I'd be interested to look at Claude Heiland's implementation in any case. To be clear, it sounds like you're talking about the oscillator performance and not just building the table?

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Miller Puckette <msp@ucsd.edu> wrote:
Claude Heiland has a much better cosine implementation that's faster and
more accurate - but I need to do some profiling to see how to compile it
so that it gets the speeds he gets.  Someone else could look at it I guess
but I'll certainly have to spend some time with it myself too.  So it's for


On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 04:54:02PM -0200, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
> 2017-12-05 1:12 GMT-02:00 Miller Puckette <msp@ucsd.edu>:
> > That one needs a lot more work...
> >
> I see... anything we could try and do it for you? Or would you rather
> tackle it yourself for 0.49 or something?

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