calling pd with -noaudio and -nomidi
- enable "-verbose -stderr"

also don't forget to try "-noloadbang", it could help too.

2017-01-20 9:40 GMT+01:00 IOhannes m zmölnig <>:
On 01/20/2017 04:18 AM, Jaime Oliver La Rosa wrote:
> This happens to certain patches and then I cannot open them again, it is
> as if they were locked. It is currently happening to one I used yesterday!

i guess one of the objects in their fails to create within reasonable
so i would do:
- disable rt (this will make the "signaling pd..." message disappear,
but the loading might still hang. I guess it is still worth trying it out.
- enable "-verbose -stderr" to see what Pd is actually trying to do.
- get a list of all the objects used in the patch, and check whether
there's one in there that could block in the constructor.


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