sorry, in that example, the last [unpack s s] should probably be [unpack f s]

2015-03-01 20:17 GMT+01:00 tim vets <>:
maybe using s2l ?
something (roughly) like:

[symbol drums_1.wav(
|    [symbol _(
|    |
[unpack s s]
                |    [symbol .(
                |    |
                [unpack s s]
                [f ]

2015-03-01 20:03 GMT+01:00 JF via Pd-list <>:
Is it possible to split a formatted symbol such as...
drums_1.wav extract the float '1' and use that to assign a meaningful attribute?

For example a float could represent a loop playback switch.
if I have 'drums_0.wav' I would like to extract the float, find that it
is '0' and then I would know that this WAV file is say, not to be looped.
Or if I had 'drums_1.wav' I would be able to parse the filename, find the '1'
which I now know to loop the WAV file.

Thanks in advance! John

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