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Happy New Year!


14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)

June 30 - July 3, 2014
Goldsmiths University of London 
London, UK

web:  www.nime2014.org
facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/NIME2014
twitter:  #nime2014



On behalf of the NIME 2014 Committee, we would like to invite you to be part of the 14th international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.

We invite submission of new works in the following categories:
• Papers and Posters
• Workshops and Tutorials
• Demonstrations

Important dates

• Scientific programme: Papers, Posters, Workshops, Tutorials and Demonstrations:
    Draft submission (mandatory): January 31, 2014 
    Final submission: February 7, 2014
    Review notification: March 28, 2014
    Camera-ready paper deadline: April 18, 2014

Paper templates and online submission system
- Any request concerning your submissions, write to nime2014papers@goldsmithsdigital.com

Note that only papers and demos submitted to NIME 2014 must be anonymized: authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the paper. If you are submitting a Workshop or Tutorial, proposals DO NOT need to be anonymized.

N.B. Please note the new system in the scientific programme for mandatory draft submission followed by full submission. We have implemented this new system to address the perennial deadline extensions. This year, we will not offer extensions. The Draft Submission deadline corresponds to previous years’ submission deadline. On this date, the author must be registered on the online submission system and have submitted a full draft manuscript of their paper. You will then have one week (the time of prior years’ extensions) to make minor edits to your manuscript.  



We welcome submissions of original research on scientific and artistic use of new interfaces for musical expression. A non-exhaustive list of NIME related topics is found below. This list is inclusive, and indicative. The thematic focus of this year’s edition is Liveness, and is described in the introduction above. We also encourage submissions that extend, stretch, or challenge the NIME topics and themes. 

Acceptance criteria: The paper under consideration must propose an original contribution to NIME research; it must cite prior related work and should demonstrate rigorous research methodology.

There are three different paper submission categories:
• Full paper (up to 6 pages in proceedings, longer oral presentation, optional demo)
• Short paper/poster (up to 4 pages in proceedings, shorter oral presentation or poster, optional demo)
• Demo paper (up to 2 pages in proceedings, demonstration)

Submitted papers will be subject to a peer review process by an international expert committee. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISSN/ISBN reference, and will be archived online after the conference to be tracked by citation tools. A manuscript submitted for review cannot be already under review for publication elsewhere, or be submitted for a second review elsewhere while under review for NIME 2014. Authors of both full and short papers are greatly encouraged to submit a video in support of their paper. A video is mandatory for demonstration submission.

Review process detailed here http://www.nime.org/nime2014#reviewprocesspapers

A best paper award will be presented to the individual(s) judged by the scientific committee to have written the best paper appearing in the conference proceedings.


We invite submissions for half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6 hours) workshops and tutorials. These can be targeted towards specialist techniques, platforms, hardware, software or pedagogical topics for the advancement of fellow NIME-ers and people with experience related to the topic. They can also be targeted towards visitors to the NIME community, novices/newbies, interested student participants, people from other fields, and members of the public getting to know the potential of NIME. 

Tutorial proposals should clearly indicate the audience and assumed knowledge of their intended participants to help us market to the appropriate audience. Workshops and tutorials can relate to, but are not limited to, the topics of the conference. This is a good opportunity to explore a specialized interest or interdisciplinary topic in depth with greater time for discourse, debate, and collaboration.


Core topics central to NIME include the following. In addition to submissions that address specific themes of this year’s edition of the conference, original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Novel controllers and interfaces for musical expression
- Novel musical instruments
- Augmented/hyper instruments
- Novel controllers for collaborative performance
- Sensor and actuator technologies
- Haptic and force feedback devices
- Motion, gesture and music
- Interfaces for dance and physical expression
- Multimodal expressive interfaces
- Interfaces for musical expression for hearing or visually impaired people 
- Interactive game music
- NIME intersecting with game design
- Robotic music
- Mobile music technology and performance paradigms
- Biological and bio-inspired systems
- Musical mapping strategies
- Interactive sound and multimedia installations
- Musical human-computer interaction
- Interaction design and software tools
- Interface protocols and data formats
- Sonic interaction design
- Perceptual and cognitive issues
- Performance analysis
- Performance rendering and generative algorithms
- Machine learning in musical performance
- Experiences with novel interfaces in live performance and composition
- Surveys of past work and stimulating ideas for future research
- Historical studies in twentieth-century instrument design
- Artistic, cultural, and social impact of NIME technology
- Novel interfaces in music education and entertainment
- Reports on student projects in the framework of NIME related courses
- Practice-based research approaches/methodologies/criticism
- User studies/evaluations of NIME
- Language and state in live interaction
- Musicianship of new musical interfaces


General co-chairs
Atau Tanaka (Goldsmiths)
Rebecca Fiebrink (Goldsmiths)

Scientific co-chairs
Baptiste Caramiaux (Goldsmiths)
Koray Tahiroğlu (Aalto University, Helsinki)

Artistic co-chairs
Sarah Nicolls (Brunel University)
Adam Parkinson (Goldsmiths)

Posters and demos co-chairs
Marco Donnarumma (Goldsmiths)
Alessandro Altavilla (Goldsmiths)

Special Sessions co-chairs
Marco Gillies (Goldsmiths)
Alex McLean (University of Leeds)
Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut (ROLI/Music Hackspace)

Student Volunteer Coordinators
Peter Mackenzie (Goldsmiths)
Anna Weisling (Goldsmiths)

Conference Producer
Stephanie Horak (Goldsmiths)

M.Koray Tahiroğlu
Department of Media,
Aalto University  
School of Arts, Design and Architecture