2016-08-03 17:11 GMT-03:00 angelo.arcadi@virgilio.it <angelo.arcadi@virgilio.it>:
Dear list members,
could anyone please suggest me:

1- where I can find a list of the externals and the corresponding package to install ? (e.g. I managed to find a list on the tables at the very bottom of this page: http://en.flossmanuals.net/pure-data/_all/ not sure if that is updated)

Extremely likely that it's not updated, but probably not too outdated. I don't think there's a list anywhere else... an update would be cool though...
2- where I can download the last version of the sources of the externals? For instance, where can I download the sources for compiling mrpeach or cyclone? Can I download them via git clone?

The last versions are in deken, you may download a package here and there from Pd-Extended in a git, but you won't find them all via git, and the thing is that whatever is being maintained in a git repo (note that the most majority of extended packages are unmaintained) surely has the latest package available in deken. 

I just say, don't worry about keeping track of git repos, just chek deken out... and deken is now part of vanilla, in 0.47-1, just go to "help", "find externals" and get them...

3- once compiled an external, in which folder must be placed exactly? Can you give me the path?

you can place them anywhere, basically, but it's quite common to put the packages in the "extra" folder in pd. You can edit the settings in Pd to load folders of your preference to look for externals