I'm going to try to expose the problems I've met during the last two month dealing with the title of my post.
Sorry if it's confused.
This winter, I used to work on an Ubuntu Hardy, Extended 0.41.4 and with the jackd and qjackctl from the official repository (by the way, my sound card is a firewire Presonus Firepod).
I had no problem to use 4 different instances of Pd at the same time using jackd as sound server. (and I can precise I didn't need RT-kernel to do what I wanted).
I recently change for Ubuntu Lucid.
So I also change for Pd 0.42.5 (rc4) and the new official jackd and qjackctl.
If I use the kernel 2.6.32-23, I can play my patch on one instance, it's stable but the sound crunch a little bit sometimes.
I also can execute my patch on 4 instances, but the sound is awful and 3 minutes later, Jack quit.
So I've try the 2.6.31-11-rt.
In Pd-ext, If I change directly from ALSA to Jack, pd quit. Every time I have to change to OSS before to choice Jack and I can't save the jack configuration.
On one instance the sound is perfect and stable.
It's possible to launch 4 instances without patch and to hear simultaneously the 4 tests tones on my sound card using jack.
But it's impossible to launch even 2 instances with my patch.
Both quit at the same time when I try to pass from OSS to Jack on the second.
Console message just tell me that GUI of Pd have quited.
My patch is the one you can find on this page : http://yamatierea.org/papatchs/squareroom/OSR.htm
Direct link for the patch : http://yamatierea.org/papatchs/squareroom/OSR.zip
But be careful if you look inside... it's still a little bit fuzzy...
Do you think there is a way to solve my problem ?
--> Using my patch, simultaneously on 4 instances of Pd-extended using Jack on Ubuntu 10.04?
Thank you.