On 09/05/11 11:10 AM, Jeppi Jeppi wrote:
looking at the functionality of [tcpclient] and [tcpserver] objects, I see there is a way to "send a file" through the TCP connection. What does this means? could you effectively send files from the filesystem? if so, where are them expected to be stored by the other end?
It looks exciting but I didn't manage to send anything but numbers yet...no real files. Maybe I didn't undestand it?

If the data you're sending is a symbol instead of numbers, the symbol will be interpreted as a file name, so [client 1 hello.jpg( will send hello.jpg as raw bytes. The other end will just receive the raw bytes, so it would need to know what to do with it. I made a pair of [httpreq] and [httpreceive] objects that will work together with [tcpserver] and [tcpclient] to simplify http requests and reception on (usually) port 80. I still need to make a [packhttp] object that will send stuff with the proper header.
