Hey Mick,
I'm copying the list as you might get interesting responses...
in fact I am looking for a contour transform in PD. I come from Matlab image processing and I am confortable with the Image Processing form of approaching images,
treating them like matrices, and applying Hit Or Miss transforms (are you familiar with this? and Mathematical Morphology?).
Contour objects are not readily available in GEM as far as I can recall, but I am not an expert. A generic object to apply small matrices might be a useful thing to have though...
how do you threshold a grey level image?
check out pix_threshold
not to make it too long, how do you find contours of a binary image?
and is there some way to run a kernel (little matrix, i.e. 3by3) on an image, apply some processing inside this kernel (i.e. calculate the minimum and set its value in the center pixel) to transform the whole image?
you can check out the code for pix_mano.cpp in the extra folder of GEM. I think this is the best way to analyze the contour of an image. It sounds like pix_mano, or parts of its code, may already be doing what you are looking for?
On Jun 15, 2012, at 7:09 PM, mick mengucci wrote:
excuse me if I write you
I saw your email at the bottom of an interesting patch called [pix_mano]
in fact I am looking for a contour transform in PD. I come from Matlab image processing and I am confortable with the Image Processing form of approaching images,
treating them like matrices, and applying Hit Or Miss transforms (are you familiar with this? and Mathematical Morphology?).
not to make it too long, how do you find contours of a binary image? how do you threshold a grey level image?
and is there some way to run a kernel (little matrix, i.e. 3by3) on an image, apply some processing inside this kernel (i.e. calculate the minimum and set its value in the center pixel) to transform the whole image?
well, I appreciate your attention in reading this
then whatever you can do is ok
Mick Mengucci
pure mixture vibration since 1995