homemade OSC sounds cool but there are a lot of flavors and not all of them play well with PD. i tried a number of options and what worked on receive in PD was the following:
[iemnet/udpreceive] (with the port set at loadbang) -> [oscparse] - [list trim] and then [route] to send it places.
what worked on send to Unity was this: [oscformat (parameter) (value)] -> [list prepend send] -> [list trim] -> [netsend -u -b] (with the connect message to the address and port on loadbang).
i'm sure that might sound kludgy and terrible to experienced folks but the receiving setup works perfectly for me and [netreceive] absolutely did NOT work, under any configuration. haven't tested the sending option but it did work in the past.
happy to include a screenshot if you need it.