I want to set up a couple of cameras using udev so I can plug them in and get them working without having to query what /dev/video# they are.  I set up the following rules.


This appears to work:
$ ls -l /dev/HDPro
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Feb 20 19:33 /dev/HDPro -> video3

$ ls -l /dev/Webcam
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Feb 20 19:32 /dev/Webcam -> video0

However using /dev/HDPro and /dev/Webcam as the devices for Gem doesn't work. Actually whichever one gets /dev/video0 it seems to work. But I have to use /dev/video2 to get the HDPro to work which is strange because it is actually linked to /dev/video3 as shown above.  Any idea how I can get udev to work correctly with Cameras and Gem? I'm using pd 0.53.1 and Gem ver: 0.94. "Debian/1:0.94-7"