Hi Peter, 

Thanks for that. I updated the patch now, so if you check again it should load without the fd_read-resize abstraction.
I replaced it with the cool -ascii flag Miller added to soundfiler about two years ago :)

However, storing magnitudes on an ascii text does not sound efficient. I made that visualizer mostly for one non-real time thing;
analyzing a rather longish, 16 channel electroacoustic piece. If you look at the _analyze.pd patch, it performs sigmund on tables with 
rather large sound files.

The cool thing would be to plug the visualizer patch to a real time spectral analysis patch. The gemvertexbuffer object works with pd-arrays, 
so you could update those arrays as soon as you get the magnitudes in. 



On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 4:16 PM Peter P. <peterparker@fastmail.com> wrote:
* Fede Camara Halac <camarafede@gmail.com> [2021-05-04 15:26]:
> Hi Peter,
> I got the magnitudes into tables and used [gemvertexbuffer] to plot arrays in Gem.
>  Have a look at the main.pd patch here https://github.com/fdch/marelle_response.
Thanks! This patch tries to use [fd_read-resize] but fails, is this an
abstraction that might not be included?

best, P

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