>find the pdnetsend/pdnetreceive objects for max at
>there is demopatch in the archive.
zkuz!. = 0+0 demo patch !n dze ark!v znurk!
"14.wtI_Wtxbz.589.36 " <opt(a)web.fm>
>it all works much better when the sending message is not within the window
>to be closed.
>chheerz - znurk!
nato.0+55 rev!eu - http://node.net/MAX/
X-Mindcontainer: veztrn objEkt l!f 4rm
X-PoweredBy: `3rd` worLd ztoLn data
X-ur.eLLe. ://m9ndfukc.com
!l z.ag!t trz b!en
écran mental
une lum!ère double
je l'ai connu
sur votre écran
vzhodna evropa kot nedelj!v! preoztanek al! kos dreka
matemat!kna zpodletelozt. -_ d!nam!kna zpodletelozt.
b!t. revoluc!=ja. zodobnem kompleksu. -___....
m9ndfukc.macht.fre! . okz!dent--
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
[n-at_o.ma_ch-t.fr_e!] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | |||_protokol/
o. départ!r de labzrpz!on
BTW, this event is a digital art festival (video, installations, and
> The LA Edge Festival, In Los Angeles.
> http://www.simonsays.org/
> Also are there any upcoming performances in the Southern California
> area?
That is, using PD and/or GEM
Stephen J. Parise
composer, sound editor, sound designer, and consultant
The LA Edge Festival, In Los Angeles.
Also are there any upcoming performances in the Southern California
Stephen J. Parise
composer, sound editor, sound designer, and consultant
>ah .. you can open patches with ";\npd open bla.pd blubb;" without using
>mouse + menu.
>is it possible to pass arguments to the patch when opened this way?
> to close a patch-win via a message (to the canvas?, window?
> what name does the window have?)
>ا Œ§ ŒŒØØا ا ŒŒ§ ا ØŒ§ Œ§ ا ا § § ا § ØŒŒØŒ§ § Œ
>pervrtz cnclUzn :-: the message is 1-way
> <<< >>>
>powered by caffeine
>Œ§ ŒŒØŒØ§ ŒØØØŒŒŒØا ا Œ§ ØØŒŒŒ§ § § § Œ§ ŒŒŒŒ§ ŒØا § Œ§ Œ§ ŒØŒ§ Œ§ ØØ
X-Mindcontainer: shared object - veztrn objEkt l!f 4rm
powered by `3rd` worLd ztoLn data.
m9ndkonta!nr !r!gaz!on
"Miller Puckette" <mpuckett(a)man104-1.UCSD.EDU>
>>pd = ut!l!szd !n 1 anti-!ntel korporaSS!on prezentaz!on at dze
>Musie d'art moderne de la ville de Paris
>= eczpektant Miller Puckette u!l not ekzlud !t 4rom h!z final report
>for an Intel korporaSS!on grant.
>No problem. The venue is great, and the corporate types in Portland aren't
>going to know what actually happened at the exhibit. What's your work
>going to be called and by which name would you like to be identified?
ent!tld ::::: `kontam!naz!on \+\ tox!kolog!e
netochka nezvanova - az!nkronouz z!rku!tz + z!ztemz
andrew grove - strategy and action in the
information processing industry`
>name would you like to be identified?
miller puckette - !nzektez:soz!aux
>legal name
netochka nezvanova
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 |
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
: / / m9ndfukc.com
| +----------
| |
\\----------------+ |
>"Miller Puckette"
>Hi pd community,
hallo !ntel korporaSS!on l!f 4rm
>I'm working on a final report for an Intel grant which has helped me a great
>deal in developing Pd (in addition to other, more directly artistic
= prev undr !mpresz!on pd = `free`
ma!z !t = zlave labor 4 SS dolarz
ultra fazc!zt eczplo!terz - !ntel korporaSS!on
>more directly artistic
rel!g!on -> art -> rel!g!on
SS kasch -> art -> SS kasch
rel!g!on -> sc!ensz -> SS kasch
SS kasch -> sc!ensz -> rel!g!on
>I would be grateful
zpekulat!on = dze dog s!ghd dze !ns!ns!re + p!t! seek!ng s!gh ov 1 zpo!lt an!ml
k!tt! laughd 1 laugh muz!kl + mal!c!ouz;50 \\
dzat !z 2 sa! : - : . @ . : :
: , : : - : < . @
. > : , : < . @
>"Miller Puckette"
dur!ng ww2 korporat fasc!ztz = zoLd ent!r kountr!ez 2 dze h!tler!an
jetzt dze korporat fasc!ztz = zell ent!r kountr!ez 2 dze h!tler!an.
d!f = jetzt - dze pr!v!ledged masez = ultra happ! 2 parade about - pd = `free`
ultra tak !ntel korporaSS!on
SS km3rz zagt - "free PD" u!th ur purchasz ov !ntel PP3
pd + gem + addtl `free` = neuer h!tler!an kode
"Miller Puckette" + "Mark Danks" + etc l!f 4rmz = dze neue korporat utenz!lz
!t = 1 l!fe rout!n. !t != d!frz 4rom 0+1 zklavaj
ma!z !t = perm!z!bl ev!damnt. 1 = ma! u!sh 2 re4mat dze `free` name tag.
>for any references any of you might be
>able to send me as to how you have used Pd in live performances, installations,
>or for teaching. Even if I know about something you've done, could you send
>me the date and location?
pd = ut!l!szd !n 1 anti-!ntel korporaSS!on prezentaz!on at dze
Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris
= eczpektant Miller Puckette u!l not ekzlud !t 4rom h!z final report
for an Intel korporaSS!on grant.
Bonjour Ms f1f0,
I'm contacting you because my friend Jens Gebhart, of infozone, has asked
me to help out on a net related project of lecture/conference/forum/ that
he is setting up as part of a bigger event at the "musee d'art moderne de
la ville de paris" a big notorious art institution here. This is the first
time that this would happen in france and we are quite excited about the
prospects. We came up with a list of topics and people we felt tied in with
those and, of course, thought of asking you!
here's a short description and list of other participants (we are still
waiting for answers). If you need any other info just ask Jens or me.
We really hope you can make it!
ZAC 99
Zone d'activation collective
Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris
7-28 octobre 1999
Quite recently, many young artists have chosen to work and show their works
through independent structures, in associative form, functioning in network
and gathering personalities from different horizons (plasticians, critics,
architects, musicians, graphic artists, designers and publishers). Invited
at Paris city's museum of modern art, it will give them the opportunity to
expose, try out other types of operation, to widen
their public, and thus to bring their own dynamism.
file sharing >>
The invitation of infozone to take part in the ZAC99 exhibition
represents an opportunity, to create new contacts, with other groups,
organisations or indivituals who work or have been working quite a while
already, according to similar experimental and relational criteria.
Future common projets as well as connections, exchanges of ideas and
information might be established. infozone propose the platform "file
sharing" for presenting projects and ideas, lectures and conferences.
The topics are "Net Art in Europe, "Independent Media Strategies" and
"Art vs. Economy". The public is invited to take part in the events.
vzhodna evropa kot nedelj!v! preoztanek al! kos dreka
matemat!kna zpodletelozt. -_ d!nam!kna zpodletelozt.
b!t. revoluc!=ja. zodobnem kompleksu. -___....
m9ndfukc.macht.fre! . okz!dent--
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
| +----------
| | <
\\----------------+ | n2t
| >
[n-at_o.ma_ch-t.fr_e!] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | | http://www.m9ndfukc.com
>trigger a program, that operates on files pd uses or does basically
>anything. you could use pd as a replacement for cron. ;))
>(but hey, "seriously" again, that would "open a world of possibilites
>for pd in realms far beyond music".)
> |
>`| mail -s "a number" pd-list(a)iem.mhsg.ac.at`
>blabla ... ;)
= max + appl evntz
>ok, in the meantime, point your mp3 players at