
as IOhannes mentionned it, you can also use multiple rendering window.
one for your main display and as many as you want for the preview.
There are some examples under 'examples/14.multiple_windows' folder.



do it yourself                      

2017-10-15 20:29 GMT+02:00 Jack <jack@rybn.org>:
It is also possible to use [pix_share_read] and [pix_share_write] to
share pix_ between two instances of Pd (with Gem).


Le 15/10/2017 à 20:15, IOhannes m zmölnig a écrit :
> On 10/15/2017 08:10 PM, oliver wrote:
>> hi, list !
>> couldn't find anything in the archives that provided a solution, just
>> discussions about it, so here i go again:
>> is it possible to have something like a preview window for Gem output
>> (or even single pixes or textures) ?
>> or are there any workarounds ?
>> i read about a preview made of data structures, but never found a
>> downloadable patch for it ...
>> thanks for any hints !
> the simplest solution is to just create a large window that gets
> displayed both on your secondary "public" screen (in fullscreen) and on
> your primary "control" screen (only a small portion).
> then render everything into a framebuffer, and render *that* as a
> texture on both the public and the control screen.
> also the current git theoretically supports multiple windows (though
> there might be a number of glitches).
> gamdsr
> IOhannes
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