conDiT 2014 1 International Call for Works for acousmatic / electroacoustic works 8.1

conDiT.cheLA creation and concert platform opens its International Call for Works to composers, no age limit, to be part of the 2014 program.

Category 1
One non premiered acousmatic/electroacoustic piece in 8 channels (8.1) between 10-20 min.

Application deadline: January 15th 2014

Prize: ARG$ 3000 argentine pesos and world premiere at conDiT.Akousmatikon concert during march 2014

International Jury
Jonty Harrison,
Denis Smalley
Rafael Subía Valdez

art 1 exACTa Foundation through its creation and concert platform conDIT.cheLA
make the international call for composers to be part of 2014 program.

art. 2. Works by Composers of any age or nationality will be accepted.

art. 3 The submitted piece must be original, free from copyright or editor
contracts and never premiered to the closing date of this call.

art. 4 The Call is to compose one (1)new acousmatic or electroacustic piece for
eight channel (8.1) sound system, with a minimum length of ten (10) minutes
and a maximum of twenty (20) minutes.
a. Applicants must send only one (1) stero version of the piece in .MP3 format. attached into the form below
b. The organization will ask to the selected composer and after the jury’s decision,
one final version in 8 channels (8.1) in .WAV .OGG .AIFF or any no compressed format.
c. Information about the spatial system used should be included.
conDiT.chela uses an 8.1 regular octogonal system with its loudspeakers numbered clockwise.
Specify withe which speaker the numbering starts: i.e. four left-right pairs.

art. 5 The application to the call is anonymous and any information
about the participant must be avoided.

art. 6 The closing date for this call is Wednesday Januay 15th, 2014 (GTM -3).
The piece will be sent to the jury anonymously.

art. 7 The prize will be ARG $3000 (three thousands argentine pesos)
and its world premiere at conDiT.Akousmatikon concert during march 2014

art. 8 The Jurors are the composers: José Rafael Subía Valdéz [Ecu],
Jonty Harrison [Uk] and Denis Smalley [Nz].
a. The jury’s decision is final. The jury can declare the call null and void and/or
decide any other issue not covered in this regulation.

art. 9 One (1) piece will be selected and it will be part of Akousmatikon program
to be presented in public concert in March 2014. (date to be confirmed).

art. 10The jury’s decission will be communicated by email to the composer
whose work have been selected. conDIT.cheLA will not return not selected material.

art. 11 conDIT.cheLA through exACTa Foundation reserves the right to cancel and/or
modify the terms and conditions of this regulation
in case of unforseen circumstances or force majeure.

15 Jan 2014