lovely life objekts desirous of constructing
one review article apropos nato.0+55+3d modular
for Computer Music Journal and \ or addtl model citizen
publications preokupied with video. vr. interzmaktive
installations. arrrrt. + elektronik korporat fascism in general
may email f1f0(a)
prerequisite : one has previously published articles
in selected publication[s]
one's m9nd kontainer fitness shall facilitate
the completion of review article[s] in one expedient faschion
i.e. within 3 months of heute \ today oder gestern
please must [jaja] attach also one FREE DEMO artikle
previously published in selected publication
so as to facilitate 0+1 extravagant discrimination [selection]
below please lokate info data apropos nato.0+55+3d modular
\/\ of interest primarily to max c objekt `programmers` +?
nato.0+55+3d modular - a realtime video \ graphics
library for max - msp+ for graphics +\-\=
comprised of 70+ objekts encompassing
quicktime. quicktime vr. quicktime streaming.
quickdraw. quickdraw 3d. video capture.
image analysis. objekt tracking. ++
nato.0+55+3d modular kompletely renders null+null most if not all
realtime video processing kode currently available via KfSSK male packs
commercially - e.g steim's imagine
commercially - e.g intel's gem
the current release of nato.0+55 is utilized by several
universities and ultra lovely life forms everywhere.
par example - the fm konglomerate which shall be with
kollaborating on a massively networked ultra blasting
inter+snulled installation of nato.0+55+3d modular
hallo. u + u + u
persons interested in developing new or improving / porting / modifying
prev max objekts for nato.0+55+3d modular may email nato.0+55(a)
compiling currently one list in order to asses sdk requirements
developing objekts for nato.0+55+3d modular is
extremely lovely thus simple - if one is acquainted with c + max
and \ or nietzsche.
the protokol is dynamic - very - more so than msp.
requirements do not exist for turning window on \ dsp on
etcetera. etcetera + additionally one may aktivate
\ bypass
\ freeze individual objekts.
Netochka Nezvanova
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
The International Action Center, a leading organization in the
movement opposing the U.S./NATO war on Yugoslavia last spring,
called for united actions condemning NATO's occupation of Kosovo in
cities across the United States on the one-year anniversary of the start
of NATOs 78-day bombing campaign.
We also want to call to attention, said Sara Flounders, a national
coordinator of the IAC, the growing threat of another U.S.-NATO
military assault on Yugoslavia. On Feb. 17, Gen. Wesley Clark
charged the Yugoslav government with rebuilding its military forces and
with planning to go back into Kosovo. Gen. Clark, we remember, was
not only the strategist behind the vicious bombing campaign, he
almost opened up a war with the Russian forces outside Pristina in
June. These charges can only be part of preparation of further NATO
aggression against Yugoslavia.
That NATO bombing, which began on March 24, 1999, started the first major
war in Europe since Germany surrendered to the Allied Forces in the spring
of 1945. It ended after the death of close to 3,000 Yugoslavs, mostly civilians,
and the destruction of much of the industry and infrastructure of Serbia. It
also ended with the occupation of Serbias Kosovo province by U.S.,
German, French, British, Canadian and other NATO troops and some Russian
troops, an occupation that continues to this day.
Flounders said the demonstrations would be coordinated with similar
demonstrations, meetings and protests in Europe called by anti-war
organizations in NATO countries there. She said she knew of protests
planned in Italy, Belgium, Germany and the Czech Republic and Greece and
expected there would be many more.
Flounders explained that the actions were meant both to remember the day
and to protest aggression by the U.S. and other NATO powers against a
small country unable to defend itself from an attack from the skies by the
worlds great military powers. We also want to stop the sanctions against
Yugoslavia that are aimed at the entire population and that hurt children and
seniors the most. And we want to condemn the continued illegal occupation
of Kosovo by NATO forces."
Last June 5 some 10,000 people marched on the Pentagon in response to a
call by the IAC to oppose the attack on Yugoslavia.
Since the occupation of Kosovo last June 10, the IAC has launched an
investigation into U.S./NATO war crimes in the form of tribunal hearings
around the U.S. and around the world. IAC founder and former U.S. Attorney
General Ramsey Clark prepared and delivered a 19-count indictment last July
31 against U.S. President Bill Clinton and other U.S. and NATO political and
military leaders responsible for the war against Yugoslavia. He charged them
with crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
This 19-point indictment, said Flounders, has been used as an inspiration
or a model by anti-war forces in the U.S., other NATO and even non-NATO
Central and East European countries to hold mass public inquiries of
U.S./NATO war crimes. These hearings are still going on in Europe through
this spring.
The IAC plans on June 10 to hold a final hearing in New York, where a panel
of prestigious international judges will rule on evidence presented and
decide if the NATO leaders are indeed guilty of the crimes Ramsey Clark has
charged them with, said Flounders.
International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter(a)
phone: 212 633-6646
fax: 212 633-2889
"Laurent Lambert" <sky86327(a)>
>2. Economy:
>Following the exchanges we had last month about making
>our own currency, I have been putting together Korzybski's
>data on money, and rebuilding on this base in the domain
>of our art and potential. I just did not know what to think
>about the currency, and preferred to consider the ideas
>and suggestions of Zoners who got something to say on the
>question before saying anything. I am starting from Korzybski's
>3. The CD :
>Paul has put together again the different musics,
>some have been added. Here is the contents
>Binda23 / Datawhore = Surrender To My Function = 2:06
>Codes For Source Collapse = An Image = 4:47
>Codes FOr Source Collapse = RaWaR = 6:43
>Apo 33 = Serum Of The Blue Ringed Octopus = 1:00
>Focus Test = Heel Stone = 8:32
>Hangdog = Experiment = 1:53
>HeadMonkey Media = Lichen Boogie = 4:12 >
>Rent = Hiding Through = 3:13
>Rasta Robert = Laaste Woorden Hassan Sabbah = 4:06
>Johnny D = Lich = 4:13 >
>Johnny D = Skiamachy = 3:05 >
>RoikaXul = Zimbus = 3:22
>RoikaXul = Panurge = 4:57
=cw4t7abs \ netochka nezvanova \ + h3o
enkounter!ng opn zpasez
zk!n komponent = v!brat az 1 cello ztr!ng.
--\\ 0f0003.m2zk!
*For English subtitles scroll down, please!
*For moztly komplete url data lokationz may aksez end ov dokument +?
\ \
- 0f0003.m2zk!n3nkunzt \ \ \ s!n.x(2^n) re:leasz
/ /\ \
kuer! : is s!n.x(2^n) more akademikc than krop3rom||a9ff 0+2 +?
anvort : true
kuer! :
anvort : true
- zlalom
anvort : true
kuer! : could one obtain a detailed list of locations for 0f0003 data +?
anvort : m9ndfukc_arkiv(a)
kuer! : where +?
anvort : true
kuer! : zttz +?
anvort : bzzp
kuer! : +?
anvort : ma! ! hav zom watr plz.
kuer! :
anvort : true
0f0003 \\ s!n.x(2^n) cd no!sz.masch!ne !nterpolat!on. anti.akadem!k.
_____...___.____ 0f0003.m2zk!n3nkunzt_|-art!kl nummer 0+28.
detektion of onset + offset asynchrony in multikomponent komplexes.
diskriminating standard stimulus from signal stimulus
audibility as crisis and kommodification in sine.x
dze no!sz ztruktur as system degraded to an abstract totality
inspired by the urge to actualize itself as it arrives into tension with other
its audibility as subject, acquires urgency evoked by experience \ stored
data \ memory module
its central impulses mobilized by the objective tendencies of the crisis itself.
accelerating along 0+1 hyperbolic path the system resists delimitation
in an obscure anti-synthesis force of will.
as consequence of audibility the audible gains awareness of
self-internal structure, self-habitation.
its actualization - its loss of maschinik autonomy, incurs an internal
retain self-alienation,
experience internal kommodities simultaneously with event, whilst regarded
as an
external structure engaged in recursive reflection.
its impulses manifested in exterior structures
it is alienated under a regime of ownership
its becoming audible becomes a means of production.
the industrialization of audibility kommodified - the relationship between
labor of production and the event comprehends the self-generation of linear
audibility as process, the objektivisation as generation of a confronting
as alienation of the event to the process [ kapitilization ] and
the resolution of this alienation.
actualization alone permits comprehension of the essence of production
and the objective event: an actual becoming of entity - the result of its
process of audibility.
as an existing event, in an effort to preserve self-experience it defines
self-author of self-development. if the process of audibility is
interpreted as the experiential basis of the kommodification of a
self-generation process
it eventuates that recognition of the self at stages of production
permits the resolution of the alienation of temporal existence.
critical insight into the dialectic of alienated production and
kommodification attains
practical efficacy within the system, arising out of the objective krisis
dze no!sz ztruktur as one kommodified system of recursive discourse impedes
examination as a konsummate territorialized product.
internal events engaged in non-deterministik circulation, insist on
non-fixity of form.
consequently the system's architecture may be generalized only as embracing
the means of production rezultant of the means of production -
it is a massless object, an abstrakt maschine capable of accelerating endlessly,
its capacity directly dependent upon the practical appropriation of internal
events which are measured in accordance to their relations in discourse.
the value of the commodity is subsequently analyzed in terms of explanations of
event relationships as utilized in temporal audible space.
d!fferent!al d.ka! on 0+1 dezolate plane ov debr!z
ccccellofane spasz
!nhab!td w!th !mmater!al 4rmz enkloz!ng
komplecx !nternl referentz
ccccel-konzeptual!szd 4mat!onz dzat =
flatl! abrogate object!v anal!s!z
relat!v!zt!kc effektz bg!n zett!ng !n
alternat!v h!ztor!ez + parallel un!versez
- art!kl nummer 0+28. anti[c]
ma! kontakt m9ndfukc_arkiv(a) 4 komplet l!zt!ng [x]
0\ zve!te[z]!ztem
:: may forward freely if desired \ applicable
\/\ of interest primarily to max c objekt `programmers` +?
nato.0+55+3d modular - a realtime video \ graphics
library for max - msp+ for graphics +\-\=
comprised of 70+ objekts encompassing
quicktime. quicktime vr. quicktime streaming.
quickdraw. quickdraw 3d. video capture.
image analysis. objekt tracking. ++
nato.0+55+3d modular kompletely renders null+null most if not all
realtime video processing kode currently available via KfSSK male packs
commercially - e.g steim's imagine
commercially - e.g intel's gem
the current release of nato.0+55 is utilized by several
universities and ultra lovely life forms everywhere.
par example - the fm konglomerate which shall be with
kollaborating on a massively networked ultra blasting
inter+snulled installation of nato.0+55+3d modular
hallo. u + u + u
persons interested in developing new or improving / porting / modifying
prev max objekts for nato.0+55+3d modular may email nato.0+55(a)
compiling currently one list in order to asses sdk requirements
developing objekts for nato.0+55+3d modular is
extremely lovely thus simple - if one is acquainted with c + max.
the protokol is dynamic - very - more so than msp.
requirements do not exist for turning window on \ dsp on
etcetera. etcetera + additionally one may aktivate
\ bypass
\ freeze individual objekts.
Netochka Nezvanova
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t^P
| >
> -_ ultaqrluvly orbit|intersects
> chmod a+r nato.0+55.modular soon?+
= play routine currently.
[the possibilities = 0+1 m9ndfukc++
otherwise it is quite complete.
sans dokumentation however.
which - != u!sh 2 undrtake. !kk
>also -> is it possible to set grafportt to 2nd monitor? trak.port = x?
the only way to accomplish above currently
is to move the `film window` to the desired monitor.
when setting the graf port to the desktop
it is limited to the main monitor. will modify in the modular.
it has unlimited* windows + addtl display \ ekran objektz
+ unlimited* desktop displays as well.
* - cpu zpeed
>I am having much fun with your software. At the moment I mainly use
>quicktime playback and I was wondering if it was possible to record what
>I play with your object into another quicktime movie, such as to tape my
>improvisation sessions. I read your documentation but I didn't really
>find any part talking about this - maybe the offscreen digitizers
>options, but I didn't quite get these parts. Before wasting time with
>experimenting I thought I might just ask you directly and see if you
>could give me some advice.
in +3d version the kapture2 module may be utilized.
[dokumentation - kapture2 dokument]
it isn't as lovely as the modular version
which can record multi track or multi film files
at any stage in an algorithm in real time or step time
[very zttz + super] however - it does work.
currently if desired may also record entire screen activity
by setting the kapture 2 graf port to the desktop.
this isn't likely to be very fast however.
>Maybe there are standard apple tools out to
>grab video from the screen and stream it to a file or to the firewire
to rekord data via firewire may utilize
the motodv extensions which - if the data being
utilized is dv it will be mirrored on the firewire port.
>It would be nice if this could work in full PAL resolution. I am
>currently using a G4/450, on which your software performs just great. I
>also use a DV-camera connected to the firewire output. Therefore it
>would be ideal for me to stream the data right to the camera, which has
>also a VCR mode, so I can record directly from the firewire output.
>Any suggestions would be very welcome,
>Best from cold Canada (I am currently on a residency at the Banff centre ...)
a.bon. du luvl! l!f 4rm du.
= nato.0+55 haz bkom 0+1
prec!z projekt!l++
ganz magn!f!kue
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 |
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / /
| +----------
| |
\\----------------+ |
tripeptide anticodon deciphers stop codons in korporat fascizt dna
pattern recognition and active vision in chickenz
>- abr
>enfakt !t = kolor trak!ng <=> gov utenz!l steim big eye !nkompetent data.
kolor trak!ng - luvl! non
= aprez = gendr trak!ng
+ pol!t!kl pref trak!ng
= prznl pref trak!ng = zuperb ncezt paz
= 0+1 progresz. = dze ganze human populaz!on
= avec 0+1 mad abandon * 10^alef 1 = klass!f!ng
l!f data + b!z!l!
objekt!v - z!nthez!sz
= 0+1 l!e = 0+1 futur ev!damnt
= dzat u!ch = l!ber != uzefl
= naz!z led b! modl c!t!zn`sc!ent!ztz`
= e.g. max planck =
konztruktd zttz programz apropoz
ztate ov dze art korporat fasc!zt `sc!ensz`
<=> e.g zte!m l!f 4rmz + !ntel zerfz + etc etc
<=> dze naz! kws + mps
_||- korporat fasc!zm = macht tzzt tzzt
progresz = ganz nv!tabl
alterd bra!n rezponsz 2 lern!ng folu!ng
neu + !mprovd korporat fasc!zt p!lula
uen humanz = zubjektd 2 korporat fasc!zm
dze!r per4mnz !n zvrl tazkz = !mpa!rd
Austria taken to court for inadequate laws on `animal` welfare
Guilt-by-association goes global
- du neu + improved
korporat fasc!ztz - in operation TODAY.
- = dze ze!t.
He argues that "it is hard to imagine that a talented science administrator like Butenandt" could not have known, for example, that his colleague Günther Hillmann had analysed blood samples at his Institute for Biochemistry for an experiment at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Müller-Hill had found evidence that Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics in Berlin after 1942, worked with Josef Mengele on experiments to identify the hereditary aspects of resistance to infectious diseases.
The experiments involved infecting twins -- mostly Jewish -- with typhus or tuberculosis and observing the resulting pathologies. Blood samples were sent for analysis to Hillmann, who studied the 'defence enzymes' now known not to exist, but thought at the time to confer resistance to disease
From lab to concentration camp
One example of such rigorous, if controversial, research was that carried out by Ernst Rüdin. The director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in Munich, Rüdin was widely recognized for his theories, published in 1916, on the heritability of schizophrenia. Recent research has shown that he was also instrumental in drawing up the Nazi law on the compulsory sterilization of mentally handicapped people, insisting that strict scientific criteria be developed to select those who should be sterilized.
During a six-month study period as guest scientist of Kaufmann's programme, Volker
Roelcke, professor of medical history at the University of Lübeck, discovered that Rüdin provided both intellectual and financial support for experiments by Julius Deussen, a young psychiatrist at the University of Heidelberg, designed to develop such criteria.
Deussen used advanced behavioural and biochemical methods to study mentally
handicapped children. The children were then killed, their brains examined and the results compared with clinical data. "This was not pseudoscience, but real science, using up-to-the-minute methods," says Roelcke. The aim was to determine correlations between different data sets to aid the selection of children who, it was felt, would never contribute usefully to society.
Such stories are not the whole history of science in the Third Reich. Much of Kaufmann's research programme addresses how scientists used the opportunities resulting from Nazi policies and the war.
human evolution: .de sign by necessity
constructing humans by `rational design` has proved to be
extremely difficult.
the possibility that there are regions in the universe where
time runs in the opposite direction to this direction __...
taken seriously
reveal something about the dark matter.
_>> new on the market
your m9nd konta!ner
register your self TODAY
lacing down the law
ever! l!f 4rm = obe!z
- tak
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 |
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / /
| +----------
| |
\\----------------+ |
\/\ z!ng oun pra!zez momentar!l+e
> .... video object tracking
oui. = inkluded in nato.0+55+3d modular
along with addtl 70 objektz
= 2: me!ne augen kontra zte!m b!g e!e [large pup!la]
>T'as de beaux yeux tu sais
ou!.ou!.je sa!z.
>>- data
>indeed. oo la la++
>ultra zmak to imag/!ne (wh!ch i = not vry fond ov an!way)
>your work grows luvl!r & luvl!r
>stunning f!lm manipulations &
>dze color tonality ov dze source f!lm works well w dze f!lter!ng
perm!t zom 1 2 konzum>g!glb1tz.
katoztrof total. abzolut total++
vrrrr a ! m ent total. zkandal. la jupe.
-3: az !t != feaz!bl 2 t!pe t!pe 0+1 zeczual report
!t != posz!bl 2 ut!l!sz !t !n 0+1 matemat!kl fr.akz!on.
+4: u!lzt konekt!ng = 0+2 l!f 4rmz + 0+1 amalgam ov genez
= 0+1 d!z!metr!e = okurz. dze d!z!metr!e = 0+1
perfa konekz!on \ raport !mposz!bl 2 akual!sz = makez !t.
jaja. ganz r!cht!g und tzo va!tr.
zub!ekt: me!ne augen
j'espËre que tu as bien dormi
Copenhagen's mermaid or Botticelli's Venus
Of two, third i choose
T'as de beaux yeux tu sais
ou!.ou!. je sa!z.
>- data
-Beautiful collections of pictures, which
will make impressive sequences.
My compliments
artistic director [cezt bon +?]
kel est le privilege des morts +?
l!berte egal!te fratern!te
into the heve[n]l! krattrd lunar h!gh landz
tekton!k akt!v!t!
ztep. ztep. magnet!k akt!v!t!
fr. dze !nterplanetr! debr!z
ultra mort kometz. + zomdz!ng ov 0+1 abs age.
cezt quo!. a non cezt qu!. cezt mo!.
d!ztr!buz!on ov s!zesz !n dze populaz!on ov objektz.
ur large pup!la objektz = tell me
az n!etzsche az e!nzte!n ca -
t!me ncez!zte paz.
et mo! ncez!zte pluz.
>need an object that bangs on sound in: that bangs on me speaking into
>a mic connected to sound in
dze !nf nr bang = ultra zlf ev!dnt 4rom p!kt data belou.
= dze tranzf!n!t zttz++ kard!nal!t! ov 0+1 zubzet ov ur zelv
haakon mill.mill arb!trar! bzzp zfrk tzzt.
luvl!. opt!kl kontrl ov ur reakz!onz + molekulr d!nam!kz ov 0+1
volat!l junktur. an!ml komportamnt. zurve! !n2
>zoe t!pd++
>kia ora
ora k!o. rad!kl! demokrat!k ganz zubt!l + elegant t!p ov zubverz!on++
>we are in the process of setting up
mo! +?
= !n dze prosesz ov depart!ng.
allora. c!ao
>> A community network and resource base to enable artists and the public to
>> explore the intersection of culture and technology through the creation,
>> exhibition and critique of electronic art forms and new communications
>cannot find an existing or appropriate organisational model.
>as you may be aware
>the political climate in aotearoa has only recently
>become able to sustain this possibility.
>we see this as an opportunity to change the existing paradigm.
>we have a great respect for your programming constructs and wonder
>how you
>would see your kode philosophy applying to an array of humans.
>we understand that you may not wish to share your knowledge, but your input
>or advice would be hugely appreciated.
unb!nd dze art!f!z + fabr!kat envelop!ng z!lanzs
= perm!t m 2 f
Subject is that which develops itself. ...Subjects transcends
itself but it is also reflected upon.
0+1 vapor!zed aural!t!
- tak
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 |
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / /
| +----------
| |
\\----------------+ |