I've been trying for a few weeks to get my preset memory set up just right.  I got it right just tonight, and then it disappeared.

It happened before, several days ago: I did a bunch of work, saved it, saved it, saved it, then tried it out, and it didn't work; but when I reopened it all of the synth module objects were missing along with half of the other pd-objects.  "JInoprst.pd" is the main program.  It should have 8 copies of "JIvoicenoprst.pd" right at the top in the middle.  The presets canvas should have a lot more than just those 3 templates.
This time, tonight, I made separate copies as I was going, "Copy of JInoprst.pd", "Copy of JInoprst(2).pd" etc.  When I was finished, it finally worked correctly (it loads the actual wave after loading all of the parameters, so that it saves any changes you make drawing the wave).  Then, suddenly, next time I opened it, all of the connections and half of the pd-objects were gone from the main screen.  Looking at the file in a text editor, it appears to still have it all there, but it doesn't show up.  It happened originally on Mac OSX, the version that wasn't working, and tonight it was on WinXP, the version that was working.

I opened the backup copies I had made in case of this happening again, and it did the same thing to them.
On PC, I'm using 0.38.3, on Mac I don't recall which version I was using at the time.

Anyone know what's causing my work to be erased?
(apologies for several existing bugs- it routinely gives me the error message about float not being valid for value, I haven't bothered tracking it down yet)


"It is not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, that the lover of knowledge is reluctant to step into its waters."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"