A recording with any clipping severely limits what can be done afterwards for both dynamics and EQ processing.  Keep the levels low when recording and bring the level up in the mastering stages. 

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:10 PM, danomatika <danomatika@gmail.com> wrote:
Howdy all,

I've been having a fight with myself on how to best mix within pd. I'm constantly going back and forth between:

  • Keep everything and a lower relative so that the OUT never goes above 100 and the CLIP box never goes red.
  • Follow my ears and make it sound good, ignore the OUT box/button.

In practice, following #2 yields much better sounding recordings, at least to me.  I'm definitely not clipping as there are not aliasing/digi distortion going on.  Viewing the file in Audacity mere shows the drums to be the culprit, but as they are so fast, I cant actually hear any clip.

Generally, following #1 gives me good sounding mixes, but at way too low of a volume.

How do you guys approach doing this?  I notice the IN and OUT meters are off by default ..., but I assume that's due to performance reasons. :D

I mix everything through separate channels with [vu~]'s using [throw~] and [catch~] objects which are eventually combined into a left and right channel which are sent to the [dac~]. Does anyone have any other tricks such as using scopes etc to help?

Alos, I keep setting the drums too loud over and over again. Yves, how do I properly use [compressor~], does [compressor~ 1] have it output at 1.0 or what?  I know it works but I don't really understand the -1 to 5 range.  Does anyone have any good, fast tricks in pd for good sounding drum compression?

Dan Wilcox

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