Quoth august, on 30/11/10 02:40:
the first thing I notice about your patch (besides all of the externals
that don't load for me) is that you are looping the files based on the
bang at the end of file.  You should really use the "loop" message to
readanysf~ to turn looping on and off.
Ok thanks, I'll look into that.
Attached is the stress test patch I made with your gunfire.wav.   It's
been running for minutes now without that problem. 

Can you test it on your setup?  
I ran your patch several times and it takes a while to happen, but it still buzzes eventually (although once it happened on the third or fourth load). I recorded the results here:
http://www.4thharmonic.com/audio/readanysf~test2.mp3 - (the buzz happens around 2:28 and happens 3 times)
