Hi August,

I tried both and it seems to have solved my problems.
Thanks !


2012/9/3 august <august@alien.mur.at>
> Dear list,
> I'm sending 3 messages related to the same project...
> 1) I'm using readanysf~ on a headless Rasperry Pi, running Raspbian, and it
> works mostly fine, except for short audio dropouts every once in a while. I
> don't know how to configure readanysf~, and I would like to know whether
> this could be a problem with the audio buffer. Increasing it would solve
> the problem ?

I would try increasing the internal buffer of readanysf~.

See the readanysf~ help file

the following will start it with 2 audio channels, each with 32 buffer
chunks of 256 samples.

[readanysf~ 2 32 256(

If increasing that doesn't solve it, it may be your PD buffer that needs

> 2) Using readanysf~ to read web radio streams, is it possible to know when
> a steady connection has been established (after all the redirections and
> trials), so that I can send [play( at the right moment ? My patch starts
> automatically, and for now I have hard coded a delay between the [open( and
> [play( messages which isn't always sufficient depending on the radio.

again, see the help file.  There is a "ready" message as well as a
"cache" message that will give you info on when a file is ready to play
and how much has already pre-buffered (from stream or disk).

best -august.

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