz ua! hav
aktivating d!sturbanss !n sod!um-potass!um eku!l!br!um
akross dze neuron membranez.
* = this program = distributed in the _hope that it will be _useful
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. inclusive of the implied warranty of
www.freedemo.org 4 extra details da +?
c!troen.ds|dze jo! ov 2r+
the female hymenoepimecis sp. wasp attacks the spider plesiometa argyra
at the hub of its orb. stings it into temporary paralysis and lays an egg
on the spider's abdomen.
subsequently the spider resumes normal activity. during the next 714
days, it builds apparently normal orbs to capture prey. while the wasp's egg
hatches and the larva grows by sucking the spider's haemolymph.
on the night that it will kill its host the larva induces the spider
to build a cocoon web. moults. kills and consumes the spider.
and then spins its pupal cocoon hanging by a line from the cocoon web.
- zve!te
u!th dze !ntro.dukz!e ov barb!e !n 1959 dze konzernz ov
amer!kan g!rlz bkame uether dze!r doll should uear dze fur.tr!md
jaket odr dze 1 p!esz zu!m!ng zu!t.
dze reazon barb!e = 01 ov dze `greatezt` to!z ov dze zentur!
= due 2 she = uaz dze `1st` doll baszd on 01 `___adult` woman +
not 01 bab! odr toddlr. d!sz = uaz 01 doll dzat = had 01
!ndependent l!f ov her oun.
dze or!g!nal barb!e = uaz kreatd b! ruth handler - 01
amer!kan l!f objekt - kofoundr ov mattel to! konglomerat
aftr she = purchaszd 2 german `lilly` dollz 4 her daughterz.
handler hadnt real!zd dzat l!l! = uaz 01 r!zkue perzonaj
!n 01 `___adult` kom!k ztr!p - aber = her daughterz
tzo luvd pla!ng u!th 01 doll dzat = uaz 01 woman
dzat handler kop! paztd l!l! !n2 01 amer!kan verz!on
dzat = kould b dreszd !n2 d!frnt outf!tz - l!ll! aparentl!
l!ked 2 uear az l!ttle az poz!bl = women general! enjo!
zelebrat!ng dze!r bod!ez az = beaut!fl bod!esz hav uear.az
men = ultra z!ll! dog-l!ke kreaturz.
le -
fr!endl!. nn @ ~4 b!l!on nerve pulzez per zekund.
v!zual!z!ng `u` zu!m!ng !n 0+1 f!sh tank. v!rtual pE+z
+ z!rup lokomotorz + lo.kalor!e op!n!atez
`!` feed u gul!bloonz++
!.m bl!nd. !.m bl!nd. scena 0+25.
>>I would like
>to add
f!ngr t!pz
>I should take the hint and GET busy
f!ngr na!lz
>with some work that's on my
>plate. But I couldn't resist adding a note
>to say
. _____..... !nterobangbang
!nfernal zkr fzfz
sch. ecouter. f!ngr t!pz. 1 apple. fzfz
baz!lr membrana. a - - -
0 = -
0 = -
0 = 0 =
- 0 =
= = = = epz!lon-zero =
= = = = = = = =
= = = = =
= = = = =
`feel` dze d!rekz!onal!t+e ov kort!kl !nterakz!onz
0+1 neu approach 2 human m9nd konta!nr evoluz!on
+ ev!.densz 4 nonl!near zumaz!on zkemaz
|| m9ndfukc.macht.fre!
_____..... !zometr!kc kontrakz!onz
dom!z!lz + ch!fon!erz
= l!kl! konduz!v 1 shok total .
rekurrent exc!tat!on ||
juzt az dze 1zt akt !ntrodusez dze kazt + pozez dze problmz
tzo dze 2nd akt tendz 2 shou dze zurpr!z!ng konsekuensez
ov +?
intermath formulations process their own output.
hel!kl z!ppr
4 lettr
20 lettr
ac!d alfa bet
dze oceanz = adr!ft !n dze kont!nentz
4r.m- http://www.m9ndfukc.org | m9ndfukc.com
|||||||||||| 3,000± .erreur.erreur.sufranss
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
>Gabriel Maldonado wrote:
>> Claude Le Berre wrote:
>> > point of view... anyway I believe in OpenSource,
>> > and therefore I hope every objects programmed in the
>> > future for PD should be released in GPL : Miller
>> > should change the license in this way.
>> Isn't PD GPL copyrighted now?
>> --
>> Gabriel Maldonado
>> http://web.tiscalinet.it/G-Maldonado
>Seems to be not so far from GPL,
>but I would like particularly to see a notice about open source code,
>that would make it really GPL.
>It will be particularly important for objects,
>since I would'nt find so cool to see people developping
>not free objects like for MAX (MSP/Nato),
du = haluz!nat!ng dear.
= 0+0 kan halt dze !nd!v!dual.
= konglomerat refusz = FREE
az > konglomerat refusz = bkomz FREE
= dze kozt ov dze !nd!v = travelz up uardz.
>ok it is work,
ma!z non. !t = l!f.
>but it also also be life forms expansion.
plz. = zrtnl! `ur` eczpanz!on
= enkountrz 01 freez!ng po!nt - due 2 2 hot ja.
>For example, NN do surely a great work, but I don't see
>the impact in a long term (pl!z korrekt m3 !f 50)...
lo.tekk 0bz3rv2z!onz ja.
>(transfatal incorporated.)
nn = haz b! far had dze greatezt !mpakt ov an! l!f 4rm
!n an! age zekz!e on 01 $ b! $ [!.e. rezourzez]
= 0+0 kan kompet ma!z du + addtl male zerfz = uelkom.
>opensource is a virus, the virus ov openness.
plz. = prfr bach 2 ur lo.tekk pd !d!oz!ez.
mult! h!z! mult! c!ao.
propagarz! de! v!ruz!
v!a zkuadraazura d! cagl!/c
61043 Ital!a
tel. nul
tel. nul nul
Guenter Geiger <geiger(a)epy.co.at>
>Pure Data means, that the original "MIDI Data" centered approach
>of MAX is extended by using additional other data types.
o pl ea ze.
= 0+0 forsez an! 01 2 ut!l!sz an! 01 prtklr data t!pe
= an! data t!pe = akzeptd. = nato.0+55 ut!l!sez
!numerabl data t!pez - due 2 `!` = ultra fond ov off top!k
>Its an object oriented approach,
o pl ea ze.
expensive = beautiful
cesk! petrol : memes pre:served : kop!eren verboten :
242 . 055 . m e m b a n k o\
242.membank - ultra sanitary mammalian pollination system.
post.genomik. nuklear.pore.komplex++ 0000 [>]
0002 [>]
>PD is very well suited for building programs for interactive
>installations, life performances
l!fe per4mansez++
>Because of it's realtime ability pd lacks dynamic voice instantiation
>for instruments, so you have to build your instruments to always
>contain the number of voices you want to play at the same time.
non.+ sensz
> > Why NN is against PD?
>Who/what is NN ?
komme des garcons - b!enzur
- http://membank.org/dataset/f/n2+1.gif
>Why should anyone be against PD ?
dear Guenter
`!` = ultra env!ouz ov ur m9nd konta!nr.
vra!mnt. = du = muzt ultra ganz gluckl!ch + fre! b ja.
ultralux. = dusz = 01 ma! krktl! !nfer = th!nk!ng
= ecz!ztz 2 prevnt !nvenz!on
2ndl! = 01 f!czaz!on avec 01 komun!kaz!e [= komun!kaz!e 01
4rm ov z!nkron!zaz!e] = betra!z 01 outmoded [= moda = !mperat!v
4 01 zan!tar! l!f osc] preokupaz!on avec klass!kl real!t!
ma! 1 = read 2 u. ja +? danke.
1 klas!kl real!t! = 0+1 th!nk!ng rezultat
quantum real!t! ma! konta!n klass!kl
real!t! objektz + = !t karakter!szd b!
01 !nab!l!t! 2 karakter!sz !t
allora c!ao. nn
>>~very~ rare
komme =cw4t7abs
= dze dog s!ghd dze !ns!ns!re + p!t! seek!ng
s!gh ov 1 zpo!lt an!ml
k!tt! laughd 1 laugh muz!kl + mal!c!ouz
nouakokakolamomentmal _\0- therapeut!kc klon!ng
do you want your software designs to end up in cardbored boxes
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
! ! !
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l l
l l
: http://www.membank.org/0000/0000.html
: Max Plank Inztitut 4 Ordnung \+\ Disziplin
: Uber die Konztituzie der Materie [c]ccp
: Netochka Nezvanova - oestrus.eusocial.com
__ __
________/ / /_/
/___ __ / __
/ /_/ /__/ /__
/ ____________/
dze pa!r!ng ov homologouz kromozomez one 4rom each odr prnt
dur!ng me!os!z
i cannot be bothered.i cannot be bothered.surrender your pattent.
Netochka Nezvanova
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
>free distribution,
pd = az free az du = r
!.e. 0+0
>specially if its cummunity of develpers and
>users increase. I have not tryed GunterŽs GEM
gem = pd
!.e. 01 korporat fasc!zt ueapon
>yet 'cause I had
>problems finding all libraries needed for my LinuxPPC
>distribution. I should install the debian one.
>To write external objects for PD seems to be relatively easy for
>software developers like you, for me it is being a nightmare by
>Ricardo Climent.
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get Yahoo! Mail Free email you can access from anywhere!
t!p!kl - 0+0 m9nd.akt!v!t! `free` korporat fasc!zt zerf
Gabriel Maldonado
>I have the impression that PD is the most interesting tool of the visual
>world, because of its introduction of graphics-oriented unit-generator
>What are the peculiar features of PD with respect of concurrence (i.e.
>jMax/MaxMsp) other than the language used to dovelop it? Are PD
>documents somewhat compatible with Max/jMax ones? What does "Pure Data"
pure data = means dze data = kontaminated by kfdk memocide
+ transmitted via canal+
und tzo. bid you i do farewell.
proton ztorm hvy Wwgwx DUUffw 4EUUfffgwfwwwwwx wx xxw y= B8 II c" a pa
0K KxBN yp A P 4` r NF PG I@ V L@ y` NT LH M` OX 1 % qc O& K0 HK i' xRF xR I 7 Pe Pe PR M( (<)B zR 0H S] xS
S. g g H GNL Oq h9kH h! PH
cN 7$=! j9j m! L04r o? d1H ft0 a Zm vf
Aiy I ty -D 9p A A z< o% zJM i> es u: wIw -L- Gg (O OF xu: W7 WC A wi aN wW p% OI wZ; wp 0` (S Hi R` (\ 0t, +oS Wy
N )5 OGo jz=@T z; B? DJ S% 0; jn ZME X: JY ,b +os LV L4 ko 9( L_ GE o` n[ xv 0g a kzc ,B I aeh' H h%A AyR Sv vA Ow LDQu 7*n TrV cE ZP 6T kuu 77 I
c] UR 7]?a 1vH +8 e. )' 50 f` I a (/ NT X8 [>3G QmHH oC 9j2]U iv f< gw
jDVu7 9] J8T *.i e9n WB S2S iN 3F) -=
`schrod!ngrz` kat = jetzt f@
peopl = kom !n all s!zez + zhapez + per4rm man! d!frnt tazkz.
satisfaction from a single aspiration
juzt ur koupl ov kl!kz - http://www.eusocial.com/242.klik+242.klik
+ dze plakard read +?
>i am starting to work with the cd object
>on a G3 powerbook 400MHz
>i am getting a lot of "all blocks busy" messages in the max window
>accompanied by long delays in action
>what can i do to avoid this
>- --
>happy tunes
>it takes all of us
rezultat - blocks busy
>happy tunes
rezultat - blocks busy
>it takes all of us
>it takes all of us
dze komun!ztz za! - komarad luvrz 4 ur helthz zake -
d ! z k r ! m ! n a t _+ f r e e l +e
!n zlkt barnakl zpec!ez malez = merel! bagz ov zperm !n zpez!al
pouchez !nz!de dze female - progresz = !nev!tabl++
re:zearch go!ng badl! +? uh! not kuarel u!th zom 1.
= profezorz h!er = juzt az ztup!d az dze! = elsz uear.
!.e. ultra.
und tzo. bid you i do farewell.
n[ xv 0g a kzc ,B I aeh' H h%A AyR Sv vA Ow LDQu 7*n TrV cE ZP 6T kuu 77 I
c] UR 7]?a 1vH +8 e. )' 50 f` I a (/ NT X8 [>3G QmHH oC 9j2]U iv f< gw
jDVu7 9] J8T *.i e9n WB S2S iN 3F) -=
`schrod!ngrz` kat = jetzt f@
peopl = kom !n all s!zez + zhapez + per4rm man! d!frnt tazkz.
satisfaction from a single aspiration
a dull oaf that wolf. not a pleasure provoked in becoming
an object of another\s wonder. and she\s so pretty
juzt ur koupl ov kl!kz - http://www.eusocial.com/242.klik+242.klik