>>may i pose a question.
>>what would the implications be for the artist population
>>if - every time an artist purchased alimentary data
>>it were interrogated.
>what a curiosifying idea,
kur!oz!f!ed. 01 tale ov 2 tablez.
uant 2 z +?
>art = food = agency !
>pace latour, let's play this out a little more.
>enlightenment capitalists and marxists:
> ^
> |
> |
> |
>social constructivists:
> ^
> |
> |
> |
>in all flavors of modernity, and its symptom, postmodernity, the
>problem has been the ticktock between, for example, naturalizing
>class and naturalizing quarks
>society <---------------------> nature
>why not, as bruno suggests, destabilize and restabilize at will, by
>lifting one higher dimension:
> ^ degree of stabilization
> |
> |
> |
> |
>society <---------------------> nature
>her question unmoors us, sets us adrift.
r u talr ztand!ng up
odr z!t!ng doun.
dze louezt 4rm ov th!nk!ng = dze bare rekogn!z!on ov dze objkt.
dze h!ghezt - dze komprehenz!v !ntu!z!e ov 01 l!f objkt dzat = zeez all l!f objktz
az 01 part ov 01 [z!ztm] - nn [or plato u!chevr u l!ke]
01 p!ktr = 01 zum ov deztrukz!onz. ! = konztrukt dze p!ktr
= prozeed 2 deztro! !t. aber !n dze `end` 0+0 = lozt.
dze red = hav removd 4rom 01 part = shouz !n 01 odr - plato [odr p!kasso u!chevr u l!ke]
nn. travel!ng through.