On this, is there a good way to adjust say for example file names in message box without using multiple message boxes or manually editing the message box file name/ path every time you want a new file name?

For example:


On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Miller Puckette <msp@ucsd.edu> wrote:
I can't remember when that disappeared - years ago.

Anyhow, the up and down arrows should do something more intelligent in
messagee boxes than they do at present...


On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 10:52:20PM -0400, Jaime E Oliver wrote:
> Hi all,
> Whatever happened to the feature that let one edit message boxes as if with a text editor? I think I used to hit ctl+t in a message box and got a text editor-like window where you could move up and down rows and not only forward or backward one character at a time as with regular messages. Quite useful and haven't found it in a while. do i have the wrong command? or was this feature abandoned? (or never released?)
> best,
> J
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