Howdy all,

I've been having a fight with myself on how to best mix within pd. I'm constantly going back and forth between:

In practice, following #2 yields much better sounding recordings, at least to me.  I'm definitely not clipping as there are not aliasing/digi distortion going on.  Viewing the file in Audacity mere shows the drums to be the culprit, but as they are so fast, I cant actually hear any clip.

Generally, following #1 gives me good sounding mixes, but at way too low of a volume.

How do you guys approach doing this?  I notice the IN and OUT meters are off by default ..., but I assume that's due to performance reasons. :D

I mix everything through separate channels with [vu~]'s using [throw~] and [catch~] objects which are eventually combined into a left and right channel which are sent to the [dac~]. Does anyone have any other tricks such as using scopes etc to help?

Alos, I keep setting the drums too loud over and over again. Yves, how do I properly use [compressor~], does [compressor~ 1] have it output at 1.0 or what?  I know it works but I don't really understand the -1 to 5 range.  Does anyone have any good, fast tricks in pd for good sounding drum compression?

Dan Wilcox