Invitation to join study on digital musical instrument design

(Apologies for cross-posting)

You are invited to join a fun study on digital musical instrument design, run by the Augmented Instruments Lab in London, UK (

In the study you will be asked to collaborate in a small group on the design of a digital musical instrument, called the Unfinished Instrument. 

As its name suggests, the Unfinished Instrument seeks your design intervention to determine how it should play and sound.

The design session will last for one hour and you will be compensated £10 for your time.

Participants should have experience making or playing digital musical instruments, and some familiarity with Max/MSP, PureData, or equivalent sound and music computing environment.

Please fill in this form to indicate your availability and experience: Sessions will take place at Queen Mary University of London between Tuesday 9th and Saturday 20th January.

If you have any questions please contact Jack Armitage at

Feel free to share this study invitation with friends and colleagues:
