Pierre.I haven't tried Miller's compiled version of Vanilla yet (I still don't know how it is different from the one available in the Raspbian repos). The recent Planet CCRMA Satelite for the RPi is also an option.So for me not only did it not fix anything, but i'm actually worse off and left with the inability to use Pd at all on my Pi.Hi all,I did a fresh install of Raspbian using the NOOBS installer. The pd-extended package from puredata.info doesn't work with my soundcard (it wasn't working before). And Pd vanilla installed from the Raspbian repositories doesn't work with it either (although it was working fine before). My soundcard is an old EMU 0404 USB. By "doesn't work" I mean that it either throws an "Audio stuck/closing audio" error, or simply freezes everything (Pd, LXDE, mouse, everything) and all I can do is unplug the power chord.
2013/6/5 Julian Brooks <jbeezez@gmail.com>_______________________________________________Julian(anyone checked out this distro btw?)Good to know though.Not checked 'cos I spent bloody ages tracking down soundcards that did work.Just got a message saying that an 'rpi-update' should fix the usb2 problems for soundcards.Hey all,So, umm, yeah. Is everyone on this already?
Good to hear there seems to be lots of audio tweaks and exploration going on on the Pi (still:)Best wishes,
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