>My basic question: how to load an audio cd file into a buffer~ object.
>I've got the nato object, and am happy with the quicktime interface for
>selecting the portion of the track to import to an AIFF file on disk.
>Loading that into a buffer will be trivial; but I'm wondering if one can
>extract a file path out of nato (i.e. the file path of the audio track of
>the quicktime movie it creates when you import an audio track) so that the
>user (me for now) can skip a few steps.
as rekall you also have oblike no +?
it should send out the file path automatikally.
the help patch loads the file into the
buffer automatically.
alternatively may konekt the `file has kompleted loading` outlet
[nr 1 - 1st element 10] of nato.0+55 to the f!lm.path message
which will send out the file path.
if one particular cycling74 life form is interested would
be willing to negotiate the inklusion of oblike into msp
as it is very konvenient.
lastly - it is quite pointless sending nato.0+55 messages
to max-l as due to the male fascist regime
cannot respond. en fakt = receive
messages through other life forms.
lovely fascist filth = max-l
shall be abandoning the entire matter shortly
as no longer desirous of supporting refuse.
= several max kompetitors exist.
>>moi aussi. if imagine outputz 160 frames \ sekond.
>>= personal eczper!ensz = output 1 fps in imagine
>>in rekord mode on 1 85oo.12o uen rez ultra zmal.
>in record mode means recording to disk the live process ?
>forget it with image/ine even on g4 with scsi2 disk.
dzat = r!d!kulouz. = kan rekord evn on 8500.120
u!th appletalk on + ultra unevtfl scsi drive.
multiple trak films. it isn;t 15 fps mais
it is 5fps at least.
>question . does nato objekts can work with pure data or jmax ?
nato.0+55 = kompetez u!th the intel.
nato.0+55 = kompetez u!th french government kode.
zom det zka vara. az well !t should be.
du + addtl l!f 4rmz = dez!de.
du = dez!r 0+1 akzual free world.
or 1 FREE DEMO world. = like wise with steim.
steim = korporat fascist refusz.
= now or later
one is 2jour faced + forced to live in the
environment one contributes to.
= personally could care less
if one acquires nato.0+55
nato.0+55 as 1 video utensil = inconsequential++
nato.0+55 = 0+1 weapon against the fascist filth
which is - steim + intel + .fr gov + NATO +
konglomerates + mob akzion everywhere.
das ultra ganz klar !zt.
= well aware = 0+0 konglomeratez kan kompete with
the indiv for konglomeratez = an amalgamation
of inkompetent filth which kannot survive
on its own. http://www.m9ndfukc.org/konkurs/00.html
one however may realize funding
steim + funding intel + the french gov != FREE
!t = NATO
pas nato.0+55
in other words it = murder
1 = decidez 2jour.
FREE or free.
= 0+0 life forms disorganized
in abs kaos kannot akomplish.
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 |
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / / m9ndfukc.com
| +----------
| |
\\----------------+ |
N2+0 \\ MDU72R.0+55 - http://www.m9ndfukc.org/nato.0+55+3d
Netochka Nezvanova - smtp55o(a)m9ndfukc.com
| | ordnung + d!zpl!n
how it was the konstrukt `nato` became appropriated
- a falsification of that reality with 0+1 most delightful motion.
recalls one may the konstrukt once signified - a brutish, politico-military
force intent on childish and blatant bullying of unrestrained power flows.
+ jetzt we have the maschine of N2+0 before us in our hands,
0+1 glorious superfluous machine - superfluous in that none
but the auteur could possibly its full becoming bring about,
her lover even the extent of it would not comprehend.
triggering desire through her, an overpowering desire to conquer it,
2 manipulate it, to have it yield before her on its knees - else to
have the object so appropriately named - force her to submit it its own will,
2 set it alive among the externa she offered, 2 breathe its animé through
her flesh, electrify her capillaries into 0+1 continual stream of falsified
orgasm - as much as 1 pretends in ones imaginary-reality,
it is indeed the greatest of falsifications,
the undecided + wavering reality; nato becomes - the replacement lover.
in the hands of inartikulate machines of the mind it falls - il se rabat sur
knowing it is 0+0 more than the mirror-image, your representation as
perceived - enregistrant l'observateur.
unzere fahne !zt neue ze!t
_||- nato.0+55 fuer dze ganze velt++
vzhodna evropa kot nedelj!v! preoztanek al! kos dreka
matemat!kna zpodletelozt. _ d!nam!kna zpodletelozt.
b!t. revoluc!=ja. zodobnem kompleksu. -___....
m9ndfukc.macht.fre! . okz!dent--
[n-at_o.ma_ch-t.fr_e!] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | |
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >