
the only realtime audio tool which use GPU I knew is the one from LiquidSonic
it uses CUDA to compute reverb with convolution

This is the only application I found when I was interested in 3 years ago for my master thesis
but it was the very first steps of CUDA, maybe more audio applications are available now, but I didn't heart
and this tool works with a NVIDIA Geforce 8, far from RPi's GPU...



do it yourself                      

2013/2/9 chris clepper <cgclepper@gmail.com>
GPUs are not made for very low latency processing of tiny chunks of data.  Trying to run the GPU at 5k to 100k FPS on 256 bytes of data is not going to work well at all.  Processing a few seconds of audio at once would show massive gains though.

Just ask yourself - how many professional DAWs use the GPU to process their audio?  Even the one sold by the company with full access to every part of the GPUs they put in their own computers?

Also, I don't get the obsession with the Pi.  There are now lots and lots of under $100 ARMv7 dual core (!) boards that run Linux and have way more I/O options.  Why not get something not totally out of date to begin with?

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Pierre Massat <pimassat@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi again Katja,

I just read through it. Couldn't find anything about having the GPU process some audio. It's really mostly about why it's a bad (or good) thing to keep the GPU closed-source (at least that's what I understand ).

So I guess there isn't must we can do on our own to access the GPU. But then, what can Eben and his team do about it ? I'd like to know what answer we can give him. If he says "just waiting for an application like this" I am assuming that it must have aroused his interest somehow. And I believe that it would be great if people in the Pd community got involved. All I can provide is some testing, but others could contribute more (if i'm not mistaken, Miller Puckette did a great job fixing the analog out for instance). I think we should try and play a part in the development of the Pi. And if we're lucky we'll finally have that Pd box people have been dreaming about for years.



2013/2/9 katja <katjavetter@gmail.com>
Hi Pierre,

There has been intensive discussion about GPU processing on RPI:


Did you read it? In the light of this discussion, I wonder what Eben means when writing "We have a bunch of GPU compute available on the device just waiting for an application like this."

Anyway it's great they have put your project on RPi blog. You will be famous, Pi Massat! Congrats again.


On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Pierre Massat <pimassat@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

Please read below the message I received from Eben Upton, the boss of Raspberry Pi foundation.
It looks like he was impressed by the video I made, and he says that there's a possibility of letting the GPU do some DSP computation.
I guess you'll all agree that this is awesome news.

I have no idea how we can proceed now. I think i'm absolutely incapable of doing anything useful in this field, so i told him that i would transfer this message to you, hoping that Miller, HC, Katja (and others) would know what needs to be done. We should probably ask him if you guys could work directly with their developers.

Let me know what you think.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eben Upton <eben@raspberrypi.org>
Date: 2013/2/8
Subject: Re: RPi as multi-effects for guitar
To: Pierre Massat <pimassat@gmail.com>

Hi Pierre
Awesome stuff - I think Liz is preparing a blog post about this as we
speak. I'd be very interested in knowing a bit more about the DSP code
that runs this stuff. We have a bunch of GPU compute available on the
device just waiting for an application like this.


On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 2:29 AM, Pierre Massat <pimassat@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I write a blog about how to make guitar effects with computers running Pure
> Data in real-time.
> When I first heard about the Raspberry Pi I thought it would be great if I
> could use it for the same purpose. It would only be much cheaper, and much
> smaller than my current laptop, and could fit in my hand-made stompbox.
> Recent improvements in Raspbian have finally made this possible, and this
> makes me very happy !
> The Raspberry Pi is now actually capable of running rather demanding Pure
> Data patches in (quasi-) real-time (at least with a latency that's low
> enough to play live with it).
> I quickly assembled a small patch to test it and make a video to demonstrate
> that it actually works very well.
> It is obviously not the use the RPi was originally intended for, but to me
> (and I'm sure to other musicians as well), this sounds like a revolution.
> I'm currently documenting my setup on my blog :
> - video :
> http://guitarextended.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/real-time-guitar-effects-with-raspberry-pi-pd-and-arduino/
> - blog post about hardware :
> http://guitarextended.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/raspberry-pi-multi-effects-overview-of-the-setup/
> There's no trick, the Pi really IS doing all the DSP work. A reader posted a
> comment to ask where the computer was :)
> I take this opportunity to thank the RPi foundation for all the good work
> you put in this amazing tiny thing. I see that the cam should be out in a
> few months, this is all very exciting. I'm sure the Pi has already changed
> the life of a lot of people !
> Cheers,
> Pierre.

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