nato.o+55 \/\ m9ndfukc.glossar!
- trk: movement.9 - lakr!mosa // requ!em
___... nato 0+55 - quicktime. quicktimevr. quickdraw.
internet + interdisciplinary m9ndfukc++.
audio + video application for the macintosh ppc
disguised as one max c++\c-- object.
nato.0+55 operation is to a certain extent similar to steim.s image\ine
however as nato 0+55 is a max objekt one is not limited to one
centralized control structure - one is invited and may
combine multiple objektz for increased \ decreased complexity and \ or
likewise - as nato 0+55 constitutes =cw4t7abs bitstream data output
it likely is less conservative and bit by bit more
devastating to one.s m9nd konta!nr + organized human society in general.
akademik institutes + life forms operating via gov funds + grants inkluded.
in other words -
nato 0+55 "shall demolish, destroy, devastate, degrade . . .
and ultimately eliminate the essential infrastructure . . . ."
of your personal and \ or western m9nd konta!nr. [delete which ever !=
it shall ruffle
- indelible traces on said troubled image\inations.
- sol++ _?
nato.v.0+2 routines. - addtl operations described below.
- if so desired may access :
- [info data] [image
data out:put]\put.sit.bin [addtl
image data]
[propaganda f!lm]
- if desired 0+2 _ \\ m9ndfukc.glossar!
[0] dze development ov teknolog!kl objektz !nvolv
funkt!onl mult!pl!kat!on az 1 objekt.z ut!l!zaz!onz = mult!pl!
+ d!vers!f!. !f 0+1 objekt kan per4m > dzn 1 rout!n z!multaneouzl!
!t = konz!drd > uszful + konven!ent evn !f mozt usez = !n aktual!t! redundant
[az refrd 2 !n c!rku!t #4]
[1] dze procesz ov glossar!zat!on = doubl! art!kulatd be!ng kontekztual
++ ekzper!enz!al. !t = konnektd w z!ngular!t! ++ allouz 4
ut!l!zaz!on ov lang objektz 2 b okkasz!onal. !nc!dental _+ d!zkont!nuouz
[prozel!t!szd v!a c!rkuit #0-1]
[2] dze tekn!log!kal advanszment ov dze glossar! perm!tz 4
mult!lpl ut!l!zaz!on ov z!ngular objektz d!zkont!nuouzl! + !nz!dental!
[!n dz!s !nztansz plz refr 2 objekt c!rku!t #1]
[3] rezultant z!ngular!t! = anon!mouz + nomad!k. 0+1 verd !n 1 glossar!
rezervez 1 moment !n zpat!al deka! 0+2 b obzervd. !t = ma! appear momentar!l!
!n dze tekzt az 1 objekt elsz refra!n 4rm v!s!b!l!t+e un < !t = reku!rd.
!t = 1 !nherent nomad!k d!ztr!buz!on through okkup!ng zpasz ov glossar!
[ma! aksez b.lo]
`singularities possess a process of auto-unification, always mobile and
displaced to the extent that a paradoxical element traverses the series
and makes them resonate, enveloping the corresponding singular points in
a single aleatory point...' [aleator!kl referensz 2 c!rku!t #0]
[4] dze noz!on ov autonom! != s!non!mouz w !zolaz!on || !nd!v!dual!zatz!on 4rm
real!t!. !t = !ndezpensabl 4 proceszs ov cczelf un!f!kat!on.
!t != 0+1 ezkape 4rm real!t! due 2 kommun!kaz!on ov poz!t!v d!ztansz
be!ng 0+1 konzept wh!ch b+longz 2 topolog! + 2 dze zurfasz ekzlud!ng depth
+ evalat!on [reztore negat!v ++ !dent!t!. plz refer 2 c!rku!t #2]
[5] dze prakt!sz ov aszemblage kreatez mean!ng on 1 zurfasz ov d!fferent!atd
!n4mat!on. w!th!n zed aszemblage dze ekzter!or!t! ov !n4mat!onz ztandz
out az 1 effekt ov aszemblagez z!ngulr + autonomouz natur wh!ch = real!szd
b! !tz rezultant plasz !n glossar!
[4 -1 ekzampl plz refr 2 c!rku!t #0-1]
dze objekt returnd d!zplaszs !tzelf w!th!n 0+1 parad!gm ov glossar! term!nolog!
+ !n dz!s kontekzt bkomz de.kontekztual!szd
[6] hTTp://
[7] dze non.appropr!at!on + non.kontekztual!zaz!on ov data provz 0+2 rezult
!n 0+1 !rretr!evabl! pre.ztrukturd evnt.
az dze c!rkulr referenszs deka!d v!a d.ztrat!f!kat!on dze aktual data
eventuatez !n d!szolut!on
[1 ma! po!nt 2 c!rku!t #6]
[8] due 2 event ov ztubborn + rekurs!v data
ma! evakuate b! !nzert!ng 0+1 loopKontroL funkz!on
=cw4t7abs = future : tout utop!ez zont real!zabl
dez!re !f !t = trul! v!tal refuzes !tzself nodz!ng
kondensat!on . d!zplaszment. zubzt!tut!onz. alterat!onz
dze elementz = paszd through 1 netverk
\\ dzat !z 2 sa! :
- : . @ . : :
: , : : -
: < . @ . >
: ,
: < . @ . >
: @ .
- : .
<< <<
( )
. .
. , .
. ( ).
post redef!nd m!suzd \+\ rew!rd
\\ =cw4t7abs : v!a #P hidden connect 3 1 4 0
(digital world manager
dbonanzah! d_nouncer
new time a_nouncer
young tourist bus driver =)
culturfaze d/zignor :) zku!sch
// necceszarr! eng. verz_?
the development of technologikal objekts involve functional multiplication
as an object's uses multiply and diversify. if an objekt can do more than
one thing at a time it is considered more useful and convenient, even if
most of its uses are actually redundant.
the process of glossarisation is doubly articulated: being
kontextual and experiental. it is connected with singularity and
allows for the use of language objekts to be occasional, incidental and
diskontinous, and the technologikal advancement of the glossary allows for
the multiple use of singular objects in this way. the resulting singularity
is anonymous and nomadic. one word in a glossary reserves a moment to be
in spatial decay. it can appear momentarily the in text, or refrain from
unless it is 'rekuired'. it is an inherent nomadic distribution through
the contextual space of the glossary.
`singularities possess a process of auto-unification, always mobile and
displaced to the extent that a paradoxikal element traverses the series
and makes them resonate, enveloping the corresponding singular points in
a single aleatory point...'
the notion of autonomy is not synonymous with isolation or individualisation
from reality. it is indispensable for processes of self unification. it is
not an escape from reality due to the communikation of positive distance being
a concept which belongs to a topology and to the surface excluding depth and
evaluation [a restoration of the negativ and identity].
the practice of assemblages creates meaning on a surface of differentiated
information. within this assemblage the exteriority of information stands
out as an effekt of the assemblages singular and autonomous nature which
is realised by its resulting place in the glossary.
may view as per circuit #0-1 + #6
\\ - ark!tekturl dekorat!on
| |
| |
[p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | |
herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
1 4.1 .1 0.1 4/=cw4t7abs/0f0003/ztpd/
2 9.1 0.1 4.2 6/=cw4t7abs/0f0003/ztpd/
| | | |
| | | |
- | | - - | | -
- | | - - | | -
- | | - - | | -
- | 8| - - | 8| -
o > | *|6 - o o > | *|6 - o
C - v | *|1 - C C - v | *|1 - C
- o | *|. - - o | *|. -
- | *|1 - | *|1
- z | *|6 - z | *|6
- ! | *|. - ! | *|.
1- *|2 1- *|2
- w | *|2 1 - w | *|2 1
zpekulat!on = dze dog s!ghd dze !ns!ns!re + p!t! seek!ng s!gh ov 1 zpo!lt an!ml
k!tt! laughd 1 laugh muz!kl + mal!c!ouz
|abs| - krvava gruda-plodna zemlja
punKtproTokol[4'7c m9ndfukc.macht.fre! < hTTp://
a. ou!. b!enzur.
w2r = h+!g!ene
!g!ene = pLzt!k
pLzt!k = k!kz
i2 0 42
i1 0 1 9000 440 2 51 ; cccccarr!erz
i1 + . . . . .
i1 + . . . . .
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
kom[phukcphr33l+e]m!zerat!onz -!n.phl.uenza
>>424 d!g!tz ov (9/4 = 6 tan-1(1/8) + 2 tan-1(1/57) + tan-1(1/239) tan-1(x) = x
>>- x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ...) zle!e stranag1zla _|- prol!atara krapmaTTer
>>zlata!utege krºperºm | | | | |
note - d!z 3 ecsamplz = zomth!ng true || falss
dz3! = make statementz +
dz3! = do !aSk
_\- kuest!onz.!ssue !nstrukt1onz.ekspress zent!mentz
m0lekulz|0v|!n4mat10n. Ø F Ø Ø Ø 3 _||-
m0lekulz|0v|!n4mat10n. Ø F Ø Ø Ø 3 -||-
m0lekulz|0v|!n4mat10n. Ø F Ø Ø Ø 3 -||_
| n!e mehr.n!e mehr.
- b!tte b!tte b!tte b!tte b!tte b!tte b!tte b!tte
nehmt m!ch aus der l!zte rauz !!! ja jajajajaja.
- b!tt! aufhören !!!! sol++
let branch!ng tr!ggr lang.uaj. bzzp.zttz.
vezna nanojlov!kc _ Ø F Ø Ø Ø 3 . m2zk!n3nkunzt . br3vrbt- . m
m!g brevkl!ent
d!g brevrobot
du svara
hemska tanke